The Emerson Arcadia 2001 F.A.Q.

                       Version A.05 - January 1999

                      Creator & Maintainer: Sly D.C.



O.K.,Here's the legal stuff: Copyright(c) 1998-1999, Sylvain De Chantal.


All rights reserved.  This document may be copied, in whole or in part,

by any means provided the copyright and contributors sections remain

intact and no fee is charged for the information.  Contributors

retain the copyright to their individual contributions.


The data contained here in is provided for informational purposes only.

No warranty is made with regards to the accuracy of some informations.



Additional contributions IS welcome! (TOO REALLY BADLY needed!!) 

You can even contact me in French if you want. Please mail additional

information, opinions, and comments to : "" or



Where to get this F.A.Q.:


Try - GameFaqs.Com at ""

    - my Home Page at ""

    - Digital Press ""

    - Newsgroup ""


Want to read the FAQ in HTML version wrote by Ward Shrake ? Then

please go to this adress: ""

Ward got a cart list, system list and many other things.


Or want a site for European Cousins of the Arcadia 2001 ?? Then please

go see 8-Bits Rendez-Vous: ""

Many "Cousins" of the Arcadia 2001 on this site and many pictures.


And another web site to check out is "Obscure Pixels", many obscure

things on this site: "".





                Welcome to the Arcadia 2001 F.A.Q.


                      TABLE OF CONTENTS



              0.0) New Infos

              1.0) The Emerson Arcadia 2001

              1.5) Arcadia 2001 Emulator

              2.0) Arcadia 2001 specs(not complete!)

              3.0) The Arcadia in other Countrys

              3.5) Arcadia 2001 Review

              4.0) CARTRIDGE LIST (not complete!)

              4.5) Collectors List

              5.0) Credits




0.0) New Infos



** Where do i start ?? It's been 6 months i didn't updated the FAQ that

   many of you readers have sent me so many information and pictures.

   Thanks to everybody !!  Now check out the new stuff added. **


** I will add more informations in a near future, just beginning to have

   time to spend to update this FAQ and the others i have. Check from

   time to time on my site for any update, Thanks for understanding! **


** Ralf Keufen sent information for the Tele-Fever & the Intercord,

   another clone ?? How much is there ??? **


** Russ Perry Jr. sent more information about the Bandai Arcadia. **


** Ward Shrake made a HTML version of this FAQ on his web site and many

   other information about the emulation business of the Arcadia 2001.

   Go check t out at this adress: [Digital Archaeology Arcadia 2001 ]

   ""  **


** Rick Lobbestael sent me great information concerning the Leisure-

   Vision. **


** Moonbeam (forgot to ask his real name) send me information concerning

   the Advision Home Arcade, [merci mec !!] **


** Please come visit my little Arcadia 2001 Museum, it will be growing

   when i'll find more time and more stuff to add to the Museum. If

   anybody can contribute, i will be very gratefull, Thanks !

   Web adress: "" **





1.0) The History of the Emerson Arcadia 2001 and it's "cousins":



The Emerson Arcadia 2001 was released in 1982 by Emerson Radio Corp.

but the Leisure-Vision was released in 1980 or 1981 and a few games were

available through "Consumers Distributing" in Canada. It also said that the

system only lasted for 2 years and was picked up by Haminex as a distributor

for a short time before it died out. In 1984 you could still order games for

the Leisure-Vision in the "SEARS" catalog.


This game system only lived for 2 years as it went down with the Crash.

It's cartridge library never expanded over 35 carts or so. The graphics

look like it's been cross-over with the Odyssey 2 and the Intellivision,

even it's controllers looks like the Intellivison with the exception of

a joystick that you can screw-it in or out in the middle of the disc.


Carts came out in two sizes, short ones like the Atari 2600 and long

ones like as long as a Xonox cart(and not double-sided). Many people

wonders why two sizes ? Anybody knows ???


It also has two outputs(or inputs) earphones jacks types on the back

of the unit, on the far left and far right sides. The extra inputs on the

back of the console were going to be used for something similar to "atari"

paddles that you could get as options, and by stripping the console down

were the 2 wire hookup was for the accesory controllers Since Rick

Lobbestael proved this to be so by wiring up a volume control as a paddle.

And please read the Arcadia 2001 Review for more info.


