Wrestlemania 2000

Nintendo 64

Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 8

Sound: 7

Gameplay: 9.5

Overall: 9

wrestlemania2000n642.jpg (45920 bytes)Wrestling games have been released fast and hard over the past year. Each of these seemed to be more mediocre than the last. The best of the best out of all of these are produced by THQ with a WCW license attached. Acclaim recently lost the WWF license and THQ was quick to snatch it up. This is a godsend for wrestling fans as the engine THQ uses (created by AKI) for their wrestling is the most refined of all time.

Very few changes have been made to the core gameplay. The popular "grapple" system has made a triumphant return. There seems to be a slight speed boost, but this is hardly noticeable. The multitude of moves is incredible, pulled together with an easy-to-learn control scheme that feels natural. The realism is wonderful. The majority of changes are aesthetic though, an area that wrestling fans seem drawn to the most.

Everything in the graphics department has been completely reworked. Trademark moves are included like the Rock's "Peoples Elbow," Mankind has Socko, and Austin gives the one-finger "salute." There are still clipping issues (something that has plagued the series since it's inception way back on the Playstation's Power Move Pro Wrestling). The crowd looks just awful with flat, blurry, barely animated sprites. The included Titan Tron videos are an appreciated feature, but in this condition, they may not be worth it.

Theme music of all the wrestlers has been squashed into the cart and sounds quite muffled, but it's still recognizable and it does help bring the feel of being there alive. There is no commentary during the matches, something that is sorely missed since the music that plays instead is just dreadful. Thankfully, this can be turned off in the options menu.

wwfwrestlemania2000n641.jpg (43576 bytes)While the create-a-player isn't up to Acclaim's high standards (arguably the only decent part of their games), it still allows gamers to create a plethora of different wrestlers. You can also create belts and then put them up against friends who can then take them should you lose. The meat of the game is the "Road to Wrestlemania" in which players start at the bottom of the WWF barrel, working their way to the top forming allegiances and feuds on the way. The amount of match types doesn't quite equal Acclaim's either, but there is enough here to satisfy any wrestling fan.

Even with some of the flaws, this is the absolute pinnacle of wrestling games. Acclaim can longer release WWF games using their tired and outdated engine. THQ, bring it on.


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Last updated: Saturday, October 01, 2005 12:14 AM