

Review by Kevin Oleniacz

Electronic Arts

Game Show

Graphics: 7

Sound: 9

Gameplay: 6

Overall: 7

EA presents a fresh new look in contrast to the one-dimensional game shows produced in real life. Two to four participants vie to become the first to reach the top of a spiraling staircase (called "the pallindrome"). Along the way, you answer assorted trivia, recreate pictures, zap commercials on a grid, play concentration via sounds or pictures, match a trio of faces, or test your memory by selecting items off of store shelves. The graphics and sounds - especially the actors, are crisp and well rendered. Providing comic relief are corny commercials which occasionally interrupt the game. Overall, this is a must-see game when having a group of people over, but after repeated play the material loses its appeal.


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Last updated: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 04:40 PM