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Digital Press Podcast (Audio)
The chatty gang at Digital Press talk in front of some microphones. Topics include news highlights and lowlights and "Tales From the Store" where recent interesting trade-ins are shared.
Episode 4 (Audio Version)
In this episode we discuss and examine some interesting game console controllers from the history books, we delve into a poignant listener question about the fate and possible future of Mega Man Legends 3 and we get some hands-on time with the Sifteo modular portable game console ... block, thingy. It's really cool.

This episode also features a VERY special closing segment where we discuss a major gripe that we all have with Batman Arkham City. I PROMISE this segment is worth the price of admission, especially for those who like Batman or have alternately ever wanted to punch us in the face/hit us with things.

So stay tuned till the end, where we ask the question ... is this the END of the Digital Press Podcast crew? Tune in next week to find out!

(1:14:10, MP3, 28 MiB)
Published: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 08:19:25 GMT
Episode 3 (Audio Version)
Here's another in the continuing trend of "long awaited" DP Podcast entries.

In this episode we interview Joe, John and Sean about the forthcoming Videogame History Museum, we play with Microsoft Kinect, and we answer some DP-community-submitted-questions!

(1:03:29, MP3, 59 MiB)
Published: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:40:44 GMT
Episode 2 (Audio Version)
In this episode we discuss topics including but not limited to: gaming conventions (PAX, MAGFest, etc.), Nick's lies, Bioshock Infinite, Atari's I, Robot, and the Catherine Special Edition set!

The DP Podcast crew thanks you for your continued patience as we get into a groove where scheduling and technical hurdles are overcome!

(1:25:40, MP3, 79 MiB)
Published: Thu, 08 Sep 2011 08:11:32 GMT
Episode 1 (Audio Version)
The chatty gang at Digital Press chat in front of some cameras. Topics include E3 highlights and lowlights, thoughts on Nintendo's next Wii console, the effects of hacking high-profile sites like Sony on the gaming community, and "Tales From the Store" where recent interesting trade-ins are shared.

(1:06:42, MP3, 82 MiB)
Published: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 14:37:42 GMT
Updated: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 08:55:51 GMT
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