Emerson threatened to sue Aracadia (makers of the 2600 Supercharger)

over the use of the name, so they made change to avoid potential legal

troubles by changing their name to Starpath.





1.5) Arcadia 2001 Emulator



Paul Robson released his Arcadia 2001 emulator which you can get on his web

site at: "". He didn't updated the

emulator since the end of July 1998.


Here's the last version known, features of Release 1 include :


- semi-scanline based screen engine implemented

- accurate palette from real screen shots

- block graphic mode implemented

- console keys latched

- horizontal scrolling bits implemented

- palette switching for sprite multiplexing works properly.

- sound tuned [reasonably] accurately

- noise channel added

- all controller keys emulated

- emulation now much faster


And please don't be a lamer and bother asking non-logical question to the

author, he's trying his best and he's done allready a great job!! And if

anybody has many rom images for the Arcadia 2001, please notify Paul and

send him the roms so he can improve the emulator even more. Thanks!


Here's the story related to the Arcadia 2001 emulator:


A few people on the Internet have been working seperately, a piece at a time,

on emulating the Emerson system and its games. Bruce Tomlin posted some

technical information about the 2001's processor on the net, some time ago.

Jay Tilton took that information and used it to figure out the pinout for the

2001's cartridge slot. Jay also copied the ROM information that was inside his

collection of ten or so Emerson cartridges. Paul Robson took that information

and began work on writing a software emulator for the available games, working

backwards from the object code found inside the cartridge ROMs that had been

read into a computer. Ward Shrake read in the one cartridge he had in his

personal collection that had not already been read in by anyone else; American

Football. Ward is now interested in trying to find and archive all of the 33

or so games that are now known to exist for the Emerson system and its clones.

Ward has previously been one of the driving forces behind the archiving of

nearly 200 Commodore VIC-20 home computer cartridges. He feels confident that

there are reasonable hopes of success in eventually finding and archiving all

the Emerson & clone carts available worldwide. He wants the help of others on

the Internet, to try to locate unarchived carts.


Ward quoted: "Of the 33 or so Emerson Arcadia 2001 games collectors have

currently verified to have been in existence, 21 have already been digitally

archived. (That is, the information inside the ROM memory chips has been copied

and read into a computer, so that those games can be played in a software emulator,

such as the one Paul Robson recently wrote.) Ward has been promised a loan of five

other carts by a reliable source. That will take care of 18 of the 20 most

common carts. Two others should be relatively simple to find on the Internet.

After that, the remaining carts may come in at a slower pace, as they are

rarer and harder to find. But much larger cartridge collections have been

archived for other systems in the past, so Ward is confident that these

remaining carts will eventually appear and be archived as well."





2.0) Arcadia 2001 specs:



I hope this will help some people out there because i scraped my Leisure

-Vision in the name of INFORMATION. When i was trying to open the system,

all the FRAGGIN screws are so cheaply made that they all broke in their

slots, so by trying to cut around carefully the screws, one of them had

a bungle of wires just beside of it and since i didn't know, the bungle

untangled with the cutter and pull apart 5 wires. Eventually since it's

the only one system i have, i don't know where the hell their connected.

But maybe not all will be lost because one of my friends may have find

another for me, i hope so ! (let there be a god!)


The Arcadia is an 8-bit system. The main processor is a Signetics 2650

CPU and the graphic, sound & paddles processor is a Signetics 2637N.

Both are 40-pins.


Main Processor: Signetics 2650 CPU running at 3.58 Mhz(?)

RAM: 1k

ROM: None...

Colour Video Display: 9 Colours (4 characters,4 sprites, background)

Sound: Single Channel "Beeper"

Hardware Sprites: 4 independent, single colour

Controllers: 2 x 2 way

Keypads: 2 x 12 button


Hardware list:


 1 "74ls04" (hex converter),

 1 "74ls86" (quad exclusive or gate),

 1 "sn74ls145" (bcd-to-decimal decoder/driver),

 1 "74ls00" (quad 2-input nand gate),

 1 "74ls258" (quad data selector/multiplexer inverter 3-state outputs)

 2 "MCM2114P25" (4K Ram)

 1 "MC14069UB" (hex inverter)

 1 "CD4066BCN" (cmos quad bilateral switch)

 1 "2622N//8218" 14 pins chip (NTSC video sync signals)

