Last Update: May 24, 2001

by Keita Iida
and Atari Gaming Headquarters (www.atarihq.com)

  • All right reserved. This document may be copied, in whole or in part, by any means provided the copyright and contributors sections remain intact in its entirety and no fee is charged for the information.

  • The data herein is provided for informational purposes only. No warranty is made with regards to the accuracy of this information.


    Ralph Barbagallo
    Rich Depping
    Clint Dyer
    Dave Hallock
    Jer Horwitz
    T.J. Rappel
    Mike St. Clair
    Robert Stickles
    Jeff Vavasour
    Howie Voigt


    - Posted periodically in the various gaming newsgroups.
    - Atari Gaming Headquarters: http://www.atarihq.com



  • Games originally released through 1986.
  • Ports, "Enhanced" versions of a game and Sequels/remakes.


  • Games not originally released in the U.S. Cutie Q (on the Japanese Playstation Namco Museum 2 disc) was a Japan-only coin-op release, as was Nichibutsu's Heiankyo Alien (1980) Time Gal for the SegaCD, PS (Japan) and Saturn (Japan) was released in 1985 as a laserdisc coin-op game in Japan by Taito and is thus considered a part of the classic-era in Japan, but does not qualify here.

  • Post-1986 games. Assault (1988), Roadblasters (1987), Tetris (1988), Chase H.Q. (1988), Gradius (1988), Klax (1989) and Rampart (1991) fail to make the cut. They're classics in their own rights, but we're narrowing this list to the "classic" era, not whether a game is great or has a classic "feel" to them. Perhaps in the future the era will be extended when the time is right and said games will be included on this list.

  • Games that are NOT official releases are out. Just because some game plays similarly to an earlier classic is not enough. (case in point: Gal's Panic for Saturn (J) is similar in gameplay to Qix but is not an official sequel.)


    Emu: Emulated (Uses the exact code from the original version)
    Port: Port of original. Near-exact replication
    Enh: Enhanced or "arranged" (Semi-Remake). Slightly different from the original but not significantly overhauled either graphically or in terms of gameplay.
    Rem: Complete overhaul of graphics with often drastic changes in gameplay and options. In other words, it's a sequel.

    Note: Some versions have multiple types on one cart or CD. For instance, Tempest 2000 has classic (Port), Plus (Semi-remake) and 2000 (Remake) modes. In addition, the game must share some resemblance with its predecessor (i.e.-- Donkey Kong Country has no relation to the classic other than having the same characters, Gameboy Donkey Kong, however, qualifies).

    * (after the title) -- May have been a Japan-only release.


    A "(J)" After each system designates that it was only available in Japan. This designation only applies if the system had the same name in Japan as it did in the U.S. (example: Game Gear, Playstation)

    32X Sega 32X
    32XCD Sega 32X CD
    3DO REAL 3DO Interactive Multiplayer
    CDi Phillips Compact Disc Interactive
    DC Sega Dreamcast
    GB Nintendo Game Boy
    GBA Nintendo Game Boy Advance
    GBC Nintendo Game Boy Color
    GC Nintendo Gamecube
    GCom Tiger Game.com
    Gen Sega Genesis
    GenCD Sega CD
    GG Sega Game Gear
    Jag Atari Jaguar
    JagCD Atari Jaguar CD
    LX Atari Lynx
    MD Sega MegaDrive (Japanese Genesis)
    MCD Sega Mega CD (Japanese Sega CD)
    N64 Nintendo 64
    Neo SNK Neo Geo
    NGP SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
    NUON VM Labs NUON DVD Players
    PCE(Hu) NEC PC Engine HuCard (Japanese TG16)
    PCE(CD) NEC PC Engine CD-Rom (Japanese TG16 CD)
    PCE(CD2) NEC PC Engine CD-Rom2/SuperCD (Japanese TG16/CD2/Turbo Duo)
    PCFX NEC PC-FX (Japan-only)
    PS2 Sony PlayStation 2
    PS Sony PlayStation
    Sat Sega Saturn
    SFC Nintendo Super Famicom (Japanese SNES)
    SN Super Nintendo Enterainment System
    SGfx NEC SuperGrafx (Japan-only)
    TG(Hu) NEC Turbografx-16 HuCard
    TG(CD) NEC Turbografx-16 CD-Rom
    TG(CD2) NEC Turbografx-16 CD-Rom2/Turbo Duo
    Vboy Nintendo Virtual Boy
    WS Bandai WonderSwan (Japan-only)
    WSC Bandai WonderSwan Color (Japan-only)
    XB Microsoft X-Box


