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Game ID: 5363
Console / System: Sega CD
Title: Make My Video: INXS
Scarcity (loose): 1
Value in USD (loose): 3
Scarcity (complete): 0
Value in USD (complete): 0
Publisher: DigitalPictures
Section: 1
Style: Full-Motion Video
Exceptional: -
Description: One of the 22 original releases that were in flimsy cardboard boxes.
Landmark: This was a launch title in the US.
Easter eggs: There is a hidden video about the making of this series. To see it, press A, B, C, Right at the "U-Direct" menu to display a behind-the-scenes FMV sequence. Now if you press Start during this sequence you'll get another hidden movie called "The Annals of Digital Pictures".
Release date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/15/92
Country / region: USA
System exclusive: 0
Santulli Slant: More of a digital toy than a game, the "Make My Video" series (along with Power Factory) are among the bane of Sega CD collectors. In the day, just one of thse games just one time through would have been enough, but expecting to play them over and over - and buy other musicians on completely different packages... no way that was going to work. [Gr: 6, So: 8, Ga: 2, Ov: 3]
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