

Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 3

Sound: 2

Gameplay: 1

Overall: 1


Apparently Mattel found the generically titled X-Men to be the best software to push alongside the miserable HyperScan hardware. That's a strong statement. It's clunky, easy, bland, and flat out boring even for the target audience. It's one of the few fighters that could give the classically awful Rise of the Robots a challenge for the crown of "worst fighting game."

After an astounding load time that never wants to end, players begin by swiping their character cards. Once loaded, you can scan some modification cards to enhance powers. Once finally up and moving, you wait some more. It still has some loading to do.

Game modes are standard fare for a fighter, with the only standout being the Danger Room. Here, you'll train your character in various ways, dependent on which cards you happen to have. Once completed properly, your chosen character is upgraded. This RPG system infused with the HyperScan cards is the only notable aspect.

X-Men is a three button fighter, at least in the traditional sense. A punch and kick serve as the base, and the third activates a special move when a meter near the health bars is full. It recharges quickly so anyone can abuse the mutant powers.

Special powers are completely unimportant when the foot sweep is a far more effective means of wiping out adversaries. Trapping a foe in a constant sweep assault is only a matter of hoping the controls remain responsive, as the helpless enemy cannot regain their stance thanks to the hit detection.

If the controls do fail (a fairly common occurrence) and that sweep is missed, you'll surely be happy to contend with the spotty collision that feels like you can hit an opponent from across the screen with a punch. Jumping forward is difficult due to the controller, and who takes damage in a jump-in attack is seemingly random.

Tremendously low amounts of animation further blacken the experience; if the latter term is appropriate anywhere here. The rendered sprites are decent interpretations of the Marvel creations, and even when going through a standing routine, movement gives the impression this could be something special. Unfortunately, this is a video game and things move. One frame attacks are the norm, and awkward finishing poses lead to priceless finales.

Even for the youngest of kids, this is simply terrible gaming. X-Men is broken to the point of being unplayable, and no one will find competition to be worthwhile. This title stalled the hardware right out of the gate.


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Last updated: Monday, August 20, 2007 10:01 PM