Keychain Game FAQ; and

Version .5; August 13, 1997

Copyright (c) 1997 Galen T. Kamatsu, Robert A. Worne and Clinton R. Dyer

All right reserved. This document may be copied, in whole or in part, by
any means provided the copyright and contributors sections remain intact
and no fee is charged for the information. Contributors retain the
copyright to their individual contributions.

The data herein is provided for informational purposes only. No warranty
is made with regards to the accuracy of this information.

These people helped contribute information to this FAQ:

No one yet, just us 3.

Table of contents:

I. Introduction
a. What are keychain games?
b. Our thoughts re. keychain games
II. Where can I get keychain games?
a. Stores that may be near you
b. Places on the Web
III. Keychain game list/information
a. Different types of games
1. Brick Games
2. Non-Tamagotchi, Non-Brick Games
3. Tamagotchi-like
b. Different Logics
1. Tamagotchi Logic
2. Giga-Pet Logic
3. Giyaoppi Logic
4. Other possible Logics
IV. Game List/Descriptions
a. Domestic Virtual Pets
b. Foreign Virtual Pets
c. Non-Pet Brick Games
d. Non-Pet, Non-Brick Games
V. Other interesting utilities/Miscellaneous

I. Introduction

Ia. What are keychain games?

Keychain games are small self-contained LCD games whose sizes range from that of a Zippo lighter to a deck of playing cards with an LCD display that measures from 1"x1" to 1"x1.5". These games originated from Japan, and evolved to this state over: 1) a need to be compact, for portability, and 2) something to play on the train/subway on the way to/from school or work. Keychain games have started to make headway into the US with the recent releases of Tetris Jr., Nano-Pets, Giga-Pets, and Tamagotchi.

Ib. Our thoughts

These games are fun to play and collect. They have a playability much like that of the old VFD games in a much smaller package (and much longer battery life!). They are relatively cheap to obtain ($9.95 US for most domestic keychain games and $13.95 for most foreign models). Unfortunately for US collectors, most of these foreign games can be found only in Chinatown (or better, a Little Tokyo). Most keychain games are either Tetris variants or Tamagotchi-like virtual pets.

I would agree that they're fun to collect. Heck, for me, if it's a game, it's fun to collect. Play wise, however, most of them are the same! One more feature or a different character doesn't make a new game in my opinion (it's like releasing a Sonic game with Mario put in his place). The games that really stand out for me are the non-Tamagotchi rip-offs and the non-Tetris (block) games. Those are what keychain gaming should be about. Sadly, however, the list below contains very few of those. Maybe, once the whole Tama thing has settled down, companies will realize that keychain gaming is here and there's a lot of money to be made in it. In fact, several US companies have started to see the potential. Tiger has made one (granted, a Tama rip-off - might as well start with something?), Micro Games has gotten into the act with 4 that I've found so far and Playmates has released the Nano series of games. I'm just really curious as to WHY Tiger and Playmates were allowed to completely and totally steal Tamagotchi's concept. I wonder if anyone from Bandai is saying "Hey, that's a Tamagotchi with a [insert farm animal here]".

<beep> <beep> <beep> <beep>

II. Where can I get keychain games?

IIa. List of stores that carry them

Toys R Us,
KayBee Toy Stores,
Electronics Boutique has started carrying them,
Sanrio stores,
Longs Drugs,
Japanese bookshops,
In Chinatown: check out variety stores (those that carry videos, and comic books)
Little Tokyo: just about anywhere, but variety stores are the best bet.
Shirokiya, Daiei, High Performance Kites, Liberty House dept. stores (Hawaiian stores)

IIb. Places on the web that sell them

There are tons of them! Do a search for "keychain&Games" and see what you come up with.

III. Game list/etc.

IIIa. Different types of games

1. Brick games:
These games feature brick type games, and have displays that are reminiscent of the old Microvision display. They usually have some form of level and high-score storage. They are quite limited graphics-wise, but can still be quite entertaining. The types of games available are:

a. Tetris: (and a multitude of Tetris variations)
b. "Snake and Egg": you are a snake and must eat the egg, but if you do, your body grows longer! The snake dies if it touches the side of the playfield or its own body.
c. Shooting Gallery: various games in which you shoot at advancing targets on the top of the screen, including "reverse Tetris", where you have to shoot blocks upwards to fill the lines.
d. Car Race: race among obstacles and avoid crashing. Graphics look somewhat like the Atari 2600 game "Street Racer"
e. Breakout: with a paddle and ball, remove a row or pattern of bricks from the top of the screen.
f. Tank Battle: match wits with a computer controlled tank for one-on-one battle.

