Supreme Warrior

32X CD

Review by Matt Paprocki

Digital Pictures


Graphics: 5

Sound: 6

Gameplay: 1

Overall: 1


In order to use the 32X CD, you need three systems, three AC adapters, a connecting cable, and a composite/RF cable. With all that power, casual gamers not aware of system specs would suspect top-tier games rivaling even Playstation games. Instead, we got Supreme Warrior.

This is more along the lines of Supreme Disaster. This is a game that makes no sense, from both an idea and gameplay standpoint. Its execution couldn't be more unbearable, and to think this has any programming behind it is unthinkable. It fails in everything it wants to do.

To begin, the training session is awful. It gives a brief overview about WHEN to hit, just not HOW to hit. This is a three-button fighter, and most of the moves require the d-pad too. It's confusing, and you're simply given too much to use. Since the timing required is well beyond what a normal human can achieve, even if you do get it down, you'll likely hit with the wrong move. Try blocking and you cover the entire screen is covered with your super-imposed hands.

So, what does Supreme Warrior offer? Almost nothing. This might have been mildly entertaining had it been done is a cheesy, campy style. Instead, it takes itself way too seriously, and with the cheap costumes, it's just not what it should be. Oddly, you can select from dubbed Cantonese dialogue, or the original English audio. It should be the other way around.

The video quality is a definite improvement over the Sega CD version, but still plagued by compression issues. There are times when opponents look like nothing more then a walking pile of blocks. Cinematics are almost full screen while actual fighting is boxed inside useless graphics that only provide health information. The advertising team made a big deal about this being filmed in Hong Kong, when it could have been New Jersey with these sets and no one would have known the difference.

The soundtrack is actually quite enjoyable. It's a great throwback to all those classic kung-fu melees while still sounding up to date. It doesn't add very much to the fighting, but it does offer something tolerable in an otherwise unplayable game.

Is there any reason to play Supreme Warrior? Think of it this way: It makes as much sense to play it as it did to make it in the first place. In case you can't figure that out, it means no.


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Last updated: Sunday, September 25, 2005 03:29 PM