Jurassic Park: Part 2


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 7

Sound: 10

Gameplay: 8

Overall: 9

It seems one Jurassic Park game was not enough. It also seems like Ocean couldn't wait for the release of the second film and created their little sequel. In the process, they came up with an absolutely stunning game, "Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues," and it remains one of the most underrated titles on the system.

Though the resemblance is fleeting, players control Dr. Alan Grant (played by Sam Neil in the movie) in an attempt to stop the corporation Biosyn from taking creatures off the island a year after the first incident. Armed with more weapons than the average Rambo, up to two players can tackle the island. The dangers are many, including the very hungry T-Rex and a number of raptors.

Ditching the overhead view that powered the first game, "JPII" plays like a combination of "Contra" and "Metroid." Some levels are pure run 'n gun, others will require some exploration. Players can select from six different missions to start off, but some emergency situations will arise that will require immediate attention.

A very interesting twist, the dinosaurs are not supposed to be killed. Well, most of them at least. Players get two sets of weapons (switched with the L and R buttons), one that is lethal, the other which is not. You can only "accidentally" kill 100 dinosaurs before the game is over. The non-lethals just knock them out. Making things interesting are the human enemies who can be killed without remorse, though you cannot knock them out. You would think 200 tranquilizer darts to the shins would do the job, but not here.

Missions are well varied, though you will be required to shoot something dead in every stage. The first emergency mission requires players to find a missing scientist through a maze like jungle (minus a map). It's not easy as the difficulty is brutal, even on the easiest setting. Biosyn's flame-thrower toting henchman is ridiculous, waiting just an inch off-screen for you to walk right into their line of fire, sapping away your life in rapid fashion. In fact, that's the games biggest problem. It's just too hard.

Unlimited continues do help, but no matter how far you have advanced in the stage, you'll always be sent back to the start when you die. Dinosaurs waste no time in launching their assault while some enemies are not even kind enough to wait until you can see them before launching a grenade. You'll go through a lot of trial and error before this one is over.

Though the human sprites look a little awkward, the dinosaurs are spectacular. The T-Rex boasts some of the best animation on the system with the large triceratops trailing close behind. Scenery is decent, though you'll see the same backdrops constantly early on. Transparencies and other SNES trademarks also make their presence known.

However, nothing beats this games sound. Presented in rare Dolby Surround (which doesn't work real well on modern systems), this game just works the sound chip, stretching it as far as it will go. Though none of the music is from the movie (oddly), the incredible orchestrated tracks are nothing short of brilliant. The opening intro, easily the most impressive on the console, features full voice work and pounding sound effects.

If you've played through and enjoyed "Contra III," waste no time tracking this title down. Theoretically, it could take home the best movie-to-game award for the SNES, but it's not exactly based on a movie. The title is the only thing this game has in common with the feature film. As it stands, this is one of the best action games you'll find for a 16-bit console.


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Last updated: Sunday, October 31, 2004 09:28 AM