2. Non-Tamagotchi, Non-Brick games:
These games feature fixed themes, and quite a few are mini-arcade games. Some of these games (particularly those by Bandai) have multiple screens and virtual screens that are larger than that of the visible playfield, opening music themes, and other features such as Pac-Man's intermissions and Bomberman boss levels! They also usually have a battery-backup memory that allows storage of the highest level completed and the high score.

3. Tamagotchi-like
The Tamagotchi is a virtual pet, and for simplicity's sake, all virtual pet keychains fall into this category. This type of game is also the most copied of all the keychain types due to the extreme popularity of the Tamagotchi in Asia. In these games, you hatch some sort of creature from an egg (usually a dog, cat, or dinosaur) and the creature lives from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the care and attention it receives. These games come in three major subtypes, each classified by the name of the game in which the variation first occurs (this is based on the most widely available game that shares that type, or, if there is no equivalent US type, the game in which the variation first appears). Currently, there are three versions of virtual pet logic, Tamagotchi-type, Giga-Pet-type, and Giyaoppi-type.

IIIb. Different Logics

1. Tamagotchi Logic
Tamagotchi logic is: 7 game options, Food (Meal, Snack), Lights (on/off), Game (left-right guessing), Medicine, Omaru (flush feces), Scale (check health), and Discipline. Tamagotchi logic keychains usually have 3 buttons on the face. Examples: Tamagotchi, Dinosaur

2. Giga-Pet Logic
Giga-Pet logic is: 7 game options, Food (healthy nutritious or snack), Bath (clean up feces-- shows toilet, and give critter an actual bath), Game (2 variations-- some sort of "catch" or race game, and either a left-right guessing game or rock-paper-scissors), Lights (on/off), Discipline, Medicine, and Scale (check health). Two sub-types of Giga-Pet logic exists, either the critter dies and becomes an angel (Giga-Pet), or packs up and runs away from home (Nano-series, Virtual Pet, and most others). Giga-pet logic keychains usually have 4 buttons (or more) on the face. This is seemingly the most prolific variation to be found. If the imitation is of a dog or cat it may very well be a Giga-Pet logic. The Nano-Baby variation has an interesting game start animation that shows the happy couple banging their heads together to produce offspring. Examples: Giga-Pet series, Nano Series, Nekotcha, Pocket Puppy, Virtual Pet

3. Giyaoppi Logic
Gyaoppi logic is: 9 game options, Food (Meat, Vegetable, Water), Game1 (left-right guessing), Medicine, Discipline, Game2 (Over/Under 7 guessing), Weather (Rain, Sun, Snow), Sweeper (remove feces), Scale (check health), and Lights (on/off). Some relatively minor variations of Gyaoppi logic exist, and certain items such as food types may vary, but the variations all follow this basic idea. Giyaoppi logic keychains usually have 3 buttons on the face. Examples: Giyaoppi, Bird Watching, Chicknotch

4. Other possible logics
There are three other games which have surfaced that may be significantly different from the three previously mentioned logics, Ganbare! Ryuuta-kun, Raku-Raku Dino-kun and Pocket Love. Ganbare! Ryuuta-kun has basically Giga-pet logic, but with the difficulty greatly increased. Raku-Raku Dino-Kun appears to be of the Giga-Pet variety, and shares many of the Giga-Pet features, and is tentatively a member of the Giga-Pet group unless further investigation warrants another class for this game. Pocket Love is not a virtual pet at all, but a virtual relationship simulator. Game play revolves around keeping the happy couple happy. It probably falls in one of the above three groups, but it is mentioned here as another possibility.

