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Game ID: 13990
Console / System: Lynx
Title: World Class Fussball/Soccer
Scarcity (loose): 0
Value in USD (loose): 12
Scarcity (complete): 0
Value in USD (complete): 0
Publisher: Atari
Section: 1
Designer: Ted R. Niemiec
Designer 2: Brian A. Rice
Designer 3: Rob McCool
Designer 4: Wm. B. Norris IV
Developer: Brian A Rice Inc
Description: Graphics by Rick Incrocci, Glenn Leszczak, Joel Seider, Ted Niemiec, and Tom Fessler. Music and Sound by Cliff Falls and Chuck Batson. Game Play Consulting by Ihor Kutynsky and Tom Fessler. 1 to 2 players can lynx up in this game. According to Atari's Master Part # Listing, this game was originally called "Super Soccer". On the box artwork, note the Atari symbol on the players shorts. Now Soccer may be a World Class event but it just doesn't translate well to a game screen. And there's certainly no need for 2 Soccer games on a platform like the Lynx. If you have to choose, go with this one over the Telegames version.
Country / region: USA
Part #: PA2037
System exclusive: 0
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