SUPER PRO FOOTBALL Cartridge Instructions (For 1 or 2 Players) OBJECT OF THE GAME Outscore your opponent by running or passing the ball into your opponent's end zone (touchdown), by kicking a field goal, or by forcing a safety. Touchdowns score seven points (extra point is automatic). Field goals score three points. Two points for a safety. TO BEGIN Turn power switch OFF and insert cartridge. Turn power switch ON and press RESET. SUPER PRO FOOTBALL title screen will appear. Press any hand controller key or the wheel to continue. YOUR OPPONENT You can play SUPER PRO FOOTBALL against the computer or against a friend. You can be either the HOME TEAM or the VISITING TEAM. To play against the computer (one player), press 1 on the keypad of the hand controller you are going to use (left for Home Team, right for Visiting Team), then press 2 on the other hand controller. For two players, press 1 on each hand controller (left for Home Team, right for Visiting Team). Note: Press 2 on BOTH hand controllers to watch the computer play against itself. This gives you a chance to see some of the game strategy the computer will use against YOU. SKILL LEVELS You can play SUPER PRO FOOTBALL with any of 9 team skill levels. Select the skill level for your team -- 1 (ROOKIE) to 9 (SUPER PRO). The lower the skill level of your team, the greater the challenge for YOU. Press the number corresponding to your choice. When playing against the computer, you must also enter its skill level. Note: The two teams can play at different skill levels; use these levels to handicap players. An experienced player with a rookie team is a fair match for a novice with a super pro team. THE FIELD The playing field is regulation length (100 yards plus two end zones). However, you see only a portion of the field at any one time -- about 20 yards. Each of the end zones is marked by a "G" for "Goal" in the bottom front corner. Above the far sideline (at the top of the screen) before each play is the game time, which is divided into four 15-minute quarters (simulated time). The clock will stop at time-outs, out-of-bounds, incomplete passes, after scores, and each time possession of the ball changes. Once the players reach their positions, a white marker indicating the line of scrimmage and black markers indicating the yardage needed for a first down appear above the far sideline. Below the near sideline (at the bottom of the screen) is a play- by- play description of the game. THE PLAYERS The players take the field. There are five players on a side. Opposing centers do not take active part in offensive or defensive play. There is one player per team that you directly control using the hand controller wheel -- the CAPTAIN. On the Home Team, the captain is the RED player (the others are orange). On the Visiting Team, the captain is the BLACK player (the others are blue). The movements of the other players on your team are defined by how you set the play. The offensive captain is the QUARTERBACK. The quarterback receives the hike from center, then runs, passes, punts, or, in the case of a field goal attempt, holds the ball for the field goal kicker. On a pass, direct control transfers from the quarterback to the receiver (color of the players will switch). The defensive captain can pursue the ball-carrier to make a tackle, or can try to intercept a pass. Defensive linemen and backs can also tackle or intercept. If a lineman or back intercepts a pass, direct control transfers from the defensive captain to the ball-carrier (color of the players will switch). A tackle is made by hitting at least HALF the body of the ball-carrier. HUDDLE! Before each hike, both teams set their plays. OFFENSE A list appears onscreen that will let Offense choose to run, pass, or kick. RUNNING AND PASSING FORMATIONS To choose a running or passing play, press 1 (FORMTN). Nine formations are shown onscreen. For each formation, the quarterback is represented by an "x", the receivers by "o"s. Blockers and the center are represented by "+"s. Select one of these formations by pressing its number. If you do not select a formation, the formation from the previous play is used. If it is the first play of the quarter or if possession of the ball changed after the previous play, a formation will be selected at random. PASS PATTERNS Press 3 (RECVR 1) to design a pass pattern for Receiver 1 (receiver closest to the top of the screen). Use the keypad as illustrated onscreen to design the pattern; each press of a key defines the direction the receiver runs for about a half second (real time). For example, if Receiver 1 is to run to the right 2 seconds, then cut inside for 2 seconds, wait a half second, then continue to the right, you would press 6-6-6-6-2-2-2-2-5-6-6-6. (If you change your mind, CLEAR erases what you have pressed; you can start over.) Note that pressing 5 makes the receiver stand still. You can pattern up to 6 seconds (12 button presses) -- the distance the receiver can cover in that time depends upon the skill level of the team. Press ENTER when you have the pattern set. Press 4 (RECVR 2) to design a pattern for Receiver 2 (receiver closest to the bottom of the screen). If you do not design a pattern for a receiver, that receiver's pattern from the previous play is used. If it is the first play of the quarter or if possession of the ball changed after the previous play, that receiver will act as a blocker. If on the previous play you sent a receiver out for a pass but want him to act as a blocker for this play, press CLEAR instead of designing a pattern. You can then press zero (0) several times to make your opponent THINK you are designing a pattern (pressing 0 has no effect on the play). KICKING To kick, press 2 (KICK). You have the choice to