Mortal Kombat II


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 6

Sound: 5

Gameplay: 8

Overall: 6.5

Those who trusted in Sega in the mid-90's and forked over the cash for a brand new, mega cheap, next-gen console should've gotten at least one thing: an arcade perfect port of Mortal Kombat II. 'Twas not to be. Instead, we have another game that suffers from the crippling disease "Acclaim lazyportitis."

32 Megs is a lot of space to play with and Acclaim has mostly faithful to the arcade version. The backgrounds contain animations that other home ports did not, a few frames of animation here and there are back, and few missing voice samples have been replaced that other versions simply didn't have. After this, you'll quickly realize you're better off with the SNES version.

Though the backgrounds have more animation than other ports, they're ugly. Blocky and muddy is NOT what is to be expected from a next-gen game. In fact, they hardly seem to look any better than the 16-bit 64 color Genesis version. The character models are a little spruced up and there's a hint more blood than the SNES version, but it's no excuse for the backgrounds.

Controlling the kombatants is the same as it always was and MK vets whom have the special moves permanently branded in their brain will have no trouble here. This versions seems a bit easier than others and the overall feel can be described as loose. Of course, taking on Kintaro is still no easy task, even with the forgiving controls.

The vast majority of voice samples have been included, but it's not arcade perfect by any means. There are still numerous quotes missing, but what's here sounds cleaner than the Genesis version. The music on the other hand doesn't fare so well. In fact, it's been pretty much butchered. Most of the tracks are hardly recognizable in this form and the games great soundtrack should NOT be judged by this port.

Overall, this is still a great game, easily the best in the series. As far as 32X owners are concerned, this IS better than the well-known Genesis version, but still nowhere near the outstanding job the developers of the SNES port pulled off. It's a crying shame....really, it is.


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Last updated: Sunday, January 30, 2005 05:53 PM