    2A/MC 2-in-1 Asteroids/Missile Command by Nintendo
    2CM 2-in-1 Centipede/Millipede by Nintendo
    2DJ 2-in-1 Defender/Joust by Nintendo
    2GG 2-in-1 Galaga/Galaxian by Nintendo
    AAH Atari Arcade Hits by Hasbro Interactive
    AAH1 Atari Arcade Hits Volume 1 by Midway
    AC Arcade Classics by Sega
    ACT Activision Classics: 30 Games For The Atari 2600 by Activision
    AGHA1 Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection Volume 1 by Midway
    AGHA2 Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection Volume 2 by Midway
    AGHM2 Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Midway Collection Volume 2 by Midway
    AHDJ Arcade Hits: Defender/Joust by Midway
    AHSM Arcade Hits: Spy Hunter/Moon Patrol by Midway
    APG Fantasy Zone is hidden in Arnold Palmer Golf by Sega
    APP Arcade Party Pak by Midway
    BB/RA Bubble Bobble/Rainbow Islands by Taito
    CG1 Capcom Generations Volume 1
    CG2 Capcom Generations Volume 2
    CG3 Capcom Generations Volume 3
    CG4 Capcom Generations Volume 4
    G&W1 Game & Watch Gallery 1 by Nintendo
    G&W2 Game & Watch Gallery 2 by Nintendo
    G&W3 Game & Watch Gallery 3 by Nintendo
    GDP Gradius Deluxe Pack by Konami
    IAC Intellivision Classics by Activision
    INTV Irem Arcade Classics by I'Max
    MSX1 Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 1 by Konami
    MSX2 Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 2 by Konami
    KAC Konami Arcade Classics by Konami
    KGBC3 Konami GB Collection Volume 3 by Konami
    KGBC4 Konami GB Collection Volume 4 by Konami
    MGAH1 Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 by Midway
    MGAH2 Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 2 by Midway
    MSCE Ms. Pac-Man Special Color Edition by Namco
    NAC1 Nichibutsu Arcade Classics by Nichibutsu
    NAC2 Nichibutsu Arcade Classics 2 by Nichibutsu (SFC-Only)
    NG1 Namco Gallery Volume 1 by Namco
    NG2 Namco Gallery Volume 2 by Namco
    NM1 Namco Museum Volume 1 by Namco
    NM2 Namco Museum Volume 2 by Namco
    NM3 Namco Museum Volume 3 by Namco
    NM4 Namco Museum Volume 4 by Namco
    NM5 Namco Museum Volume 5 by Namco
    NM64 Namco Museum 64 by Namco
    NME Namco Museum Encore by Namco
    NMDC Namco Museum by Namco (for Sega Dreamcast)
    NMGBA Namco Museum by Namco (for Gameboy Advance
    PAC2 Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
    SAges Sega Ages Compilation (Published by Working Designs)
    SAgesJ Sega Ages -- Japan only (Published by Sega), individual games
    SA/MC Super Asteroids/Missile Command by Atari
    SAMC1 Sega Ages Memorial Collection Volume 1 -- Japan only (by Sega)
    SAMC2 Sega Ages Memorial Collection Volume 2 -- Japan only (by Sega)
    TVP Taito Variety Pack by Taito
    TG/NH Time Gal and Revenge of the Ninja (Ninja Hayate) multi-CD (Japan-only)
    TS/RB Thunderstorm FX (Cobra Command) and Roadblasters (Road Avenger) multi-CD (Japan-only)
    WAGH Williams' Arcade's Greatest Hits by Midway


    Title Game title
    Type Type of game (Port, Emu, Rem, etc.)
    Publisher Publisher of the game
    Systems Game systems it is available for
    Original The Format that the original version was available for
    Comments Comments/Original game title (if different)


    2600 Atari 2600 (VCS)
    5200 Atari 5200 SuperSystem
    AP2 Apple II Series Computers (II/II+/IIe/IIc, etc.)
    AT8 Atari 8-bit Computers (400/800, etc.)
    C64 Commodore 64 Home Computer
    Coin Coin-operated (Arcade) game
    CV ColecoVision
    G&W Nintendo Game & Watch
    INTV Intellivision
    NES Nintendo Entertainment System