IV. Game list/descriptions

IVa. Domestic Virtual Pets:

-Tamagotchi (1997, Bandai) #1800; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO/CS
This is the virtual pet that started it all. It comes in see-through blue and see-through green, and 10 other bright colors. US debut was scheduled for May 1st, but some leaked out 2 to 3 weeks early. These pets (according to Bandai) do not die, but the angel displayed on the screen of an aged/mistreated pet suggests otherwise.

-Giga Pets
Digital Doggie (1997, Tiger) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Compu Kitty (1997, Tiger) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Baby T-Rex (1997, Tiger) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Micro Chimp (1997, Tiger) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Bit Critter (1997, Tiger) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Virtual Alien (1997, Tiger) #71-614; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS

These all come in a variety of odd-shaped clear cases. While the themes vary widely, gameplay on all the pretty much the same. Unlike the Nano series of games, these pets eventually die.

-Nano Pets
Baby (1996, Playmates) #40050; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Kitty (1996, Playmates) #40070; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Puppy (1996, Playmates) #40060; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS

These pets are the same as the Tiger Giga-Pets, but the Tiger series does not include a human baby like this series from Playmates. In this series you cannot "kill" the pets, they run away from home. The baby just continually cries when the game ends badly or when the child reaches an age of three years. Each comes in several different see-through colors.

IVb. Foreign Virtual Pets (Japanese characters, if any, have been converted to English Alphabet):

-Bird Watching (1997, ??) #681685488021; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This series takes the "virtual chicken" as the US press mis-represented the Tamagotchi quite literally. This game comes in a white egg-shaped case with a chick body on the front. This game has Giyaoppi logic.

-Chicknotch (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This is a second "virtual chicken" game. It is identical to the Bird Watching, except that the name and packaging differ, and the artwork is slightly changed. This game has Giyaoppi logic.

-Chick Duck (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Virtually the same as the "Bird Watching" except that you raise a duck instead of a chicken.

-Dinkie Dino (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
It comes in Red, White, Yellow, and Aqua. Also, the clock function gains about two minutes per day, but it does not allow you to reset the time without starting over.
(...however once in a while the game has "frozen" and gone into the time set mode, and resumes as normal.)

-Dinobaby (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in an egg-shaped case in purple and possibly other colors. Further description unavailable.

-Dragotti (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in multiple colored case with three buttons. Further description unavailable.

-Gaahippi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Imitation of Gojirappa.

-Ganbare!! Inudakun (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game features 3 buttons and various colors. A wristwatch version also exists. Virtually the same as the Ganbare! Ryuuta-kun. This game has Giyaoppi logic.

-Ganbare!! Ryuutakun (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game features 3 buttons and various artwork, from a plain plastic case to a sculpted egg with a dinosaur head poking out of the top. A wristwatch version also exists. This game has Giyaoppi logic.

-Gatcha Gatcha Juuban Shoubu (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Description Unavailable

-Giyaoppi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in a variety of color schemes (approximately 6), and two known shapes, the more common ovoid shape, and a kidney-shaped shell. Raise a virtual dinosaur hatchling from an egg to adulthood. This game has several possible outcomes depending on the care given. This game has Giyaoppi logic.

-Gojirappa (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in an egg-shaped case that is clear white, white, red, and possibly other colors with four buttons. In this game you raise a dinosaur to adulthood. Package features hip-hop type art. Further description unavailable.

-Hiyoko (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This is the alternate packaging for "Bird Watching"

-Karugamo Land (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in multicolored cases with three buttons. A virtual duck game. Further description unavailable

-Kawaii Nekochan (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game is a white oval case with four buttons, and is apparently made by the same manufacturer as Kyouryuu Game Gyaoo (who is still unknown). The game uses Tamagotchi logic.

-Keshitchi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Description Unavailable

-Kyouryuu Game Giyaoo (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in a white oval case with varying artwork, usually that of a dinosaur. Has four buttons on the front, once is the recessed reset button. The game uses Tamagotchi logic.

-Moshigo No Choubutsu (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This virtual pet is almost an exact duplicate of a Japanese Tamagotchi with two major differences: first, the characters are all forms of dinosaurs, second, the quality, unlike the Tamagotchi, is suspect. The owner (Robert Worne) was approached in Chinatown by a man who distributes these. The man claimed that these were made in the same Chinese factories with the same parts that made the Japanese Tamagotchi. Unfortunately, the quality of the item seems to say otherwise. This game has Tamagotchi logic.

