Godzilla: The Series

Game Boy Color

Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 7

Sound: 2

Gameplay: 3

Overall: 3

1998's largest disappointment, the American Godzilla film, ruined many peoples hopes of ever seeing a high budget Godzilla movie. The Saturday morning cartoon returned Godzilla to his fire breathing roots and is arguably more enjoyable than the movie it was based on. The game however, doesn't fare as well. Simplistic in every aspect of it's design, Godzilla: The Series stands no chance of success due to the lackluster and downright boring gameplay.

The box states that the Godzilla sprite is the largest in the history of the Game Boy. It seems to be true as his sprite is rather large, filling 3/4 of the screen, but half of his body is off the screen. His animation is impressive, but every move is slow due to this, making the game an exercise in frustration. The tanks and helicopters attempting to stop the green giant simply look lousy with no detail to mention whatsoever. The bosses look like they have been taken right from the show, one of the games few highlights. As for the sound, there really isn't any. The redundant sound of G's feet stomping through the streets of New York and the flame from his mouth is all you'll have to take you through the game.

Gamers don't control Godzilla's walk, just his head (for shooting fireballs), hands (for clawing), and his tail (for tail swatting, what else?). The stages have been lifted right from an old episode of the Flintstones: the backgrounds consistently repeat as Godzilla plods along at a leisurely pace. He's hardly the fast, agile iguana seen in the movie. The climactic battles at the end of the stages are hardly...well...climatic. It's simply requires the gamer to shoot, block, repeat as necessary. There is no hand to hand combat, just a lifeless fireball battle.

Not many people will actually be able to play through the game in one session (mostly because it's just too boring), so a password system is provided. These lengthy codes save all of the players "upgrades" which are earned through experience points. These only add to the power of Godzilla's limited moves, but the enemy also gains power as the game moves on, making this possible bright spot another downer.

When a games instruction booklet weighs in at a massive 8-pages (this includes the cover), this should tell you something. Very little control is actually offered to the player and the gameplay is nothing more than a simplistic shooter that brings back memories of badly designed 8-bitters. Not even those who actually enjoyed the film or cartoon will like this.


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Last updated: Saturday, June 18, 2005 09:30 AM