    Title Type Publisher Systems Original Comments
    10-Yard Fight (IAC) Emu I'Max PS(J),Sat Coin
    720 Degrees Port Midway GBC Coin
    720 Degrees (APP) Port Midway PS Coin
    1941 Port Hudson SGfx Coin
    1941 Counter Attack Port Hudson PCE(Hu) Coin
    1942 Port Capcom GBC Coin
    1942 (CG1) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    1943 (CG1) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    1943 Kai Port Naxat PCE(Hu) Coin
    1943 Kai (CG1) Enh Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin 1943
    After Burner Port Sega 32X Coin
    After Burner II Port Sega, NEC Ave. Gen,PCE(Hu) Coin After Burner
    After Burner II (SAges) Emu Sega, Work.Des. Sat Coin After Burner
    After Burner III Port Sega GenCD Coin After Burner
    Amidar Port Coconuts Japan GB(J) Coin
    Antarctic Adventure (MSX1) Emu Konami PS(J),Sat(J) MSX,CV
    Arkanoid: Doh It Again Enh Taito/Nintendo SN Coin Arkanoid
    Arkanoid: Returns Enh Taito PS(J) Coin Arkanoid
    Armor Battle (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Asteroids Port Accol.,Majesco GB,GBC Coin
    Asteroids Rem Activision PS Coin
    Asteroids (AAH) Emu Hasbro Int. PS Coin
    Asteroids (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Asteroids (2A/MC) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Asteroids (AGHA1) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Asteroids (AGHA1) Port Midway SN Coin
    Asteroids Deluxe (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Asteroids Hyper 64 Rem Crave N64 Coin Asteroids
    Astrosmash (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Atlantis (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Auto Racing (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV USAC Auto Racing
    Ball (G&W1) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Ballblazer Champions Rem LucasArts PS 5200 Ballblazer
    Barnstorming (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Baseball (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV Major League Baseball
    Basketball (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV NBA Basketball
    Battle City Port Nova GB(J) Coin Tank Battalion
    Battle City (NG1) Rem Namco GB(J) Coin Tank Battalion
    Battle Lode Runner Enh Hudson PCE(Hu) AT8,AP2 Lode Runner
    Battlezone (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Battlezone (AGHA1) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Battlezone (AGHA1) Port Midway SN Coin
    Battlezone 2000 Enh Atari LX Coin Battlezone
    Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs Rem Crave N64 Coin Battlezone
    Blaster (AGHM2) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Bosconian Emu Namco PS Coin
    Boulder Dash Port JVC (Victor) GB(J) AT8,Coin
    Boxing (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Boxing (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Breakout 2000 Rem,Port Telegames Jag Coin
    Breakout - The Great Escape Rem Hasbro PS Coin Coin
    Bubbles (MGAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Bubbles (WAGH) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Bubble Bobble Port Taito GB Coin
    Bubble Bobble (TVP) Port Taito GB(J) Coin
    Bubble Bobble Classic Port Metro3D GBC Coin Bubble Bobble
    Bubble Bobble Part 2 Port Taito GB Coin Bubble Bobble
    Bubble Bobble Jr. Port Taito GB(J) Coin Bubble Bobble
    Bubble Bobble (BB/RA) Emu Taito PS Coin
    Bubble Symphony Rem Taito PS Coin Bubble Bobble
    Burgertime Deluxe Enh Data East GB Coin Burgertime
    Buzz Bombers (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    California Games Port Epyx, Others GB,Gen,LX AT8,C64
    California Games 2 Port,Rem DTMC SN AT8,C64 Calif. Games
    Centipede Port Accolade GB Coin
    Centipede Port Majesco, Tiger GBC,GCom Coin
    Centipede Rem Atari DC,PS Coin
    Centipede (AAH) Emu Hasbro Int. PS Coin
    Centipede (AAH1) Emu Hasbro Int. DC Coin
    Centipede (AC) Port Sega Gen,GG Coin
    Centipede (AGHA1) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Centipede (AGHA1) Port Midway SN Coin
    Centipede (2CM) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Chef (G&W2) Port,Enh Nintendo GBC G&W
    Chess (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Choplifter II Enh JVC GB AP2,AT8 Choplifter
