

Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: 7

Sound: 5

Gameplay: 6

Overall: 6


doomjaguar1.jpg (11779 bytes)Doom was much the trend-setter for first-person titles and spawned countless clones (and knock-offs). It is so basic that it's odd no one really thought of it before. Of course, they did with Wolfenstein 3-D, but Doom really stepped it up with loads of gore, fast paced action, and some really cool weapons. It also tossed players into hell. Doesn't get much cooler (hotter?) than that.

The Jaguar version of this PC classic runs full screen with no borders (which was usually the case with other versions). The resolution is a bit too low and the entire game is impossibly dark. There is no way to lighten things up either, lacking the contrast option so many others offered. The frame rate is nice and speedy, rarely slowing down. Some of the classic monster's this game is famous for are missing, including personal favorite, the giant robotic spider.

Corners have been cut on a few stages and not all of them made it from the PC. There are two stages exclusive to the Jaguar port bringing the total number to 23. Sadly, while the game will let you pick up on any stage you've completed, it does not save any weapons or armor. The game can be played co-op or in death match, but it requires linking 2 Jaguars together. There's a common "network error" problem with this feature, and it's been well documented on various websites. 

Though bulky, the controller works great here, providing that you have the overlay that came with the game. Without it, you're going to suffer from frustration. It's the only way to switch weapons and though nicely drawn on the controller overlay, just try it without one. Strafing and opening doors is no problem.

doomjaguar2.jpg (10030 bytes)Probably the biggest knock against the game is the total lack of music. The monsters moans and screams can be heard clearly, but the music really increased the atmosphere. All of the weapons sound effect's are accurate to the initial PC release, yet you just can't experience the game without the music.

Of course, the best way to play this one is the PC version. The Jaguar port is one of the better renditions of the classic game on a console (especially as far as cartridge versions are concerned). This will all depend of course on whether or not you can locate the overlays and can live without the music. If not, and you're dying for some FPS action, then there is always a blistering translation of Wolfenstein on the Jaguar that is just superb.


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Last updated: Saturday, September 17, 2005 05:23 PM