Street Fighter Alpha 3

Game Boy Advance

Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 8.5

Sound: 4

Gameplay: 8

Overall: 7.5

Crawfish Interactive is dominate in their domain. They are the company responsible for bringing Street Fighter Alpha to the Game Boy Color, Super SF II on the Game Boy Advance, and now a miraculous conversion of Street Fighter Alpha 3. Now, if only there was an arcade joystick for the GBA, we would all be in heaven.

SFA III is widely considered the best of the Alpha series. It's rock-solid gameplay, wide open gameplay options, and stunning animation make this one of the best fighters currently available on the market. Crawfish has crammed 32 characters into the tiny cart, none of them missing a frame of animation. A few of them have never even been in the Alpha series on any console before (including the rarely seen Maki from Final Fight 2). A majority of the modes are locked from the start, so prepare for a lot of arcade action. Also, it's a shame to see the world tour mode from the console version omitted.

The lower resolution of the GBA reeks havoc on a few of the sprites, in particular, Sagat. Most of his features are hardly recognizable, but the majority of the characters have been replicated perfectly. It's also shocking to see every single frame of animation flow freely on the small screen. Note that with all of the characters included, only a minute number of backgrounds have been included.

It had to be this way, but with everything going on during each bout, the music, simply put, is awful. Most of the tracks sound like Midi's ripped from the internet. The voices and sound effects have all made the transition.

While it's no fault of the developers, trying to play a six-button fighter on a portable with only two-face buttons is nearly impossible. Hitting the L and R buttons when needed is a game within itself. Also, by default, medium punches and kicks require pressing two buttons at the same time, is diffucult in the heat of the battle. In a combo, it can't be done.

Technically, this is a nearly flawless port. The music isn't that big of a deal as it can turned off, but the control is still too much to handle. Games like this require so much strategy, so many pin-point button presses, that the button layout simply can't handle it. Otherwise, this is a great port.


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Last updated: Saturday, June 18, 2005 09:27 AM