    Choplifter III Rem Extreme SN,Gen AP2,AT8 Choplifter
    Circus Charlie (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Chopper Command (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Cobra Command Port Renovation GenCD Coin
    Cobra Command (TS/RB) Port Wolfteam PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Commando (CG4) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Cosmic Commuter (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Crackpots (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Crazy Balloon 2000 Port,Enh Success PS(J) Coin Crazy Balloon
    Crazy Climber Port,Enh Nichibutsu WS Coin
    Crazy Climber (NAC1) Emu,Enh Nichibutsu PS(J) Coin
    Crazy Climber (NAC1) Port,Enh Nichibutsu SFC Coin
    Crazy Climber 2000 Rem Nichibutsu PS(J) Coin Crazy Climber
    Crush Roller Port,Enh ADK NGP Coin
    Crystal Castles (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Crystal Castles (AGHA2) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Defender (2DJ) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Defender (AHDJ) Port Midway GBC Coin
    Defender (MGAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Defender (WAGH) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Defender (WAGH) Port Tiger, Midway GCom,Gen,SN Coin
    Defender II (WAGH) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin Stargate
    Defender II (WAGH) Port Tiger, Midway Gcom,Gen,SN Coin Stargate
    Defender 2000 Port,Enh,Rem Atari Jag Coin Defender
    Dig Dug Port Namco GB Coin
    Dig Dug (NG2) Port,Enh Namco GB(J) Coin
    Dig Dug (NM3) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Dig Dug (NM64) Emu Namco N64 Coin
    Dig Dug (NMDC) Emu Namco DC Coin
    Dig Dug (NMGBA) Port Namco GBA Coin
    Dolphin (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Donkey Kong Port,Rem Nintendo GB Coin
    Donkey Kong (G&W2) Port,Enh Nintendo GBC Coin
    Donkey Kong Jr. (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB Coin
    Donkey Kong Jr. 2 (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB Coin
    Dragon Buster (NM2) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Dragon's Lair Enh Data East SN Coin
    Dragon's Lair Port Capcom GBC Coin
    Dragon's Lair Port Readysoft 3DO,CDi,
    Dragon's Lair: The Legend Enh Sony Imagesoft GB Coin Dragon's Lair
    Dragster (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Egg (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Elevator Action Port Taito GB Coin
    Elevator Action (TVP) Port Taito GB(J) Coin
    Elevator Action EX Enh Altron GBC(J) Coin Elevator Action
    Elevator Action Returns Rem,Emu Bing Sat(J) Coin Elevator Action
    Enduro (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Exed Exes (CG3) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Excitebike 64 Rem Nintendo N64 Coin,NES Excitebike
    Fantasy Zone Port NEC Avenue TG(Hu) Coin
    Fantasy Zone (APG) Port Sega Gen Coin
    Fantasy Zone (SAgesJ) Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin
    Fire (G&W1) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Fishing Derby (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Flagman (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Flicky Port Sega Gen Coin
    Flicky (SAMC1) Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin
    Football (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV NFL Football
    Freeway (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Frisky Tom Port Nichibutsu GB(J) Coin
    Frisky Tom (NAC1) Emu,Enh Nichibutsu PS Coin
    Frisky Tom (NAC1) Port,Enh Nichibutsu SFC Coin
    Frogger Port Majesco, Tiger GBC,GCom,Gen,SN Coin
    Frogger Rem Hasbro PS Coin
    Frogger (KGBC4) Port Konami GB(J) Coin
    Frogger II Rem Majesco GBC Coin Frogger
    Frogger II: Swampy's Revenge Rem Hasbro DC,PS Coin Frogger
    Frogger: The Great Quest Rem Konami PS2 Coin Frogger
    Frog Bog (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Frosbite (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Galaga Port Namco GB Coin
    Galaga: Destination Earth Rem Hasbro,Majesco PS,GBC Coin Galaga
    Galaga (2GG) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Galaga (NG1) Port Namco GB(J) Coin
