Xevious 3D/G+


Review by Dave Giarrusso



Graphics: 8

Sound: 5

Gameplay: 7

Overall: 8

Let’s cut to the chase: Xevious 3D/G+ is the best classic arcade game “update” available today. It figures. Namco gave it to us.

xevious3d1ps1.jpg (23380 bytes)3D/G+ is every bit as good as the first Xevious, and every bit as good as other fun PSX shooters like Raystorm and Darius G. It’s a perfect blend of original gameplay and updated graphics. It’s a tough game - the player can’t mindlessly crash and restart and continue through to the end of the game. (Unless that player cheats, and if you do, tsk tsk!) Unlike Hasbro’s miserable Frogger update, but similar to Robotron X, 3D/G+ still LOOKS like the original Xevious. A gamer who is familiar with the original could easily pick this one out of a police lineup as the grandchild. 3D/G+ still FEELS like the original Xevious – shoot (with the zapper) and strafe (with the blaster) the enemies ‘til there are none left in your way. Even the hidden flags and towers are still here, along with the dreaded rings, mirrors, and motherships!

What sets 3D/G+ apart from the earlier incarnations of Xevious? 3D, polygonal graphics, of course. Powerups, naturally. Two-player simultaneous play. Faster, smoother gameplay. Outstanding new sound effects that really make the player “feel” the crunching demise of the enemy. A groovy new soundtrack that wonderfully compliments the gameplay, and even incorporates the original theme. (The surround-sound experience in this game might well be the best overall aural assault I’ve experienced on the PSX.) Heihachi and Paul from Namco’s Tekken series. No foolin’!! Speaking of Tekken, there’s even a cinematic intro that is vaguely reminiscent of the Tekken series opening movies.

The 3D/G+ powerups come in three flavors: blue, red, and green. The blue icon simply adds firepower to the zapper, increasing both the spray width and number of shots fired. Red icons switch the Solvalou over to an offensive system that launches homing, octopus-like tendrils of red (zapper) and yellow (blaster). Unlike the blue and green powerups, the red icon also affects the strafing capabilities of the Solvalou. Green icons yield the most powerful weapon of the three: big laser fire. As with many shoot ‘em up games, the player must carefully decide which weapons are best suited to which sections of the game, and carefully avoid accidentally picking up the wrong powerup (often the red) at the wrong time.

Never a company to rest on its laurels, Namco has included both Xevious and Super Xevious emulators in this package, and as if THREE games weren’t enough, there’s also a “completely rearranged” version of the original, Xevious Arrangement, which also includes two-player simultaneous play. Casual Xevious players may not notice the differences between the first three games, but die hard fans of the series will easily spot the subtle, but very welcome, changes between Xevious (original), Super Xevious (slightly different, more difficult) and Xevious Arrangement. Arrangement boasts more detailed graphics, powerups (of the 1942 or Twin Eagle variety), and more outstanding music. The riff that plays when you meet the first mothership in Arrangement is downright frightening! (Note: it’s supposed to startle the player, so that’s a big compliment.) Shoot ‘em up fans’ game libraries are NOT complete without a copy of Xevious 3D/G+.

SECRETS!: TEKKEN CHARACTERS!! To play the game as HEIHACHI: highlight “START” on the 3D/G+ menu, then on CONTROLLER 1 hold LEFT, X, O, and START until you see the Solvalou change into Heihachi. To play as PAUL, highlight “START” and on CONTROLLER 2 hold RIGHT, X, O, START until the Solvalou becomes Paul. They even start out powered up!


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Last updated: Sunday, October 16, 2005 04:03 PM