-Nekotcha (19??, ??) #CR2032; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Pastel heart-shaped case or mouse-shaped pink case with four buttons. Comes in red and blue. (description from Galen) This is by far the worst virtual pet I have seen. It ages linearly through 8 life stages (if it doesn't die by then, it goes back to the first stage, explained by the instructions that you "raise it's kitten.") While the pet does have a range of functions (feed, bathroom, medicine, exercise, play, injury-care, napping, and dating, what's available depends on the life stage) and each function has 2 or 3 sub-options only one option* will make the cat happy. Too many wrong selections will kill the cat. The game is rather non-interactive, you just enter some function, and it makes the cat either happy or sad, there's no animation other than the cat's eyes moving up and down. There is only its happiness to monitor, and it'll never refuse anything which will please it for the particular stage, meaning you can feed it all day long, give it injections to your heart's content, or for the morbid, have it go under the operating knife repeatedly. It even keeps terrible time.

*actually depending on the function and stage, sometimes none will
please it, or for food and bathroom, both options of both will work.

-New Tamagotchi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Description Unavailable

-New Tamago Watch (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in white case with three buttons. Further description unavailable.

-Penguin Watch (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in a light blue penguin-shaped case with four buttons. Features LED's in the "eyes" of the case to alert the user. Further description unavailable.

-Penpei (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in a round, white case and possibly other colors. Raise a virtual Penguin pet. Further description unavailable.

-Petagotchi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Description Unavailable

-Petegg Chicken (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in a white case with three buttons, a virtual chicken game. Apparently from the same manufacturer as Moshigo No Choubutsu, with the same drawbacks.

-Piyokko (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game is virtually the same as "Bird Watching" with different box and case. The game uses Giayappi Logic.

-Pocket Biscuits (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Game is in the shape of a sandwich cookie, the case opens to play the game. Release is due in 6/97 or 7/97

-Pocket Love (1997, Sanrio) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in Red, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow, and possibly clear green. This game is a virtual relationship game that plays similar to Tamagotchi. Predicted Availability will be on 7/21/97. Further description unavailable.

-Pocket Puppy (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in a white oval case with possibly other colors and 4 buttons. Further description unavailable.

-Pocket Turtle (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This three-button game is identical to the Japanese Tamagotchi in styling, but differs slightly in size (larger). Raise a baby turtle to adulthood. This game uses Tamagotchi Logic.

-Raku Raku Dino-kun (1997, ??) #TK-910; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This digital pet comes in a five-button dinosaur-head shaped case in a variety of pastel colors and features a much larger than normal LCD display of the "pet dinosaur" you take care of. This game features several possible outcomes depending on the care given. This game uses Giga-Pet Logic.

-Ramu Chitchi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in pink, yellow and white with imitation Tamagotchi decals. Raise octopus-like aliens. This game uses Tamagotchi Logic.

-Rikou Rikou-chan (19??, ??) #TK9900; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Looks like this one is made by the same people as the RakuRaku Dino and Yuki Penguin, and like them, there's no manufacturer noted. You raise a boy and from the packaging pictures, there's pics of a student (w/robe & mortar), doctor, and gangster. There's a huge number of buttons, ESC, CLOCK, ENTER, and four more arranged in a diamond, and two extra icons showing arrows, so there's probably more functions than the normal keychain game.

-Sodateyo Gray (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Raise an alien in this purple spaceship-shaped case. This version is different from the Tiger version. Further description unavailable.

-Tamago-gata Watch (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in ovoid-shape case, in bright colors. Further description unavailable.

-Tamagotchi (1996, Bandai) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Originally came in 6 different colors, with decals on the face. Otherwise same as the US version with the US version having minor changes in the graphics.

-Tamago Game (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in a white case with three buttons. Raise a virtual chicken. This game uses Giyaoppi Logic.

-Uupii (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Identical to the Nano-Puppy, and comes in a pear-shaped case with four buttons.

-Wan Tatchi (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Identical to the Nano-Puppy, and comes in a pear-shaped case with four buttons.

-Wan Wan Story: My Puppy (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in a case of various colors (usually white). Similar to the Nano-Puppy.

