Super Cobra

Atari 5200

Review by Keita Iida

Parker Bros


Graphics: ?

Sound: ?

Gameplay: ?

Overall: 3

Simply put, Super Cobra is a gutter-level stinker. The graphics suck, control is terrible (even with the Masterplay Interface) and the game is so difficult that it makes Viewpoint for the Neo Geo seem like child's play. To be fair, I was never crazy about the arcade version either - it had none of the flair or game balance that Scramble, its prequel, was renowned for.

You take control of a chopper armed with bombs and shoot missiles, and after each defeat you can continue the game, as in Vanguard. If you complete all ten rounds, you are rewarded with a special contest (picking up booty). Unless you have a Masterplay Interface AND are an immensely dexterous gamer, however, don't expect to ever see the bonus round. If you're a masochist, this one's for you. The dud of the 5200 game library along with James Bond, Congo Bongo and Buck Rogers.


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