Super Soccer


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 6

Sound: 6

Gameplay: 7

Overall: 7


supersoccersnes1.bmp (171290 bytes)Nintendo released a small, occasionally overlooked line of sports game for the SNES, three of which depending solely on the scaling and rotation the console could provide. NCAA Basketball, NHL Stanley Cup, and the generic little soccer game here, Super Soccer. A first gen title, this doesn't feature the highest quality graphics as the other games would, but provides light, arcade soccer that's easy to get into.

The smooth pace of the game does outdo numerous other ones that would try this same perspective. The obvious problems with moving the camera onto the field from behind one of the goal keepers is the player moving "down" is at a major disadvantage. The cheesy sprites come from nowhere, without any indication they're approaching, or radar to orient the player to set up an offense.

It's not exactly important to do so however. This is straight arcade action; meaning speed and ease of play are an obvious priority. Shooting and passing are simple tasks, though a quirk with the controls may frustrate some. There are no switching players here. You'll actually be controlling two or more at once. It's probably the only way the game would work considering the view, and given an adjustment period, it's an acceptable compromise.

supersoccersnes3.bmp (171290 bytes)There is a small selection of teams to choose from, each with varying general stats. It's an obvious difference on the field, but you can't pick a player and know they're the star of the team. It seems that each player uses the stats programmed for the team. The little strategy of setting up offenses is lost.

Fun, fast paced music accompanies the on-field action, and continues if the need for a shoot out arises. It adds a nice layer to this one, especially considering sound effects are non-existent. You'll also need that music during the menus. There's not much here to do besides picking teams and playing; fine for classic gamers, not so much for those who need involving franchise modes.

The again, Super Soccer isn't looking for the die-hard sports fans. It's an obvious attempt to make an accessible sports game for everyone, even if the view prevents that from working entirely. It's an admirable effort and not a bad choice for beginners. Fans of the sport have long since moved on.


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Last updated: Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:15 AM