-Virtual Pet (1997, ??) #E-35; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Identical in every respect to the Nano-Puppy save quality. This item has a dog-shaped face and is available in several pastel colors with five buttons across the face. This game uses Giga-pet logic.

- Yuki Penguin (199?, ??) #TK920; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This is pretty much identical to the Rakuraku Dinokun but with different graphics. The packaging and manual is very similiar to the Dino though oddly it also came with English instructions...for the Dinkie Dino.

-??? na Shoubutsu (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Description Unavailable

IVc. Non-Pet Brick Games

-155 Mini Game (19??, ??) #KC-155; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in a matchbook sized box and has 9 games each with 5 to 16 variations, (except one which has 52). In addition, you can choose the level and speed of each of the games. I says in the instructions that with the level and speed options, you have _6377_ game patterns!

The games are as follows:
A. "Dam Dam Shooting": patterns of blocks descend and you just shoot them away before they reach the bottom, it's like the "Space Invader" game.
B. "Machine Gun": this also appears in my "SI" keychain, but as a variation of the Space Invader game, the one where the shots you fire fill in blocks, and when you fill a horizontal line, it and all those below clear.
C. "Twin Bomber": Same as A but with a double-cannon.
D. "Super PuyoMaru": It's Columns! However you need to line up at least 4 of
the same "color" (since the game basically only has 3 colors)
E. "PuyoMaru Gem Search": This one is like "Flash" Columns.
F. "MechaMecha PuyoMaru": (mechamecha="messy"), same as E, but the target gems aren't embedded in a pile of others, just floating in empty space.
G. "Security Boy": Sokoban
H. "IQ Hopper": Puzznic (I think that's the title. Taito's puzzle game where you control a little blob who shoves patterned blocks into a larger pile)
I. "Excite Block": Tetris Rip-Off
J. "Power Block": Tetris with an extended block set and other items (eg, bombs)

-6638-in-1 (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
Imagine this… Having to select the games one by one. Holding the select button down and makes it fly through about 820 per minute. But you need to release and re-press the button again every so often, since if you hold it down and don't release,
the game considers things to be "idle" and shuts off in 2 minutes.
It plays a reasonably good game of tetris, 10 square wide well, and doesn't give those 4-long pieces too often unlike some other tetris keyrings (then again, sometimes this can be a minus =^) But, two things I don't like about it are: no "NEXT" indicator, and the "T" shaped piece doesn't rotate at its junction point.

-Blockade (1997, Micro Games) #231196; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
This game comes in a purple package with the word "blockade" written on the right of the lcd screen. There are 9 different games (1-8 and A), ranging from Tetris (a complete rip-off) to Car Racing, Shooting and Adventure games. Different skill levels (8) for each game exist.

-Brick GP (1993, Tsukuda) #KC-32; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This unlicensed Tetris game comes in a white case and features 8 variations of the "Tetris" theme: Traditional Tetris, Side-Scrolling Tetris, and Tetris with rising bricks. The other four are the same as the first four, except that the screens are upside-down.

-Hello Kitty Super 3 Mini Gamer (1996, Sanrio) #980; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Available in a pink "Hello Kitty" motif, this girl's game features some "unusual" choices of brick games: Snake, Car Race, and a Shooting Game loosely based on Galaxian.

-Pikorin 55 (19??, Gametech) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in Silver, Yellow and Black. Plays various block games: Snake, and others in 55 variations. A Korean version is also available. Further description not available.

-Space Panic 118-in-1 (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in a variety of different colors. On the packaging is "118-in-1 Space Panic" but on the game is "Space Game 118-in-1".

-Space Panic Super 97 (19??, Fukuyama) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This game comes in a black case and has 97 variations of seven different games.

-Space Panic 9696 (19??, ??) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This brick game has 9,696 different game variations! It starts at 0001 every time you turn the thing on, and only goes in one direction. So if you wanted to play 7530, but accidentally pressed an extra time and for 7531, you're hosed. The game contains the normal Brick type games.

-Tetris Jr. (1996, Blue Planet Software) #56102; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
This licensed game comes in a clear blue or gray case and has three styles of packaging: 1) Red cardboard backing, 2) Purple cardboard backing, and 3) Bundled with Tetris 2 for the Sony PSX in a Target-exclusive special. This item features the Tetris music and multiple skill levels. This item is identical to the Hiro Tetris Jr.

