Q*Bert 3


Review by Doug Jackson



Graphics: 9

Sound: 5

Gameplay: 7

Overall: 7


If there's a game that hasn't had that many remakes in it's life it's Q*Bert. As of 1993, the game was on more than a dozen systems. It's sequel Q*Bert's Qubes was on Atari 2600 and Colecovision, and both saw minimal distribution in their day. It wouldn't see another sequel for almost ten years in the form of Q*Bert 3 and would only be released on the SNES. If you are like me (a big Q*Bert fan) then you jumped at the chance to have a update to the beloved franchise, but when I got the game I was both pleased with some aspects, and disappointed with others. I will break down this review into sections to properly describe the weak and strong points of this game.

qbert3_snes.jpg (30384 bytes)Gameplay is very tight and spot on like it's predecessors, which is a plus. One weak point is that every time that you turn the game on you have to go into the options and set the control to the original style, otherwise it's reversed from the original, and if you needed a while to master the original, you don't want it changed. The levels are well designed and offer every imaginable layout and tripped out background.

There are also plenty of new enemies and the original cast. Some of the new ones include a frog that slowly jumps from block to block, a small pipe that fires small red blobs, and a purple glob that looks like a Hershey's kiss. There are also new power-ups and ways to score points, all adding up to a nice variety. There is no adventure mode at all just plain old arcade mode, and there is infinite continues offering no challenge at all and can cause the game to grow boring shortly

Graphics are fantastic for such an early SNES game. The levels and characters look great and offer the usual isometric 3-D view. Color is plentiful, if not a little too bright at times. All of the characters have an incredible amount of animation for their time.

Sound is where this game falls on its face. Everything music track in the game reeks like early Sega Genesis audio, and is extremely muddy sounding and loud. It muffles out the sound effects. The tunes range from good to poor and the gainy sound doesn't help. The sound effects on the other hand are great and very well done adding to the nostalgia of the game.

All in all with all the weak points this is still a decent game that should be enjoyed by all. Q*Bert fans be warned though, this game is relatively rare and can be kind of expensive at times.


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Last updated: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 01:24 AM