    Galaga (NM1) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Galaga (NM64) Emu Namco N64 Coin
    Galaga (NMDC) Emu Namco DC Coin
    Galaga (NMGBA) Port Namco GBA Coin
    Galaga '88 Port Namco PCE(Hu) Coin Galaga, Galaga '88
    Galaga '90 Port Namco Gen,TG(Hu) Coin Galaga, Galaga '88
    Galaga '91 Port Namco GG Coin Galaga, Galaga '88
    Galaxian (2GG) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Galaxian (NG2) Port Namco GB(J) Coin
    Galaxian (NM) Emu Namco DC Coin
    Galaxian (NM3) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Galaxian (NM64) Emu Namco N64 Coin
    Galaxian 3 Port Namco PS Coin
    Galaxy Wars Port Imagineer SFC Coin
    Gaplus (NM2) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Gauntlet (AGHA2) Port Midway PS Coin
    Gauntlet II Enh Mindscape GB Coin Gauntlet
    Gauntlet IV Port,Enh Tengen Gen Coin Gauntlet
    Gauntlet Dark Legacy Rem Midway PS2 Coin Gauntlet
    Gauntlet Legends Rem Midway N64,PS,DC Coin Gauntlet
    Gauntlet: The Third Enc. Enh Atari LX Coin Gauntlet
    Ghosts 'N' Goblins Port Capcom, Bandai GBC,WS Coin
    Ghosts 'N' Goblins (CG2) Port Capcom PS,Sat(J) Coin
    Ghouls 'N' Ghosts (CG2) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin Ghosts 'N' Goblins
    Ghouls 'N' Ghosts Port Various GB(J),Gen,SGfx Coin Ghosts 'N' Goblins
    Golf (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV PGA Golf
    Grand Prix (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Gravitar (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Greenhouse (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Gunsmoke (CG4) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Gyruss (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Head On Port Tecmo,Sega GB(J),GG(J) Coin
    Head On (SAMC1) Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin
    Helmet (G&W2) Port,Enh Nintendo GBC G&W
    H.E.R.O. (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Hockey (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV NHL Hockey
    Hyper Crazy Climber Rem Nichibutsu PS(J) Coin Crazy Climber
    Hyper Lode Runner Enh Bandai GB AP2,AT8 Lode Runner
    Hyper Sports 2 (MSX1) Emu Konami PS(J),Sat(J) Coin Track And Field
    Ice Hockey (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Int'l Track and Field Rem Konami PS Coin Track and Field
    Int'l Track and Field 2000 Rem Konami PS Coin Track and Field
    Joust (2DJ) Port Nintendo GG Coin
    Joust Port Shadowsoft LX Coin
    Joust (AHDJ) Port Midway GBC Coin
    Joust (MGAH1) Emu Midway DC,N64 Coin
    Joust (WAGH) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Joust (WAGH) Port Tiger,Midway Gcom,Gen,SN Coin
    Joust 2 (AGHM2) Emu Midway PS Coin Joust
    Joust 2 (MGAH2) Emu Midway DC Coin Joust
    Jr. Pac-Man (PAC2) Port Namco Gen Coin
    Judge (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Kaboom! (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Karateka Port Shinsei Kogyo GB(J) AP2
    Keystone Kapers (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Kingdoms: The Far Reaches Port Interplay 3DO Coin Thayer's Quest
    Klax Port Various GB,Gen,GG,
    Klax (APP) Port Midway PS Coin
    Kung Fu Master Port Irem GB Coin
    Kung Fu Master (IAC) Emu I'Max PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Laser Blast (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Lion (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Lock 'N Chase Port,Enh Data East GB Coin
    Lode Runner Extra Rem Patra PS(J),Sat(J) AT8,AP2 Lode Runner
    Lode Runner: The
          Legend Returns
    Enh Patra PS(J),Sat(J) AT8,AP2 Lode Runner
    Lode Runner Rem,Enh Natsume PS AT8,AP2 Lode Runner
    Lode Runner 3D Rem,Enh Infogrames N64 AT8,AP2 Lode Runner
    Lode Runner: Lost Labyrinth Enh Pack-In-Video PCE(Hu) AT8,AP2 Lode Runner
    Lunar Lander Port,Enh Pac-In-Video GB(J) Coin
    Manhole (G&W1) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Mappy Port,Enh Namco GB(J),GG(J) Coin
    Mappy (NG1) Port Namco GB(J) Coin
    Mappy (NM2) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Marble Madness Port EA GB,Gen Coin
    Marble Madness Port Midway GBC Coin
    Marble Madness (AGHA2) Port Midway PS Coin
    Mario Bros. (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB Coin
