|CAPTAIN COMIC Walkthrough|
by Adam Lamontagne
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game by Color Dreams, Inc. (1989)
(Captain Comic is the most popular name for this game, but on the title
screen and in the manual it is called "The Adventures of Captain Comic" and
on the manual cover and the cartridge itself is called "Captain Comic The
Version 1.0 completed 11/10/98
Copyright (c) 1998 by Adam Lamontagne (doleman@ime.net)
Captain Comic is a step above most Color Dreams NES games.  It has great
music, colorful graphics and smooth play control.  The only thing keeping
it from being considered a great game is the degree of difficulty.  Endless
waves of enemies come rushing at you and pinpoint accuracy and timing of
your jumps is a necessity in later areas of the game.
I intend to present the player with a clear path from the beginning of the
game to its conclusion.  An explanation of necessary weapons and items will
follow as well as a detailed walkthrough.  I suggest following the exact
path explained in the walkthrough section, as it is the quickest and
easiest route through the game.  Captain Comic isn't a linear game,
however, so feel free to explore but be prepared to waste a lot of lives
doing so.
The key to mastering this game is learning your enemy's patterns and not
trying to rush through.  There is no time limit, so take your time and plan
your every move.  Some of the enemies are better off being avoided.  There
are no "bosses" in this game, only pesky enemies that attack you
This is one of the harder NES games out there.  I once said I'd rather be
bitten in the ass by a dog than play it, but after getting into the game
you learn to appreciate it and this appreciation has lead to this
walkthrough.  A lot of the frustration factor for me was not knowing what
to do and where to go, but with that cleared up in this walkthrough, you
can concentrate on getting to where you need to go, rather than endlessly
searching for a new path or door only to find yourself at an impossible
jump or dead end.  Enjoy.
The three greatest treasures of Osmic have been stolen: the CROWN OF THE
As Captain Comic you must venture to the treacherous world of Tambi to
reclaim the treasures in time for the Trimillenial celebrations.  On,
inside and around Tambi you will encounter a myriad of enemies, from killer
moths to petrified space pollen, all hell-bent on causing your destruction.
Armed with only your trusty Blastola assault weapon and Mark-VII
environment suit with shield protector, you must scour Tambi for the 3
treasures and get out before the denizens of Tambi claim your bones as
treasures of their own!
These are scattered throughout the game.  Picking them up will increase
your shield energy (hit points).
This object super-charges your shields and Blastola weapon making you
impervious to enemy attack and giving you unlimited firepower for a brief
period of time.
This bestows Captain Comic with an additional life in reserve.
Increases your firing capability.  Up to 5 cans of cola can be collected
for up to 5 Blastola rounds in the air at once.
Modulates the firing pattern of Comic's blaster creating a spiral
trajectory for all shots fired.  This is very useful for destroying
creatures which crawl on the ground below your normal line of fire.  A very
important item to find.
Allows you to open various locked doors on Tambi.
These increase your maximum jump height and let you reach places you
couldn't jump to before.  There isn't a huge difference in your jumps, but
just enough to let you make that certain jump that you couldn't before.
You will find the lantern near the end of your adventure and it will let
you see better in the castle.
This device lets you teleport through solid walls and around many obstacles
that will stand in your way.  It is also helpful to use it in avoiding
enemies better.  Pressing select with this in your possession warps you a
few spaces ahead of your current location.
You start on the surface of Tambi at night.  The door you see at the
beginning is the castle door and it is locked.  You won't need to enter
here until the end of the game, so proceed to the right.  First you need to
raise the Blast Level in your Blastola assault weapon.  As you move to the
right you will find a blue power-up on a ledge.  Grabbing this Blastola
Cola will enable you to fire the weapon.  You will find these throughout
the game and each additional one picked up will raise your blaster level
(until you die).
Keep proceeding to the right.  Along the way you'll find a Shield Pack
which restores your shield level (hit points).  You'll find these
throughout the game.
Keep moving right and eventually you'll get to a door with a key above it.
Grab the key and then enter the door.
The door leads you to the surface of Tambi during the daytime.  You must go
left from here.  Along the way you will find another Blast Level power-up
for your weapon and another Shield Pack.  After going for quite a way you
will eventually get to a third Blast Level power-up which is located next
to a rocket ship with a door in it.  Enter the door.  It leads you to the
surface of Tambi's moon.
On the moon's surface, go right to collect another Blast Level power-up and
continue to the right.  Be careful jumping here, as the moon's gravity (or
lack thereof) affects your jumping height.  You'll find another Shield Pack
along the way as well as the first of the 3 stolen treasures, the MYSTICAL
GEMS OF LASCORBANOS, right out in the open!
Shortly after obtaining the GEMS you will reach a door.  Enter it and you
are now underground.
This underground section is tricky.  Parts of the floor are missing, so you
can easily fall through it to your doom if you don't use a careful eye to
see which parts of it have cracks.  From the door, head left, trying to
stay towards the top of the screen.  You'll come across a Shield Pack.
Notice the unaccessible door below you.  Don't worry about it, just keep
moving left.
Head all the way to the left, past 2 more doors, until you come across the
CORKSCREW.  This item will make your blaster shoot in a wave-like pattern
so you can kill those pesky enemies that were too low to hit before.
Right after getting the CORKSCREW, notice 2 doors above you.  You can't
reach them yet, so head back to the right.  You'll want to enter the first
door you come across but it is blocked off on the bottom of the screen, so
you have to go right until you can get down to the bottom level and then
head back left to the door.
After entering this door, go straight to the right (make sure not to fall
through the cracks in the floor) and enter the next door.
You'll emerge through a door located towards the top of the screen.
