Samurai Shodown V Special |
Neo-Geo |
Review by Matt Paprocki |
SNK Playmore |
Fighting |
Graphics: 7 |
Sound: 7 |
Gameplay: 9 |
Overall: 9 |
After a rough start, SNK Playmore finally got it right with the final game on the Neo Geo hardware. For whatever reason, the company released the "Samurai Shodown V Special" AES home cart completely censored, and after a fan revolt, recalled the game, releasing it properly. This is a fitting end for the neo-classic console, a great fighter that retains everything that has made this series such a treat for fighting game fans.
Gameplay follows the usual route for the series. Three slashes are available along with a kick. The biggest button in the game is D, which is used for a variety of techniques, from dodging incoming attacks, ducking, short hops, and rolls. The sheer variety of technique this adds to the game is staggering. There is plenty more to discover of course. "Concentration One" allows a player who is down in a fight to slow down their opponent while they move at normal speed. "Rage Explosion" allows for a variety of moves, including those fatalities that were removed from the initial shipment of carts. You can even disarm your opponents with the strangely named "Knocking On the Sword Super Attack."
It's amazing to think just how deep this title is with only 4-buttons, but everything is handled in remarkable fashion. Controls are precise and accurate. You'll never miss a slash. The practice mode is an invaluable tool (and it even allows you pull off the fatalities) for this game. Even the most talented player will have a tough time getting everything down, something that really can't be said for a lot of 3-D fighters on the market. Most of the sprites are just taken from later games in the series, though there are some tweaks and re-draws. Each is animated fluidly and the zoom feature this serious is famous for is still intact. As good as the sprites look, the backgrounds look rushed. There is very little color and many of them look almost monotone. It's not just for effect either. Background animation is almost completely absent and details are sparse. It would have been great to see some stages brought back from the first few games to celebrate, but only one noticeable backdrop returns.
To make the game truly final, the designers make it a requirement to actually perform a fatality on all of the bosses when playing solo. If you let them live, it's game over. Not only is their AI cheap (like it always has been; you just kind of grow used to it), but fatalities just aren't that easy to get off. You should never be punished for winning a video game.