Twisted Metal 4


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 8

Sound: 6

Gameplay: 7

Overall: 7

twistedmetal41ps1.jpg (28549 bytes)As the innovator of vehicular combat (though it could be said that the 16-bit classic Rock & Roll Racing actually invented the genre, Twisted Metal brought this genre to the masses), Twisted Metal has gained quite a following over the years. The unfortunate drop in quality thanks to the utterly pathetic third game in the series may have tarnished this reputation, but the fourth has revitalized the series and brought it back from the dead. It's still not the best game in the series, actually far from it, but it's a sign that series can still hang with the best.

The main problem with the third game, the arduous turning controls that flipped your car over at the tap of the D-pad, has been addressed. Your car will still roll if you take a corner at high speeds, but the controls have definitely been revamped. Sweet Tooth's weapons have never been easier to use and precise enough to take down even the peskiest enemies.

The graphics have been moderately touched up since our last visit, and the improved frame rate is a blessing. The innovative stages, such as Sweet Tooth's bedroom, show off the best the PS One can offer in it's final days. The spectacular lighting effects make everything glow purty colors, a rarity on this aging 32-bitter. The sounds remain relatively unchanged since the first, retaining the dark, surreal feel these games convey.

twistedmetal421ps1.jpg (26697 bytes)A few new features have been included. The ability to create your own car and select your favorite weapons of destruction is an all around excellent idea. A minimal frame rate drop is incurred during the multi-player, a refreshing change from other PS One racers. Very few things are more fun than building your own cars and taking them into an arena to do battle.

While the game is highly enjoyable, lets hope this is the last of the series on the PS One. Four  games is long run for any series and it's going to take an overhaul to make this series the original masterpiece it once was. Other games in the genre, like Vigilante 8, have eclipsed Twisted Metal in both style and gameplay. This is a nice send out to a great series on a classic console, but lets hope the next generation of consoles can re-invent the franchise.


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Last updated: Sunday, October 16, 2005 03:40 PM