 1 "8210//2650A N" 40 pins chip (Signetics 2650 CPU)

 1 "8218//2637N" 40 pins chip (Signetics 2637N)


Pinout of the cartridge port


(Component side of the plug-in cartridges' PC boards

and also the rear side of a carts' outer plastic box)


A12  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7  D0  D2  D1  NC  NC  NC GND GND GND


 1   3   5   7   9   11  13  15  17  19  21  23  25  27  29



 2   4   6   8   10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30


GND +5V  A0  A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7  A8  A9 A10 A11 /EN


(Solder side of the plug-in cartridges but

the plastic boxes' front / main label side)


The slot is identical to the one used with the APF MP1000/Imagination

Machine, although they are not compatible. Or the same numbers of pins

as a Colecovision (30 pins slot). As for the power supply, it's a 12V.

DC with 0.5 Amps min.


Here's what Anthony Brown sent and said:

I did some research on the chips in the unit, while trying to repair

one several years back.  The "82xx" numbers on the chips are probably

date codes, with "82" being the year, and "xx" being the week.

The processor is the Signetics 2650, which is an 8-bit processor

with an odd memory addressing scheme.  It can directly access 32K

of memory, but only in 8K banks.  I am not sure of the "A" suffix,

although I know a "B" suffix had a couple of pins different from a

regular 2650.  The graphics are handled by the Signetics 2637N, which

is capable of handling 4 "objects" (sprites?), has a built-in character

generator ROM, does collision detection, and has an A/D converter with

4 inputs.  The 2622 is generates the NTSC video sync signals, and has

a PAL counterpart, the 2621.


I have pinouts and a block diagrams for all of these, and I have

attempted to write a dissasembler for 2650 code, although I have no way

of testing it so far. I *might* attempt to build a cart reader one of

these days, first I need to get out the multimeter and trace the

cartridge port pinout.


There is a disassembler "DASMX" available on the Web which will decode

2650 cartridges. So anybody interested in doing a cartridge dumper ??

This would be extremely usefull for hackers and for any persons who

wants to play with more games with the emulator.





3.0) The Arcadia in other Countrys:



The Arcadia 2001 was released in many other countrys and i don't know

why the reason of a different name in each countries. But at least all

the cartridges for each system are compatible with each others!


The name of the Arcadia 2001 here in Canada is called the "Leisure-

Vision" distributed by Leisure-Dynamics, afterwards it was distributed by

Haminex .(Thanks to Rick Lobbestael for this input) In Germany, it is called

the "Haminex HMG2650", in France: "Advision Home Arcade", in Italy: the

"Leonardo" and in Germany (another!), it is called the "Schimd TVG2000",

there's even a Clone of the Schmid called the "Tele-Fever" who doesn't

look one bit to the Schmid TVG2000. And in New Zealand, it is called

the "Video Master" made by Grandstand. (see the chart at the end of this

chapter to know which system was released in which country)


The Tele-Fever rather unique, it's main color is black with two con-

trollers (one detacheble). The controllers have a keyboard on the left

side, a joystick in the middle and a red light on the right side. Just

beside of the player 1 controller (on the left) is where is the buttons

(reset, select, option, start & power) to control your game play.


Ralf Keufen sent this information: The Tele-Fever system was released

in Germany. There were also 4 games released under theTele-Fever label

(Astro Invader, Jump Bug, Soccer, Tennis). I also know of an Arcadia

clone called Intercord..., which was also released in Germany. :-(Box

and system look like the Schmid TVG 2000.)


And for a matter of fact, the Arcadia 2001, the Leisure-Vision, the

Haminex HMG2650 and the Schmid TVG2000 looks alike ! But the only

difference of each game system is only the name, that's all !


Here's some infomations about the Advision Home arcade by Moonbeam:

TELESOFT issue 10 (french magazine) dealed with Home Arcade in summer 1983. It

is said that the machine should be released in september 1983. Tilt (another

french magazine) dealed with it in november 1984, in its special issue of end

of year. So the magazine has probably talked about before but I don't know

when (as I still miss some early issues). There is a list of more of 500 games

in it (the games that were tested in the whole year by Tilt), including some

features for each game : machine, marks, goal, point of view...


About software, I only have 2 photos of Home Arcade. Both are with Space Attack

inserted. There's a photo of Jump Bug in TELESOFT, they also talk about some games,

but they don't give their names :It seems, there's a soccer. In another game, you

are a prisonner you help to escape in a highway, afterwards in a station, etc...

A frog in a bulding of 12 floors.


In the list of games of Tilt, they talk about Route 16 (yes, indeed). A small

screen picture is added. There is also a game called "Le clochard" that can be

translated as "the tramp". This tramp is named "Hobo" in the game! So it seems

that some original names were replaced by french names. It seems they only

tested those two games (in 1984).


Advision is the name of the "importator" of the machine. We can imagine that a

condition of this import was to put the name of the importator only on the

machine and this would be why Emerson Arcadia doesn't appear. (ITMC importator

of some other machines did that apparently)

Advision adress was given by TELESOFT : Advision RN 7, 06270 VILLENEUVE-LOUBET.

   Tel : (93) 20 65 42    (i'm afraid it doesn't exist anymore ;-))  )

This location is at extreme south east, near to the sea.


Advision Home Arcade is here one of the really hardest based-cartridges system

to find. I have never seen one. I found a french guy who's been collecting for

10 years and I'll ask him if he has got one (if I'll have his email adress

again (I lost it when my hard disc crashed)). There are other very very hard

to find and strange cartridges based systems here such as Home Vision,

Intertron VC 4000, Société Occitane d'Electronique OC 2000 (not sure this is

the correct name), Rollet Tronic, Prestige...



The Arcadia 2001 came out in Japan under the name "Bandai Arcadia" by

Bandai (Thanks for Russ Perry JR. for the name) but here's a tiny list

of carts: Alien Invaders(small cart) #3, Cat Trax(large cart), Escape

Man(large cart) #9, Super Gobbler(large cart) and #50, "Kidou Senshi

Gundamu" which translates as "Mobile Soldier Gundam" as in SD Gundam ?

(Thanks again to Russ Perry JR. for the Gundam cart name.) Any more

info people ??



EMERSON ARCADIA 2001 and it's "Cousins":



System Name            |   Country         | Manufacturer


Leisure-Vision         | Canada            | Leisure-Dynamics

Hanimex HMG-2650       | Germany & Canada  | Hanimex

Advision Home Arcade   | France            | Advision

Leonardo               | Italy             | Leonardo ?

Schmidt TVG-2000       | Germany           | Schmidt

Bandai Arcadia         | Japan             | Bandai

Video Master           | New Zealand       | Grand Stand

Palladium              | Germany           | Palladium ?

Tele-Fever             | Germany           | ???

Hanimex Fever 1        | Germany ?         | Hanimex

Tryom                  | ???               | Tryom?

Rowntron MPT-03        | ???               | Rowntron?

Soundic MPT-03         | ???               | Soundic?

Prestige MPT-03        | France            | ???

Hanimex MPT-03         | France ?          | Hanimex

Tunix Home Arcade      | New Zealand       | Monaco Distributors Ltd.

Intercord              | Germany           | ???





3.5) Arcadia 2001 Review:


From: (Mr. William E. Combs)


Subject: Electronic Games -11/82 -Arcadia 2001 Review

Date: 10 Mar 1998 23:00:52 GMT


Subject: Electronic Games - 11/82 - Arcadia 2001 Review


Here is a review from the Nov. 82 issue of the upcoming Emerson Arcadia

2001 system....Enjoy!


Emerson Arcadia 2001 - A Gamer's Evaluation- Henry Cohen    


A wise man once said, "Good things come in small packages." Whoever coined

this addage certainly wasn't thinking about Emerson's new Arcadia 2001

videogame system, but the phrase sure fits, anyway. 


This unit, which looks something like the Intellivision's baby brother,

has got to be the cutest system around. The carton in which the Arcadia

2001 comes packed, hardly looks big enough to hold a handful of cartridges.


Nonetheless, the console packs the power of a senior programmable video-

game machine. Though it's hard to know if the designers considered it in

this light, the Arcadia owns the distinction of being the world's first

portable videogame system. Besides its diminutive size, always handy in

a take-along, the 2001 is capable of operating off of any 12 volt DC

power source.  This includes auto batteries of the type used in boats

and campers, a video power belt or the battery pack of a portable TV. 


