Knights of the Round


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 9

Sound: 6

Gameplay: 6

Overall: 6


The combo may get more credit in the one-on-one fighting game, but it's far more crucial to a beat-em-up. That three of four hit string is going to carry the game for the most part, and messing with the formula, even slightly, is enough to ruin the game. Knights of the Round fails to deliver the basic moves that could make it classic, instead presenting an inconsistent, confusing, and not very controllable substitute.

knightsoftheroundarc1.png (34042 bytes)It doesn't matter which of the three characters you choose (Lancelot, King Arthur, Percival). Each press of the button seems deliberately random. You'll occasionally pull of some gorgeous multi-hit blasts, the rest of the time you'll simply whack the enemy with your initial swing repeatedly. It seemingly takes the power away from the player, which is really the key to any game in this genre.

The control and other gameplay quirks are otherwise standard Capcom greatness. It's not particularly surprising that the game bears more than a small resemblance to their other beat-em-up from the same year, Warriors of Fate. Both titles put weapons in the hands of the player, pack the screen with sprites, allow for horseback riding, and deliver a trademarked art style.

The sprites are small, but pack on detail and animation. There's a nice touch involving this games somewhat useless level-up system. As you progress, your characters appearance changes, gaining more armor and generally looking vicious by the end the game. On the opposite side, certain foes lose armor as their life is hacked away. Backgrounds sport an amazing amount of detail and all of this is done without any slowdown.

knightoftheroundarc2.png (37687 bytes)Capcom also nailed the music portion, providing epic-like qualities to each stage theme. It suits the era the game is set in while still getting the blood flowing in those key battles. Sound effects are also dominant, but not in the same way the music is. The clip of a sword hitting armor is ridiculously annoying and it's going to stay with you for the entire game. Golden Axe provided a more convincing sound years before this game.

Knights of the Round is still appreciated, mostly for its time period setting and art direction. There's not much to cherish about the gameplay, especially considering the same company did it better the same year and countless years after. You have to question if anyone would remember it if it wasn't for the company producing.


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Last updated: Monday, September 12, 2005 05:59 PM