-Tetris Jr. (1996, Hiro) #No. 1; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This licensed game comes in a clear blue or gray case. This item features the Tetris music and multiple skill levels. This item is identical to the Tetris Jr by Blue Planet Software.

IVd. Non-Brick, Non-Pet Games

-Bomberman (1997, Bandai) #55515; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This licensed game comes in a rather large white oval case. Gameplay is similar to the Bomberman arcade: Clear the screen of bad guys (with bombs), and find the exit. This is attempted against a countdown timer. This game also has a more unique display of a sandwiched LCD panel that has two layers of graphics. Gameplay occurs over 4 virtual screens. Plays the Bomberman theme music, has power-ups (extra bomb, and extra power), and even has boss levels!

-Car Racing (1997, Micro Games) #231134; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
This game comes in an orange package and has the words "Car Racing" written above the lcd screen. It is, by far, the most common type of lcd handheld -- A simple driving game where you have to avoid hitting other cars. A few differences from the norm are that there is a car that comes behind you that you have to avoid and you can move the car forward on the screen (to avoid the car behind you).

-Happy Pak-kun (19??, D&O) #4971490002330; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This unlicensed Pac-Man clone comes in either a white or black case and has 9 virtual screens in which you run about a maze. It contains 8 skill levels.

-Pac-Junior (1997, Bandai) #55606; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This arcade translation comes is a rather large clear oval case. Gameplay is similar to the Pac-Man arcade, but with a smaller maze that covers two virtual screens and only three ghosts. Mazes change on different levels, and this game also features intermissions after every four completed levels. Also plays the Pac-Man theme music.

-Pac-Man (1997, Micro Games) #231073; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; CS
This arcade translation comes in a blue case with "Pac-Man" written across the top. The game itself, is quite different from the arcade game. The maze is different for each level and the cherry moves around the maze, randomly appearing and disappearing.

-Pac-Man (19??, ????) #TP-201; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This arcade translation comes in a variety of transparent case colors. On the front of the packaging is in Chinese "Little spirit", on the back "Pac Man", and on the unit "P-Man".

-Pikorin Petit (1996, Gametech) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
This is another keychain game designed for girls and comes in a clear white case with red buttons. This game has a slot that allows insertion of "Print Club" photos to be the backdrop for the playfield. Print Club is a Japanese photo booth off immense popularity, it takes a picture and prints out a sheet of stamp-sized photos with cartoonish borders to share with friends. It also has the same problem that the "Hello Kitty" game has odd game selections: Breakout, and Tank Battle. Several utilities also exist in the game: a countdown timer, and an odd display game that covers and ucovers patterns of bricks, which is used in conjunction with the "Print Club" feature.

-Sokoban 55 (1996, XING) #XEH96001; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in clear case with red buttons, this game plays 55 different levels of Sokoban, the Japanese box-shoving puzzle game.

-Space Invaders (1996, Bandai) #55605; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in oversized clear dark blue case. This is a licensed Space Invaders game in which you have 2 virtual screens to do battle. Features base "shields" that slowly (or quickly, depending on skill level) crumble when shot at.

-Space Invaders (19??, Hiro) #No. 2; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Comes in solid gray or clear blue case. This is a licensed Space Invaders that plays almost like the Bandai version, except for a much smaller size (about the size of a Zippo Lighter). This game has two virtual screens in which you shoot at advancing invaders, and crumbling bases.

-UFO Battler (19??, Tsukuda) #??; Bc; lcd; 1P; K ; FO
Description Unavailable

V. Other interesting utilities/Miscellaneous

1. Photo holder: for "Print Club" photos, you can place a photo of your beloved in the playfield of the game (it's used as a backdrop). Print Club machines are Japanese photo booths that produce stamp-sized adhesive photographs. The particular game with this feature allows the user to cover & uncover portions of the playfeild with bricks.
2. Countdown timer: displays hourglass from 3 to 160 minutes, then sets off an alarm.
3. Recently, Tamagotchi merchandise has started to pop up. So far, only books and T-shirts have been seen, but we're sure to see more as time goes on.

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