Just think, once Watchman-size color television becomes a reality,

you'll be able to fit a complete fun factory into a briefcase! Flanking

the central cartridge slot on the Arcadia 2001 console are two

Intellivision look-alike controllers.


Just below the cartridge slot is the on/off switch and buttons for reset,

game select,option select, and start.  A "power on" LED completes the

picture. Along the back panel are found conveniently located jacks for two

optional controllers, a 12 volt DC power source, two hard-wired coil

cords (for the built-in controllers and a channel

3/channel 4 selector switch.    


The big news about the system, however, is its extremely high memory

capacity.  The unit contains 28K of RAM, which makes it the second

(Colecovision has 48K) smartest videogame system around. All this power

is great if it is used properly, but unfortunately the only six games

available for testing at the time of this writing used more than 8K of

memory. The controllers are almost virtual twins of those found on



There are 12 buttons on the keyboard, two firing buttons (Mattel has four)

and a disk controller. The latter features along-awaited innovation,

screw-in joystick. If you like the disks you've got em, and if you crave

a joystick it's there in the box just waiting for you. Mylar overlays

come with each game, as needed, and both controllers fit neatly into the

console when play is completed, though the cords dangle. One glaring

omission is that the system does not contain circuitry to either blank

the picture after two minutes of non-play or to vary the colors or

intensity of the on-screen image. 


When questioned about this lack of TV protection circuitry, Emerson told

EG that it is looking into the situation, but that it feels such protec-

tion isn't needed. Emerson may be right, but the company is going to have

a hard time convincing potential buyers of this. Let's take a closer look

at some of the games: The great American pastime Baseball is done justice

by way of one delightful innovation in the 2001's diamond program. When a

ball is hit to the outfield, a second screen appears which shows an

outline of the outfield and the single player involved. This provides a

much betterchance for the outfielder to catch and field a ball than other

home simulations. 


After the player gets the ball, the screen reverts to normal and the coach

can direct the fielder to throw to any baseman including the catcher. With

a full nine-player team represented and control of pitching, hitting and

running, managers can make realistic plays.  The game is not quite as

detailed as the award-winning Intellivision cartridge but it is close -

and an excellent baseball game in its own right. It is also easy to learn

and to master, giving it a leg up on most of its competition. This reviewer

liked 2001 Baseball and looks forward to other sports simulations from

this newcomer on the block. Breakaway, the 2001 approach to wall-bashing

is nothing more than adequate.  The cartridge is innovative in that it

allows varying of the paddle speed and includes a vertical version of the

game, but the overall effect was unimpressive. As EG tested an early

version of the game and we were told later versions would be much improved,

it isn't worth detailing the problems. Suffice that paddle speed was much

too pokey, the vertical versions had to be played with the joystick moving

diagonally, and overall control was anything but smooth. Judging from the

other games we previewed, we could only wish for the improved version to

come our way.      


We have no doubt that Emerson can do a much better job than with this

first edition of Breakaway. It really shouldn't have broken away from

Emerson at all. Cat Trax conversely, is not a game for pussycats, but more

of a clever maze-chase. Cat Trax provides three rather than nine lives, as

you manuever your kitty through a maze dodging a trio of hungry dogs. At

the same time, the electronic feline must gobble up pieces of catnip and

an occasional bone.  The bone flashes periodically in the middle of the

screen, and if you snatch it, you turn into a dagcatcher's van that enables

you to race through the maze at a very high speed and capture the offending

canines. Onced touched, the dogs are placed in the pound for up to 20

seconds of game time.  There's a time clock within the doghouse that lets

you know just how long you have to grab the catnip before the dogs are

released once more. Each time you eat a bone and send the pups to their

just reward, less time is awarded to get the job done. The graphics are

clever, and the game is generally a great deal of fun. It is one of the

few home maze games that offers almost as much fun as the granddaddy of

them all, Pac-Man. Cat Trax is a good game and should keep you purring for

hours at a time.    


