I Want My Mommy

Atari 2600

Review by Kevin Oleniacz



Graphics: 5

Sound: 5

Gameplay: 6

Overall: 6

iwantmymommy.gif (3054 bytes)Mostly noted for polluting the 2600 library with a pair of bombs entitled Dishaster and Cosmic Corridor, Zimag's production team combined their limited talents and assembled a pleasing but simplistic platform challenge. Your goal: guide Teddy through two screens and unite him with a deformed ape, which Teddy regards as his mother. Traverse across eight floors (four per screen) while propping up ladders (two per floor). Avoid the dream demons which guard each floor. If one touches Teddy, he'll begin again on the ground floor, less one life. Occasionally mommy will throw a kiss. If it's caught, Teddy can permanently knock out a demon. Complete your quest and a tune plays and the game concludes.

A big strike against this game is that it's over after just two screens. The term "replay value" must have been Greek to the gang at Zimag. Fortunately, they somewhat comprehended the definitions of "fun" and "challenge". The underlying theme is to reach Mommy in the shortest amount of time. This provides a reason why experienced gamers would have to desire to spend some time with this one rather than bursh it off as a mager kiddie game.

The Puzzy/Bit Corp of Europe stretched this concept a bit farther. Keeping the basic gameplay intact, adding endless levels with progressively harder difficulty, and instituting minor alterations to the graphics, this foreign company produced an addictive package for the older crowd. It even blurts out the title "Open, Sesame!" (WOW! Voice synthesis on an Atari 2600!) between levels. This is only one of the known voice games (the other being Atari's Quadrun) for the VCS.

The graphics and sounds will not impress anyone, but they're not the worst we've seen on this system. The characteristics are well-balanced, making this a pleasing but not spectacular rendition of a climbing challenge.


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Last updated: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:27 PM