Carefully work your way to the right.  You'll get to a spot where you have
to make a jump into a narrow opening.  The best way to make the jump is as
follows: get on the middle platform, lined up with the opening.  Get a
running start and jump so you hit your head on the last brick right above
you.  This will keep you level with the opening on the other side and your
momentum will carry you through the aperture.
After successfully spanning the gap, move to the right and to the bottom of
the screen where you will see a pair of boots and a door.  These are the
POWER BOOTS, which increase your jumping height.  Grab them and head
through the door.
You will come out through the top door on the screen where you got the
CORKSCREW.  Drop down to the middle platform and enter that door.
You are now back on the daytime durface of Tambi.  Head left until you get
to a door, then enter it.  This will lead you to an underground cavern.
In the cavern, head right until you find a Shield Pack.  If you look
closely to the left of the Shield Pack, you will see an outline of a door.
Don't enter it yet.  You will use it later.  Keep moving right until you
spot another hidden door (this one is in the middle of the screen on yellow
bricks with a torch to the right of it).  Enter this door.
Head left.  You will have to make some death-defying jumps but it will be
worth it, as you'll come upon the TELEPORT WAND.  Use the WAND by pressing
select.  You will warp a few paces ahead of where you are standing.  You
can use the WAND to try and avoid enemies, but it will come in really handy
Go all the way back to the right until you get back to the door.  You can
use the WAND to get you past those treacherous areas with greater ease.
Enter the door, which brings you back to the area with the yellow bricks.
>From here go right for awhile until you come across the second stolen
treasure, the COINS OF TENURE!  No boss to fight or nothing, they're just
lying around in the cavern.  Scoff up the COINS and continue right until
you come across a door at the bottom of a pit between 2 torches.  Entering
the door brings you closer to the entrance where you entered the caverns.
Just head left until you get to the door which leads back to the daytime
surface of Tambi.
Back on the surface of Tambi, head right all the way to the end past
several doors until you can go no further.  Enter the last door here which
brings you to an area with gray bricks.
Go to the right.  Your WAND will come in handy here getting you past the
area with the colored bricks.  Keep moving until you come to a wall with a
Shield Pack on the other side.  Stand next to the wall and press select to
teleport right through it.  Move on to the right until you reach an area
where you can see a door and a Blast Level power-up located at the top of
the screen, cut off from you.  There is only 1 way to get past this dead
Notice that in the area where you can walk there is a gap in the floor.
Stand on the 3rd tile from the left of the gap and press Select.  This will
warp you to the top of the screen!  Grab the Blast Level power-up and go
through the door.
>From here go right carefully (I recommend using the WAND) until you get to
a door with a Shield Pack power-up next to it.  Grab the power-up and enter
the door.  This brings you to the Tambian Master Computer area.
This area consists of many circuitry panels and electrical enemies whose
only goal is to electrocute you.  Move carefully to the right.  You will
find a Shield Pack.  Keep moving, using the WAND to get past those hard to
reach areas and you will eventually come upon the LANTERN.  It is kind of
hard to see.  It's at the top of the screen sitting on a blue pipe that
wraps around a huge circuit board.  You will need the LANTERN for the final
area.  After getting the LANTERN, continue to the right, grabbing a Shield
Pack on the way, and enter the door at the end, exiting the computer area.
You will now find yourself back on the surface of Tambi at night time.
Proceed all the way to the left through the whole level until you get to
the door that was locked at the very beginning of the game.  You can now
enter it.
You are now in the castle.  If you entered the castle before obtaining the
LANTERN, it was dark, but now that you have the LANTERN you can see
everything and can work your way to the last stolen treasure, the CROWN OF
Upon entering the castle, you can see the CROWN on the floor above you.  To
get to it, head left until you come to a door with a sword above it.  Enter
the door.  When you come out of the door you will see another door on the
floor above you.  To get to it, head all the way to the right (grabbing a
Shield Pack along the way) until you reach a wall, then jump up to the
platforms and go back to the left all the way to the door.  Make sure you
don't use your WAND on the way to the door or it will warp you back to the
bottom level of the screen.  Lots of careful jumping and enemy dodging will
bring you to the door.
When you come out the door you will see a wall to the right.  Use the WAND
to teleport through the wall and continue all the way to the right (getting
the last Shield Pack power-up on the way).  Go through the door there and
you will be in the CROWN room.  When you enter the room your Fire Power
level drops to zero and as you approach the CROWN two ghosts grab it and
take off through the wall.  To successfully follow them through, do the
Walk over to the wall.  You can jump up and proceed to walk through the
wall!  From the top step, drop down 5 steps then jump up and to the right.
You can't see it, but you will land on some invisible steps. [Note that all
this is still taking place inside the wall.]  Jump up a level and slowly
walk to the right.  An open space with a skeleton should be beneath you.
Still above the area with the skeleton, walk to the area one space to the
right of the open area beneath you.  You have to make a leap of faith here.
Actually, if you look closely you can see 2 straight lines running
parallel down through the gray brick about 3 spaces apart.  This is the
invisible chasm.  Make your leap over to the other side.  Safely across,
you can jump out of the wall and blast the ghosts (I guess these ghosts can
be considered the main foes of the game) in the hidden room.  Grab the
CROWN then sit back and enjoy the short ending screens...you've earned it!
Bask in the glow of knowing that the tri-millenial celebrations will
proceed because of your heroics and that galactic peace will ensue.
DISCLAIMER:  This walkthrough is not endorsed by Color Dreams, Nintendo
of America, or affiliates.  The information contained within this document
is provided without guarantee.  All copyrights and trademarks are
This walkthrough may be reprinted, posted in newsgroups, or placed on web
sites, as long as the proper credit is given to the author.  The most
recent version of this walkthrough can be found at www.gamefaqs.com


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