punt or to try for a field goal. RUNNING You can always run even though you've selected a pass or a kick. Use the wheel to move your quarterback down the field! BREAK! Press 9 when you have set your offense. DEFENSE A list appears onscreen that lets Defense choose a formation and a tactic. FORMATION Press 1 (FORMTN) to select one of nine defensive formations. The formations are shown onscreen. The captain is represented by an "x", the defensive backs by "o"s, the tackles and center by "+"s. Press the number corresponding to your choice. If you do not select a formation, the formation from the previous play is used. If it is the first play of the quarter or if possession changed after the previous play, a formation will be selected at random. TACTIC Press 2 (TACTIC) to select your tactic. The four tactics are shown onscreen; press the number corresponding to your choice: BLITZ: Both defensive backs rush the quarterback. COVR R1: Receiver 1 is covered, the other back rushes. COVR R2: Receiver 2 is covered, the other back rushes. COVR BOTH: Both receivers are covered. If you do not select a tactic, the tactic from the previous play is used. If it is the first play of the quarter or if possession changed after the previous play, BLITZ is automatically selected. BREAK! Press 9 when you have set your defense. AUDIBLES Once you see Offense's formation but before the ball is hiked, you can call a new formation by pressing its number on the keypad. You will have to become familiar with the formations and their numbers to make effective use of audibles! FOR BOTH OFFENSE AND DEFENSE The following choices are available to both Offense and Defense: TIMEOUT -- Press 6 to call a timeout. Timeouts are usually called by the trailing team in the final seconds of a quarter so that time isn't wasted during play calling. (During play calling, the clock normally counts down a maximum of 20 seconds simulated time.) Each team can call three timeouts per half. STATS -- Press 7 to see the score, who has possession (indicated by a small football next to the score of the team with the ball), the down, yardage remaining for a first down, position on field, time remaining, the quarter, and number of timeouts left for each team. CONTRLS -- Press 8 to see how the hand controller buttons will work during the actual play. BREAK! -- Press 9 to leave the huddle. CONTROLS Once the play is set, the hand controller keys work as follows: OFFENSE HIKE! -- Press any of the four SIDE KEYS. PASS TO RECEIVER ONE (passing play has been set) -- Press either of the two TOP SIDE KEYS. (Note: Receiver 1 is receiver closest to top of screen when ball is hiked.) PASS TO RECEIVER TWO (passing play has been set) -- Press either of the two BOTTOM SIDE KEYS. (Note: Receiver 2 is receiver closest to bottom of screen when ball is hiked.) PUNT (Punt has been set) -- Press any of the four SIDE KEYS. Note: your key press should be in rhythm with the hike for best yardage; that is, the time from the hike (first key press) to the quarterback catching the ball should be the same as from the catch to the punt (second key press). Kicking too early or late shanks the kick. FIELD GOAL ATTEMPT (Field Goal has been set) -- Press any of the four SIDE KEYS. Note: your second key press (Hike! is the first) should occur just as the kicker reaches the ball for best yardage. Kicking too early or late shanks the kick. RUN (any play has been set) -- Press the wheel to control the direction of the player with the ball. DEFENSE Use the wheel to control the direction of the captain or, in the case of an interception, the player with the ball. LEARN TO USE THE WHEEL With skillful use of the wheel, the ball-carrier can scramble, make spectacular cuts, and make broken-field runs. The defensive captain can "red-dog" (come up fast to penetrate the opponent's backfield), drop back for pass coverage, or swoop in for an interception. THE GAME At the start of the game, the Home Team defends the goal to the left. Teams change ends after each quarter, automatically. The defensive team at the start of the game gets the ball at the beginning of the second half. The Visiting Team is Offense as game starts. Teams huddle on Visitors' 20 yard line. Visiting Team selects offensive play. Home Team selects defensive formation. When both sides have pressed BREAK! to complete play selections, teams line up on Visitors' 20 yard line. Offense presses HIKE and the action begins! On passing plays, as soon as the ball is thrown, wheel control transfers from the quarterback to the intended receiver. The other receiver automatically becomes a blocker. On running plays, as soon as the quarterback crosses the line of scrimmage, the receivers become blockers. If a player runs out of bounds, the whistle sounds and the clock stops. If Defense tackles the ball-carrier in his end zone or the ball- carrier runs out of bounds from his end zone trying to elude tacklers, it is a SAFETY: two points for Defense. After a safety, ball goes over to the Defense at the opposite end of the field on the 20 yard line. If Defense receives a punt or intercepts a pass in its own end zone and Offense tackles the ball carrier there, it is a TOUCHBACK. No points are earned. Play begins on the 20 yard line. The gun sounds at the end of each quarter. THE PRESSBOX The pressbox appears at the end of each quarter and after every score. A series of three screens shows the score, time left in the game, the number of first downs, number of interceptions, number of pass attempts, number of completions, total yardage gained, yards gained running and yards gained passing. The three screens cycle continuously until ENTER is pressed to return to the game. ---------- ©1986, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc.