Street Fighter II

Game Boy

Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 6

Sound: 7

Gameplay: 4

Overall: 5

This is really a game that never should have seen green light. Though it seems that the developers have pushed the console to it's absolute limits, nearly every conceivable flaw imaginable rears it's head in this decent attempt at porting an over-sized arcade game into a minute portable.

With a massive four megs powering this one, nine characters (each with their specific backgrounds) have been crammed into the game. E. Honda, Dhalsim, and Vega, have been omitted from the roster. Though some of the characters sport animations and portraits that weren't seen until later editions of the game, this is a port of the original Street Fighter II. There are no air hurricane kicks, super combo meters, or speed settings.

Surprisingly, the game really doesn't look that bad. All of the characters are here in full form and are easily recognizable. It's the animation that causes things to go belly up. Each move has a single frame of animation, occasionally two. Fierce hits and light hits generally look exactly the same, just varying in speed. The backgrounds are completely devoid of any people or animation. Super Game Boy owners take note that the backgrounds are taken right from the SNES version for each stage; a nice touch, but not one that can affect the gameplay.

As for the sound, none of the voices have made the translation (not that it could be expected) and the music is fully intact. At times, it actually sounds better than the Genesis conversion, an impressive feat. Whenever an attack connects, a generic sound registers the hit, missing the impact it should convey.

Each of the special moves these timeless characters are known for have been included and are generally easy to pull off, if you can get used to timing. To go along with the nasty animation, this game is downright c-h-o-p-p-y. Jumping makes it nearly impossible to tell where your fighter is and it seems like they teleport instead of jump. This causes some major issues with the controls, though if you spend some time with the game, you could probably get used to it. Why you would do that with far better (and more current) ports is another issue entirely. 

Considering the hardware, this isn't such an awful port, just not a very playable one. When you find out this game was actually part of the "Players Choice" line of million sellers, you'll struggle with it to find out exactly what caused that many people to buy this game. Then you'll come to the realization that it was one thing and one thing only: The name on the box. The choppy movement seals this one's fate the moment it's turned on.


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Last updated: Saturday, June 18, 2005 09:30 AM