Back to the Future III


Review by Karl Youngman



Graphics: 4

Sound: 4

Gameplay: 2

Overall: 2

Here's a video game based on a movie that I thought was great, Back to the Future III. What could be better? I'll tell you what could be better - anything up to and including a kick in the ass. This game is comprised of four independent stages, each with enough reasons for hating the entire package.

Stage one finds you as Doc Brown atop your horse galloping across plains to save Clara before her carraige plunges into the ravine. As you ride across the screen from left to right, you need to dodge bouncing rocks, swooping birds, and tomahawks while leaping over other obstructions. This stage is very challenging, yet there is absolutely no enjoyment to go along with it. The objects come at you so fast that you are reduced to trying to memorize the entire scene. That's an easy way to take the fun out of a game. When you do make it to the end, you don't actually see the Doc save Clara. The screen just fades to black with the words "You saved Clara".

Stage two is a shooting gallery with only Marty's gun-hand visible to you. While a little less challenging than the previous stage, not having good control over the crosshairs makes this a little frustrating. Nothing special going on here.

As the next stage began, things appeared to be picking up. You see Marty in the center of town in 1885 Hill Valley. I thought I would walk Marty through the town, looking for Mad-dog while the baddies would be shooting from the windows or rooftops. The big disappointment here is that you can only move Marty in a straight line from the corner of one building to a table of pies where you "reload". This is the best of all the stages, which isn't a big feat. Stage four is something of a mirror image of the first, only you're running atop a speeding train. If you have a mental lapse and buy this game I can promise you'll be running "Back to the Store", screaming for a refund!


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Last updated: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:15 PM