Soul Calibur 2 |
GameCube |
Review by Review Contest 2003! |
Namco |
Fighting |
Graphics: 10 |
Sound: 9 |
Gameplay: 9 |
Overall: 10 |
The original Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast has
been called the greatest fighter ever by numerous gaming publications
and websites. Too bad for me, I didn’t get into the Dreamcast until
after Sega went under, and by then, finding Soul Calibur for the system
was damn near impossible with my lack of internet shopping (I don’t
trust the internet when shopping). So I missed out on Soul Calibur. So
what I thought, it couldn’t be that good. Then I played Soul Calibur 2.
Instead of coming out for one system this time, Soul Calibur 2 was
released for the GameCube, PS2, and Xbox, and each system had their own
exclusive character to go along with the other 10 plus fighters. Being a
Zelda fan and an overall supporter of Nintendo, there was no competition
between the three systems that I was going to get it for. The GameCube
had Link in his adult form, Xbox had Spawn, and PS2 got the worst deal
of them all with an old man in a diaper. I can’t compare between Soul
Calibur and Soul Calibur 2, but Soul Calibur 2 is for sure a major hit
for the GameCube, and definitely ranks up in the top 5 GameCube games.
GameCube gamers just got one more game added to its excellent killer
apps, and with a day after release of F-Zero GX, it might be hard
for some people to decide which one to get. Personally, I say get BOTH.
![]() There is a small story that provides a minimal backbone for SC2, but it’s virtually the same as the first two games. There’s a powerful sword called the Sword Blade. That’s about all I know about the story, but since SC2 is a fighting game, there’s really no need to even pay attention to a story. Honestly, I’m not big on fighting games. I’ve played games like Mortal Kombat, Virtual Fighter, and Tekken occasionally, and have liked them for the most part (except the new Mortal Kombat, it REALLY sucked). Otherwise, I don’t really touch fighting games. Why? I just get so frustrated in fighting games that I’ll quit like every 5 minutes. Then I played Soul Calibur 2. The gameplay was amazing, and I had so much fun I was up 6 hours straight playing it, trying out the different characters. SC2 is weapons based, so SC2 is basically a class of the weapons and who can best maneuver with them. There are tons of options in Soul Calibur 2, including the Arcade mode where you can go through the seven stages plus the boss with each character to unlock their character profile, VS. mode where you can pummel your friends or be pummeled, and the mode where next to Arcade you’ll be spending most of your time Weapons Master. SC2 is a weapons based fighter, so aside from kicks, weapons will clash aplenty. There are over 10 characters, and each character will have his/her own weapon. At first, each character only has one weapon to use. Weapons Master is a “story” mode of sorts, where you can complete missions by fighting under certain circumstances, an d you can unlock new fighting modes, characters, weapons, and gain gold to buy more weapons. All the characters have more than 5 different weapons total, though you can’t use them in the regular modes. In order to use the different weapons unlocked or bought in the Weapons mode, you’ve got to unlock new "Extra" modes and such that will let you use the weapons. So for every mode there is like survival, arcade, time attack, etc., you can unlock an Extra of whatever mode so that you can use the different weapons that you've acquired in Weapons Master. It would have been kind of cool if you could switch weapons on the fly during fighting, though that would kind of spoil any kind of fighting strategy. ![]() To provide a little crutch for those with less skill at fighting games to pull off certain combos, different combos are assigned to the C-stick depending on which way you move it. Similar to hot keys in computer games, though is actually kind of cheap. It’s nice for those who aren’t particularly skilled at fighting games, though I found absolutely no use for it and had an easier time actually pushing the buttons in the combo than using the cheat stick. Nothing big really, just a crutch. ![]() I don’t really care for the other characters much, and the weapons aren’t really all that interesting aside from Maxi’s numb chucks, but some of them are pretty cheap, therefore making the character cheap. Nightmare’s giant sword is pretty cheap sometimes, but isn’t really that big of a deal all the time. The main character I’m referring to is Kilik, who has a long staff, which is damn near impossible to get through to attack. When I was playing vs. with one of my friends, he used Kilik every time, and no matter which character I used, that damn staff prevented me from getting hardly any attacks in (then I started to fight cheap with cheap, using Link’s bombs non-stop while he was on the ground). ![]() Even on GameCube's little discs and packed with so many extras, the graphics in SC2 are gorgeous. There are minimal differences between the GameCube and Xbox versions, and even after playing both o f them, I still see no difference in between them aside from exclusive character. Can’t say the same for the PS2 version though, frame rate dropped a lot and wasn’t very consistent in other places. The GameCube version however keeps a very smooth frame rate, and if there were any drop in the game, it wasn’t noticeable at all. Character design is really good and with plenty of detail, though I question what the hell Namco was thinking when they created Voldo. That is the WEIRDEST freaking creature I have ever seen, it reminded me of Timmy Long Stockings from Silent Hill 3 with Edward’s scissor hands. A rather odd combination if you ask me, as he also looks like a mummy, but he’s got some awfully strong attacks. The arenas in SC2 have tons of detail, though after awhile, they tend to get kind of boring. I like the designs, but I just wish the environments were destructible. Like there’s plenty of times where you’ll be slammed into a wall, and so it’d been cool if an indention of cracks and stuff were left from where your body was slammed to. Sound The music in SC2 is admirable and easy to listen to, especially the music in the church arena, though the sound effects really get on my nerves. Like every time you beat a fighter, there’s an all time annoying scream, and if you keep going on with a combo after their health is out, it’s just a constant “Ah! Ah! Ah!”. It’s quite annoying, and so I make sure that I don’t continue beating the crap out of them once their health’s ran out (though I did it one time to show a friend how annoying it is, then again to get on his nerves). The sound effects are top notch. Every hit is heard, and the cling that the weapons make when they clash together never gets old of hearing (that is, if you manage to attack at the same time or block). Overall If not for all 3 systems, GameCube is one of the best games on the GameCube, and is the same for the Xbox. I’m not sure if I can say the same for the PS2 due to aging hardware, but on an overall level, despite what some people may say, the GameCube version is the best. It’s not necessarily because of Link, which is the first reason why I bought the GC version, but the GameCube controller is not that hard to use. Soul Calibur 2 is a collection of gaming goodness - great graphics and great gameplay. Buy the game, especially if you’ve got friends, it will be a blast I can guarantee it. So between Virtual Fighter 4: Evolution and Soul Calibur 2, SC2 is the definite buy. VF4 may be good, but SC2 just has so much more that keeps you coming back for more time and time again. |