Sticking within the labyrinth category, there is Jungler. Played in a maze

that closely resembles Cat Trax, Jungler pits a gamer's controlled serpent

against one driven by the computer. Notice that we didn't say snake because

some people just don't like the thought of snakes, much less actually

having one in their home, even if it is electronic. Sticking closely to the

arcade version, Jungler challenges players to postition a serpent so that

its lashing tongue can destroy sections of the rural reptile before the

same is done to you.  Normally, you can only consume sections from the

middle and tail of the opposing serpent, but if you pass through the center

of the maze when it is flashing, your head turns color and you can shoot

head to head.  The game is a little slow, and the maze is a little broad,

but Jungler is challenging and fun.  Its also unique to the system, so if

this Jungler is your coin-op fave, here is the only way to the safari.


The last of the arcade style games, is Space Attack. A combination Galaxian

and Space Invaders, Space Attack pits your horizontal cannon against a

field of attacking aliens that stays in formation and fires at you

relentlessly.  An occasional invader comes down one-to-one to keep things

interesting.  There are no shields so quick reflexes are key to survival.

One of the problems in Space Attack is that each round starts with the

cannon somewhere off screen to the right. Until you get used to beginning

a round with the joystick pointed dead left, you may think the designers

forgot a key graphic - you cannon.  Other than that idiosyncracy, there

is a pronounced slowness to the movement of the cannon we found irksome. 


Again this condition may be corrected by the time the final versions hit

the home market. Other than these two small problems, graphics are good

and Space Attack may be considered another reasonable version of several

very familiar space shoot-em-ups. Capture, an electronic version of Reversi

is a delight.  In this battle of wits, which can be played against another

opponent or the omputer, the object of the game is to capture and maintain

ownership of the highest number of squares on a grid. You capture a square

by placing your piece next to you opponent's piece, on a line or diagonal

which also contains another of your pieces. In simpler terms you sandwich

your opponents squares with your own pieces. He may then sandwich you in,

sort of like putting hands on a baseball bat until no more room is left,

and the game goes back and forth untill all squares are captured by

someone. The game allows you, through its options, to set time limits,

change difficulty levels or simply represent two human players. It also

keeps a running score and times of each move.    


Capture is not a speed and reflex game, but rather an intellectual

challenge. As such, it's first rate and highly enjoyable. We can only

wonder what Space Chess will be like since Emerson is obviously quite

clever, judging by Capture, at producing electronic board-games. That's

the story of the little videogame system that could. At a list price of

$200.00, but with an actual selling price of only half that amount, Arcadia

2001 packs quite a wallop for the buck.





>From "Computer and Video Games" No 8. June 1982...(UK Magazine)


"Keep your eyes open for a new home game centre dedicated to arcade

games.  Called the Hanimex Home Arcade Centre it will be on sale at the

end of june.  Swindon based Hanimex is lauching its new system with a

total of 17 games cartridges, six of which are version of money-spinning

arcade favourites.


The Home Arcade incorporates the handsets used by the Mattel

Intellivision centre.  These differ from the conventional hand

controllers because they come with a circular disc with which you make

your manoeuvres. Others use a joystick device.


Retailing at around 89pounds Home Arcade follows in the footsteps of

Hanimex's other video games centre, the Interton VC4000.  According to

Hanimex the new centre is based on a more advanced system than the



Software for Home Arcade springs initially from a Hanimex team who then

pass it on to an American sub-contractor which designs and writes each

program.  The manufacturing process is taking place at the firm's

Swindon factory. 


Scheduled for lauch in June are versions of Pheonix, Defender, Crazy

Climber, Pacman, Galactica and Berzerk.


Plans are afoot to continue bringing out new games cartridges for the

new game centre which will be of an equally standard and meet public

demand.  Future releases include Centipede, Jungler and Galaga.

At the same time Hanimex will carry on the Interton VC4000."





4.0) CARTRIDGE LIST: (They all have Overlays)