    Mario Clash Rem Nintendo Vboy Coin Mario Bros.
    Megamania (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Mercs (CG4) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Metro-Cross (NM5) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Millipede (2CM) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Millipede (AGHA2) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Millipede (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Miner 2049er Port,Enh Mindscape GB 5200,AT8
    Missile Command Port Mindsc.,Majes. GB,GBC Coin
    Missile Command Rem Atari PS Coin
    Missile Command (AC) Port,Enh Sega Gen,GG Coin
    Missile Command (2A/MC) Port Nintendo GB Coin
    Missile Command (SA/MC) Port Atari LX Coin
    Missile Command (AAH) Emu Hasbro Int. PS Coin
    Missile Command (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Missile Command (AGHA1) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Missile Command (AGHA1) Port Midway SN Coin
    Missile Command 3D Port,Rem Atari Jag Coin
    Monaco GP (SAMC2) Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin
    Montezuma's Return Rem,Port Take Two Int. GBC 2600,5200,
    Mont. Revenge
    Montezuma's Return Rem,Emu Take Two Int. PS 2600,5200,
    Mont. Revenge
    Moon Cresta (NAC1) Emu,Enh Nichibutsu PS(J) Coin
    Moon Cresta (NAC1) Port,Enh Nichibutsu SN Coin
    Moon Patrol (AGHM2) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Moon Patrol (AHSM) Port Midway GBC Coin
    Moon Patrol (MGAH2) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Motocross (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Motorace USA (IAC) Emu I'Max PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Mr. Do! Port Ocean, T*HQ GB,SN Coin
    Ms. Pac-Man Port Namco, Misc. GB,GG,Gen,
    Ms. Pac-Man (NM) Emu Namco DC Coin
    Ms. Pac-Man (NM3) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Ms. Pac-Man (NM64) Emu Namco N64 Coin
    Ms. Pac-Man (NMGBA) Port Namco GBA Coin
    Ms. Pac-Man (PAC2) Port Williams SN Coin
    Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness Rem Namco DC,N64,PS Coin Ms. Pac-Man
    Ms. Pac-Man Special Color Edition Enh,Port Namco GBC Coin Ms. Pac-Man
    Night Stalker (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Octopus (G&W1) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Oil Panic (G&W1) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Out Run Port Sega, NEC Ave. GG,Gen,PCE(Hu) Coin
    Out Run (SAges) Emu Sega, Work.Des. Sat Coin
    Outrunners Enh Sega Gen Coin
    Pac-Land Port Namco, Others Gen,LX,TG(Hu) Coin
    Pac-Land (NM4) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Pac-Man Port Namco GB,GG Coin
    Pac-Man Port,Rem SNK NGP Coin
    Pac-Man (NM1) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Pac-Man (NM64) Emu Namco N64 Coin
    Pac-Man (NMDC) Emu Namco DC Coin
    Pac-Man (PAC2) Port Namco Gen,SN Coin
    Pac-Man Fever Enh Namco GBA Coin Pac-Man, Pac-Mania
    Pac-Man Special Color Edition Enh,Port Namco GBC Coin Pac-Man
    Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary Rem Namco PS Coin Pac-Man
    Pac-Mania Port Tengen Gen Coin
    Pac-Mania (NM5) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Paperboy Port Various GB,GG,LX Coin
    Paperboy (AGHA2) Port Midway PS Coin
    Paperboy Enh Midway GBC Coin
    Paperboy Rem Midway N64 Coin
    Paperboy 2 Port,Enh Mindscape GB,SN Coin Paperboy
    Parachute (G&W2) Port,Enh Nintendo GBC G&W
    Parasol Stars Port Taito PCE(Hu) Coin Bubble Bobble
    Pengo Port Sega GG(J) Coin
    Pengo Port,Enh,Rem Sega MD Coin
    Pengo (SAMC1) Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin
    Pinball (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Pitfall! (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Pitfall 3D Rem Activision PS 2600 Pitfall!
    Pitfall: Beyond The Jungle Rem Crave GBC 2600 Pitfall!
    Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Rem,Port Activ.,Atari Gen,GenCD,
    2600 Pitfall!
    Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Rem Majesco GBA 2600 Pitfall!
    Plaque Attack (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Pole Position (NM1) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Pole Position (NM64) Emu Namco N64 Coin
