Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded


Review by Matt Paprocki



Graphics: Varies

Sound: Varies

Gameplay: Varies

Overall: 7


After a superb selection of titles for their first PSP compilation, Capcom has become slightly sloppy with this second outing. If the game selection looks familiar, then you've played Capcom Classics Collection on the PS2 or Xbox.

The majority of the games have landed here on the portable hardware, which is a decent selling point, though it's a shame the selection didn't allow for the extensive lot of exclusives from the previous release.

The game roster is presented in a beautiful interface, going for simplicity instead of flash and overdone style. The interface is wonderful to use and flip through as the arcade games attract screens appear in a small window while browsing. You'll find the following available as you begin to navigate the options:

capclassicsreload1_psp.jpg (32784 bytes)1942
1943 Kai
Ghosts's Goblins
Ghouls'n Ghosts
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
Street Fighter II
Street Fighter II Championship Edition
Street Fighter II Turbo
Son Son
Pirate Ship Higemaru
Exed Exes
King of the Dragons
Knights of the Round
Eco Fighters

This is an excellent set of 19 games, with only a few duds still present. The PSP exclusives are stuck at only three games. King of the Dragons, Knights of the Round, and sorely under-appreciated shooter Eco Fighters are worthwhile reasons to own this latest compilation. For fans who know those three games, that's enough to spend the money, with an additional nod to the gorgeous lost classic Eco Fighters simply because it deserves it.

Notables include the three Street Fighter II games, the first time they've been available in this form on a handheld. Loading times are aggravating, as these end up as ports of the Playstation versions, not the original arcade code. By now, there's no reason loading screens should appear in a game 13+ years old.

Few flops are here, and these include Vulgus, Exed Exes, Son Son, and a blatant Pengo rip-off Pirate Ship Higemaru. The rest of the lot is included for quality purposes, regardless of whether or not they're fondly remembered or popular. Commando and the entire round of 194X are way more fun than they should be. Emulation is great all around, though the PSP d-pad causes some problems in more intense moments (and can make the Street Fighters a lost cause).

One of the key benefits of owning the PSP version over the one on the PS2 are the extras. Every game comes with fully remixed audio, creating some wonderful updates to unforgettable soundtracks. Multiple screen formats allow for certain games to be played as intended in their full vertical ratio with the system turned sideways thanks to the console's screen.

After realizing how excellent the music is, your hopes are destroyed when you discover the system for unlocking them for listening outside the game. Each game played earns coins, sometimes for ridiculous reasons like number of button presses or time of day/night the game was played. These coins are then plopped into a slot machine, which contains the key to finding all the extras. New pieces are only available by beating more games, and the further you go, the more each pull on the lever costs.

Just imagine playing through Knights of the Round and being forced to earn artwork for Exed Exes because the other sections on the slot machine have yet to open. Gaining the final piece can be maddening as you spin for hours only to come up empty, or even run out of cash.

Capcom Classics Remixed unlocked things by playing through the respective game. It's absurd to play Street Fighter and then be randomly forced to earn cheats for Son Son.

Aside from that glaring oversight and higher price ($30 on the PSP compared to the PS2 retail of $20), this is a worthy handheld compilation. The personal value depends on your fondness of the exclusive titles and the portability. As long as you go in with the expectation of possibly never unlocking the final few pieces of content, you'll have a decent time.


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Last updated: Friday, December 08, 2006 09:31 PM