Thayer’s Quest
DVD-Video “step by step” walkthrough
From Digital Leisure, with corrections by Scott Stilphen
- Traveling Spell
- Left Exit
- Eldridge Forest
- Take “Wood Elf Staff” (press left +
- Timberland
- Marsh Wastes
- Take “Cold Fire” (press left + enter)
- Misty Path
- Use “Cold Fire”
- Rocky Path
- Use “Spell of Release”
- Flatlands
- Marsh Wastes
- Timberland
- Hunting Ground
- Forest Clearing
- Use “Wood Elf Staff”
- Crystal Castle
- Use “Crystal of Lothar” (you can use
Cold Fire, but you won’t get an option to enter Castle)
- Enter Castle
- Bronze Door
- Take “Black Mace” (press left +
- Crystal Door
- Illes
- Saltflats
- Use “Crystal of Lothar”
- Lost Mines
- Hills
- Temple of Cibar
- Take “Talisman Scepter” (press left
- Lost Mines
- Saltflats
- Oasis
- Use “Talisman Scepter”
- Moving Dunes
- Dunes Campsite
- Use “Talisman Scepter”
- Follow Dunespeople
- Take “Onyx Seal” (press left +enter)
(not needed unless you lose Talisman)
- Attend Feast
- Temple of Cibar
- Enter Temple
- Catacombs
- Use “Black Mace”
- Exit Catacombs
- Cloud Keep
- Steps
- Enter Cloud Keep
- Iscar
- Inland
- Up the Coast
- Sea Pavilion
- Take “Golden Chalice” (press left +
- Down the Coast
- Illes
- Moving Dunes
- Dunes Campsite
- Follow Dunespeople
- Attend Feast
- Temple of Cibar
- Enter Temple
- Catacombs
- Exit Catacombs
- Steps
- Enter Cloud Keep
- Use “Golden Chalice”
- Iscar
- Palace
- Last Battlefield
- Hedge Maze
- Use “Enchanted Bow”
- Golden Path
- Take “Orb of Quoid” (press left +
- Wide Path
- Wide Path
- Palace
- Castle Ruins
- Use “Orb of Quoid”
- Palace
- Enter Palace
- Great Hall
- South Chamber
- Use “Spell of Seeing”
- Thorne Room
- Use “Pentacle Coins”
- Secret Passage
- Enter
- Use “Hunting Horn” (must be used in
order for Sword to appear)
- Tower Door
- Take “Blood Sword” (press right +
- Front Room
- Magic Archway
- Use “Blood Sword” or “Black Mace”
- Leave Palace
- Use “Blood Sword”
- Palace
- Temple Ruins
- Mountain Pass
- Use “Silver Wheat”
- Cross Bridge

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