Name:            |Emerson|Schmid|Haminex|Leis-V|Advisn|Leonrd|VideoM|


3-D Bowling      | 1008  | C011 |       |      |      |      |      |  

3-D Raceway      | -NR-  | -NR- |       |  ??  |      |      |      | 

3-D Soccer       |  ??   | C033 |       |      |      |      |      |

Alien Invaders   | 1003  | C008 |       |MC1000|      |      |exist |

Astro Invader    |  ??   | C028 |       |      |      |      |      |

American Football| 1017  | -NR- |       |  ??  |      |      |      |  

Baseball         | 1004  | -NR- |       |MC1001|      |      |      |  

Brain Quiz       |  ??   | C001 | NR.?? |      |      |      |      |  

Breakaway        |  ??   | C007 |       |MC1007|      |      |exist |  

Capture          | 1002  | C012 |       |      |      |      |      |  

Cat Trax         | 1001  | C017 | NR.24 |      |      |      |exist |  

Crazy Gobbler    | -NR?- | C002 |       |      |      |      |      |  

Crazy Climber    | -NR?- |  NR? |       |      |      |      |exist |

Escape           | 1015  | C015 |       |      |      |      |exist |

Funky Fish       |  ??   | C023 |       |      |      |      |      | 

Galaxian         | -NR-  | -NR- | -NR-  | -NR- | -NR- | -NR- | -NR- |

Grand Prix 3-D   |       |      |       |      |      |      |      |

Grand Slam Tennis|  ??   | C022 |       |      |      |      |      |  

Hobo             | -NR?- | C032 |       |exist |      |      |      |  

Home Squadron    | -NR?- | -NR- |       |      |      |      |      |  

Jump Bug         | -NR-  | C030 |       |MC1038|      |      |      |  

Jungler          | 1023  | C019 | NR.04 |MC1021|      |      |      |  

Missile War      |  ??   | C016 |       |  ??  |      |      |exist |

Ocean Battle     |  ??   | C010 |       |MC1008|      |      |exist |  

Pleiades         |  ??   | C024 |       |      |      |      |      |  

RD2 Tank         | -NR-  | C031 |       |  ??  |      |      |      |  

Red Clash        |  ??   | C026 |       |exist |      |      |      |  

Robot Killer     | -NR?- | C004 |       |MC1017|      |      |      |  

Route 16         | -NR-  | -NR- |       |exist |      |      |      |  

Soccer           | 1009  | C013 |       |      |      |      |exist |  

Space Attack     |  ??   | C003 |       |MC1016|      |      |      |  

Space Chess      |  ??   | -NR- |       |  ??  |      |      |      |  

Space Mission    | 1019  | C009 |       |MC1005|      |      |      |  

Space Raiders    | 1016  | C018 | NR.26 |      |      |      |      |

Space Squadron   | -NR?- | C020 |       |MC1014|      |      |      |  

Space Vultures   |  ??   | C006 |       |MC1013|      |      |      |   

Spiders          | 1024  | C025 |       |MC1032|      |      |      |  

Star Chess       | 1006  | C021 |       |MC1004|      |      |      |  

Super Gobbler    | -NR?- | C005 |       |MC1019|      |      |      |  

Tanks A Lot      | 1007  | C014 |       |MC1019|      |      |      |

The End          | -NR-  | C027 |       |  ??  |      |      |      |  

Turtles Turpin   | -NR-  | C029 | NR.34 |  ??  |      |      |      | 


Kidou Senshi Gundamu     ONLY RELEASED IN JAPAN BY BANDAI           |






4.5) Collectors List:



* Sylvain De Chantal (Leisure-Vision)

* Rikard Ljungkvist (Schmid TVG 2000 & Tele-Fever)

* Rayth Orlea (Arcadia 2001)

* Russ Perry Jr (Arcadia 2001)


* Hey ! Don't be shy ! Join the List !





5.0) Credits



Many thanks to these guys !!! If it wasn't for them & for their info,

this FAQ wouln't exist !!


* Olivier Boisseau (many infos)

* Eric Bouchard (infos)

* Anthony Brown (specs info)

* James Carter (inputs)

* Greg Chance (infos)

* Michael Davidson (Video Master info)

* Dean Dierschow (Arcadia 2001 list)

* Jamie Dulyk (infos)

* Martin Gansel (Schmid list)

* MOONBEAM (real name ???) (Advision infos)

* Cory R. Gilbert (Arcadia 2001 cart models info)

* Ralf Keufen (Tele-Fever & Intercord infos)

* Rikard Ljungkvist (for pics and infos)

* Rick Lobbestael (Leisure-Vision infos)

* Daniel A. Mazurowski (many infos!!)

* Michael J. Novak Jr. (some inputs)

* Russ Perry Jr (Japanese inputs)

* Paul Robson (for his emulator & specs inputs)

* Ward Shrake ( (HTML FAQ & other info)



Thanks and see you in the next version !!!


Copyright(c)1999, Sylvain De Chantal, ""

or come visit my homepage at ""






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