    Pole Position (NMDC) Emu Namco DC Coin
    Pole Position (NMGBA) Port Namco GBA Coin
    Pole Position II (NM3) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Pong Rem Majesco,Atari GBC,PS Coin
    Pong (AAH) Emu Hasbro Int. PS Coin
    Pong (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Pong (AC) Port,Enh Sega Gen,GG Coin
    Pooyan (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Power Drift Port Asmik PCE(Hu) Coin
    Q*Bert Rem Atari,Majesco DC,PS,GBC Coin
    Q*Bert Port Jaleco GB Coin
    Q*Bert 3 Rem NTVIC SN Coin Q*Bert
    Qix Port Nintendo, Teleg. GB,LX Coin
    Qix 2000 Port,Enh Success PS(J) Coin Qix
    Qix Adventure Rem Natsume GBC Coin Qix
    Radar Mission Port Nintendo GB(J) Coin Radar Scope
    Rainbow Islands Port Taito PCE(Hu) Coin Bubble Bobble
    Rainbow Islands (BB/RA) Emu,Enh Taito PS Coin
    Rally-X (NM1) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Rampage (APP) Port Midway PS Coin
    Rampage (MGAH2) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Rampage: World Tour Enh Midway GBC Coin Rampage
    Rampage: World Tour Rem Midway PS Coin Rampage
    Rampage 2: Universal Tour Rem Midway GBC,N64,PS Coin Rampage
    Rampage Through Time Rem Midway PS Coin Rampage
    Rampart Port Midway,Atari GBC,LX Coin
    River Raid (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    River Raid II (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Road Fighter (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Robotron: 2084 Port Shadowsoft LX Coin
    Robotron: 2084 (MGAH1) Emu Midway DC,N64 Coin
    Robotron: 2084 (WAGH) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Robotron: 2084 (WAGH) Port Tiger,Midway Gcom,Gen,SN Coin
    Robotron 64 Rem Crave N64 Coin Robotron: 2084
    Robotron X Rem Midway PS Coin Robotron: 2084
    Roc 'N' Rope (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Root Beer Tapper (AGHM2) Emu Midway PS Coin Tapper
    Root Beer Tapper (MGAH1) Emu Midway N64 Coin Tapper
    Root Beer Tapper (MGAH2) Emu Midway DC Coin Tapper
    Satan's Hollow (MGAH2) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Scramble (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Seaquesst (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Sea Battle (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Shao Lin's Road (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Shark! Shark! (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Sinistar (MGAH1) Emu Midway DC,N64 Coin
    Sinistar (WAGH) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Sinistar (WAGH) Port Tiger,Midway Gcom,Gen,SN Coin
    Skiing (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Skiing (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Sky Jinks (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Smash TV (APP) Port Midway PS Coin
    Snafu (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Soccer (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV NASL Soccer
    Son Son (CG3) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Space Ace Rem Absolute SN Coin
    Space Ace Port Readysoft 3DO,CDi,
    Space Armada (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Space Battle (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Space Chaser 2000 Port,Enh Success PS(J) Coin Space Chaser
    Space Harrier Port NEC Avenue PCE(Hu) Coin
    Space Harrier Port Sega 32X Coin
    Space Harrier (SAges) Emu Sega/Work.Des. Gen,PCE(Hu) Coin
    Space Harrier Spec. Pak Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin Space Harrier
    Space Harrier II Enh Sega Gen Coin Space Harrier
    Space Hawk (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Space Invaders Port,Enh Sunsoft WS Coin
    Space Invaders Port Taito, Various GB,PCE(CD2),
    Space Invaders Port,Rem Taito Vboy(J) Coin
    Space Invaders Emu Taito PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Space Invaders Rem Taito PCE(Hu) Coin
    Space Invaders Rem Activision GBC, N64, PS Coin
    Space Invaders '91 Port,Rem Taito Gen,GG Coin Space Invaders
    Space Invaders 2000 Port,Rem Taito PS(J) Coin Space Invaders
    Space Invaders XL Port,Rem Taito NUON Coin Space Invaders
    Space Inv./Puz.Bobble Emu Taito Sat(J) Coin
