One thing we need to see more of is our lady gamers strutting their stuff. It's not ALL about games, after all! Well, OK it's mostly about games. But WOW!

Meet Amanda, known on our forums as "ynoxomei" (check her profile here). Amanda has started what we hope will be a trend among the forum ladies: Revealing your gaming assets.

Here's the complete catalog of DP Spokesmodel pictorials. Enjoy!

Janice: T-Shirt Mania Janice: Guns & Guitars Janice in Space Cyber-Janice
Janice: DP-wear Janice: Warm Janice: Santa's Helper
Ariel: Risque' Ariel: Zapper Ariel: Ponytails Ariel: INTV T
Ariel: DP T Ariel: Interview
Nikkita: July 4th Nikkita: DP T Nikkita: Shrine =)

Comments? Post them here. The spokesmodels are online!

Last updated: Sunday, May 22, 2005 02:51 PM

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