Karate Blazers


Review by Matt Paprocki

Video Systems


Graphics: 5.5

Sound: 6

Gameplay: 4

Overall: 4.5

Hello once again students. I'm glad you all could make it. I hope you've all studied up on Video Systems entry into the mish mash of beat-em-ups from the early 90's, Karate Blazers....actually, you didn't have to study. This quiz should be easy enough to pick up for any idiot. Please make sure to use only a #2 pencil and fill in the circles completely. Oh, and if I catch you cheating, I'll force you to play through the entire game, so don't do it.

1. Why does the story revolve around a kidnapped girl?

A. Because it's original.

B. To make the game easier to pick up and play.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

2. Why do all 4 of the characters share the same standard moves?

A. To prevent strain on the developers

B. To make the game accesible regardless of what character you choose.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an original idea in their bodies.

3. Why is there a factory stage?

A. To make the game seem similar to other more advanced games.

B. To make it seem like the game takes place in every corner of the globe.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

4. Why do the enemies swarm your character on a consisten basis?

A. To make the game challenging and fair.

B. To make the game challenging and unfair.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

5. Why does the "Wall of China" stage take upwards of 20 minutes to pass?

A. To make sure players stay at the machine for an extended period.

B. To destroy peoples bladders.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

6. Why does the ending provide no information of the games story?

A. It doesn't need to.

B. There really wasn't much of a story to begin with.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

7. Why are the characters so small?

A. To allow more room to fight.

B. To allow more sprites on the screen at once.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

8. Why are the enemies so poorly animated?

A. Because the developers spent so much time animating the main characters.

B. To save on memory.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

9. Why must you defeat all the bosses over again in the final stage?

A. To make the game more challenging.

B. To show off the sad looking characters one more time.

C. Because the developers were a bunch of lazy bastards who simply didn't have an orignal idea in their bodies.

10. Why did you have to take this quiz?

A. To get a good grade.

B. Because you have no life and have nothing better to do.

C. Because I'm a lazy bastard without an original idea in my body.


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Last updated: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:27 PM