Jackie Chan Stuntmaster


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 7

Sound: 8

Gameplay: 8.5

Overall: 8

jackiechanstunt1ps1.jpg (41485 bytes)The beat-em-up has made a wild comeback in recent times. Some of these games work (Dynamite Cop, DC) while others have failed miserably (Soul Fighter, DC). While Jackie Chan has had his name on a video game before (way back in the 8-bit era in Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu), he's back and in full 3-D. A complete shocker, Stuntmaster really came out of nowhere to provide one of the PlayStation beat-em-ups.

Jackie has not only provided himself for the games cover, but also motion captured himself for the game. The animation consistently keeps up with the games frantic pace, only slowing down when the screen fills up with too many polygons. The backgrounds are littered with small details such as neon signs that enemies can be tossed through. The games weapons have been taken right from Jackie's famous films, ranging from brooms, fish, bar stools, and umbrellas.

Fans of 70's kung-fu flicks will recognize the music as it keeps that era's feel intact. You'll also recognize Jackie's voice throughout the game in numerous quips, some even taken directly from the films he's starred in. It's nice to see a celebrity actually take part in the game their featured in nowadays isn't it?

Controlling Jackie is an occasional problem resulting in a few cheap shots, and in some cases, death. The game includes an auto-face button takes care of any problems when our main antagonist is surrounded by two or more opponents. Jumping can be difficult at times also because of an occasionally awkward camera, but the ability to save and unlimited continues make this bearable until later stages.

There are some brutal sections here, requiring absurd leaps. It's the usual platform gaming mishaps. Jumping and bouncing doesn't belong here, especially in this aggravating capacity.

This game is really a surprise though even with the difficulty issu. Midway and Radical really went all out on this one to make one of the most comedic and enjoyable romps in a while, and even capture Chan's wild sense of physical humor. The floaty controls could stand some work, but these minor details are just that: minor. If you long for the 16-bit days of side-scrolling fighters, this should fit the bill nicely.


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Last updated: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 12:43 AM