    Spider Fighter (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Spiker! Super Pro Volleyball (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Spitball Sparky (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Splat! (AGHM2) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Spy Hunter (AGHM2) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Spy Hunter (AHSM) Port Midway GBC Coin
    Spy Hunter (MGAH1) Emu Midway N64 Coin
    Spy Hunter (MGAH2) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Spy Hunter Rem Midway PS2 Coin
    Spy Vs. Spy: OBT Enh Jaleco GB AT8,C64 Spy Vs. Spy
    Stadium Mud Buggies (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Stampede (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Stargate (MGAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Starmaster (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Star Strike (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Sub Hunt (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Super Asteroids (SA/MC) Enh Atari LX Coin Asteroids
    Super Breakout Port Majesco GBC Coin
    Super Breakout (AAH) Emu Hasbro Int. PS Coin
    Super Breakout (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Super Breakout (AGHA1) Emu Midway PS Coin
    Super Breakout (AGHA1) Port Midway SN Coin
    Super Cobra (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Super Cobra (MSX2) Port Konami PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Super Ghouls 'N' Ghosts Port Capcom SN Coin Ghosts 'N' Goblins
    Super Ghouls 'N' Ghosts (CG2) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin,SN Ghosts 'N' Goblins
    Super Mario 64 Rem Nintendo N64 Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Mario Advance Enh Nintendo GBA Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Mario All-Stars Port,Enh Nintendo SN Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Port Nintendo GBC Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Mario Land Rem Nintendo GB Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Mario Land II Rem Nintendo GB Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Mario World Rem Nintendo SN Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    SMW II: Yoshi's Island Rem Nintendo SN Coin,NES Mario Bros.
    Super Pac-Man (NM2) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Super Pac-Man (MSCE) Port Namco GBC Coin
    Super Pro Decathlon (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Super Punch-Out Rem Nintendo SN Coin Punch-Out
    Super Sprint (APP) Port Midway PS Coin
    Taito Memorial: Bubble Bobble Port Jordan GBC(J) Coin Bubble Bobble
    Tempest (AAH) Emu Hasbro Int. PS Coin
    Tempest (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Tempest (AGHA1) Emu Midway PS,Sat Coin
    Tempest (AGHA1) Port Midway SN Coin
    Tempest 2000 Rem,Enh,Port Atari, Interplay Jag,Sat Coin Tempest
    Tempest X3 Rem,Enh,Port Interplay PS Coin Tempest
    Tennis (ACT) Emu Activision PS 2600
    Tennis (INTV) Emu Activision PS INTV
    Terra Cresta 2 Port Nichibutsu PCE(Hu) Coin Moon Cresta
    Terra Cresta 3D Rem Nichibutsu PS Coin Moon Cresta
    Time Pilot (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Toobin' Port Midway GBC Coin
    Tom Strikes Back (NAC1) Emu Nichibutsu PS Coin Frisky Tom
    Toobin' (APP) Port Midway PS Coin
    Tower of Druaga, The (NG2) Port Namco GB(J) Coin
    Tower of Druaga, The (NM4) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Track & Field Port Konami GB Coin
    Turbo Out Run Enh Sega MD Coin
    Turtle Bridge (G&W3) Port,Enh Nintendo GB G&W
    Ultimate Qix Port Taito Gen Coin Qix
    Up 'N Down (SAMC) Emu Sega Sat(J) Coin
    Vermin (G&W2) Port,Enh Nintendo GBC G&W
    Vulgus (CG3) Port Capcom PS(J),Sat(J) Coin
    Warlords (AAH1) Emu Midway DC Coin
    Wolfenstein 3-D Rem Various 3DO,Jag,SN AP2,AT8 Castle Wolfenst.
    Xevious Port,Enh Namco PCE(Hu) Coin
    Xevious (NM2) Emu Namco PS Coin
    Xevious 3D+G Rem,Enh,Emu Namco PS Coin Xevious
    Yars' Revenge Rem Telegames GBC 2600
    Yie Ar Kung Fu (KAC) Emu Konami PS Coin
    Yie Ar Kung Fu (KGBC3) Port Konami GB(J) Coin
    Yie Ar Kung Fu (MSX1) Emu Konami PS(J),Sat(J) MSX,Coin
    Zaxxon Motherbase 2000 Rem Sega 32X Coin Zaxxon

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