SPACE HAWK CARTRIDGE INSTRUCTIONS (For 1 or 2 Players) THE SITUATION: Imagine a hunter, alone in Deep Space. You control his movements. He's armed with a "gas blaster." His prime target is the white Space Hawk. If a Hawk, deadly gas bubbles, comets or amoebas touch the hunter, he tumbles into infinity! There are just three ways to escape: move out fast under backpack rocket power, shoot away the danger, or go into HYPERSPACE! The longer the game goes on, the more exciting it becomes, so... GET THE HAWK! OBJECT OF THE GAME Play against the computer, and go for a big Peak Score by hitting the targets many more times than you are hit yourself. Shoot a Hawk 3 times for big scores; hit bubbles and comets for added points. Get extra hunters when your peak score rises to higher levels. Use HYPERSPACE to escape from hopeless situations. OR, play varieties of the game with a friend to team up for high scores or have "sabotage contests!" GAME CONTROLS [1] AUTO FIRE [2] SINGLE SHOT [4] DRIVE MODE: DRIFT [5] DRIVE MODE: DIRECT [7] AIMING: SMOOTH [8] AIMING: QUICK [9] HYPERSPACE [Clear] SCORE -- Freeze Action/Score Readout Upper Side Keys: FIRE RAY GUN Lower Side Keys: ROCKET THRUST SET THE GAME SPEED Press [3] for SLOWEST speed Press [2] for MEDIUM speed (best for learning the game) Press [1] for FAST speed Press DISC for FASTEST speed HOW TO PLAY SPACE HAWK To get high scores, you have to KNOW HOW TO MOVE! When the game begins, you have 5 space hunters. One of them is in the center; 4 others are in reserve. Press either lower action button ("THRUST") to activate the hunter's backpack jet. At game start, you are in "Drift" mode. When you release the THRUST button, your hunter keeps drifting through space. To change direction, press the Disc to turn the figure -- then press THRUST again. Any time during the game, you can switch over to "DIRECT" Drive by pressing the DIRECT key [5]. This gives you more immediate control when you press THRUST (because there's no inertial movement). You can switch back and forth between DRIFT [4] and DIRECT [5] whenever you want to. Press Disc edge to turn the hunter. How fast the figure turns depends on the Aiming Mode you use: At the start of the game your hunter is in the QUICK mode. He turns immediately to aim toward the direction where you press the edge of the Disc. To make the hunter's arm (and motion) point toward the top of the screen, press the top of the Disc; to point toward the left, press the left side, and so on. You can switch to a more gradual aiming mode by pressing the SMOOTH key [7]. In this mode, the figure turns clockwise as long as you press the right half of the Disc. It turns counter-clockwise while you press the left half. You can switch back and forth between these modes whenever you want to. FIRING THE GAS BLASTER In the game of SPACE HAWK you have several kinds of targets on the screen -- often at the same time. To hit anything, first aim the hunter's arm at the target, then press either of the TOP action buttons. At game start, you're in SINGLE SHOT mode. If you press AUTO FIRE [1], the computer will automatically fire repeated rounds for you. (A suggestion: use AUTO-FIRE while learning the game, so you can concentrate on getting good at aiming and directing your hunter through space). Rounds fired from the blaster spread out as they get farther away, so you can hit targets at long range. Don't shoot targets at very close range -- the explosion could blow up your hunter! SCORING You start the game with 500 points. You score goes up or down according to this system: When your score is displayed, the number in the lower right corner is the current scoring "multiple." It increases at higher score levels, and determines how often you can get an extra hunter. 1x: 0 - 999 points, new hunter each 1,000 pts 2x: 1,000 - 4,999 pts, new hunter every 1,000 pts 3x: 5,000 - 19,999 pts, new hunter every 1,000 pts 4x: 20,000 - 49,999 pts, new hunter every 2,000 pts 5x: 50,000 - 199,999 pts, new hunter every 5,000 pts 6x: 200,000 & up, new hunter every 5,000 pts EVERY TIME YOU HEAR A TWO-NOTE SIGNAL, IT MEANS YOUR SCORE HAS RISEN HIGH ENOUGH TO MAKE THE GAME SOMEWHAT HARDER. YOUR SCORE GOES UP WHEN YOU SHOOT... BUBBLE 20pts DOUBLE-BIG BUBBLE 40pts BIG HAWK, HIT THREE TIMES 200pts COMET 100pts SMALL HAWK, HIT THREE TIMES 800pts RAINBOW BUBBLE 50pts Score is multiplied by current scoring multiple (1x, 2x, 3x, etc.). Double-Big Bubble refers to double bubbles that become large single bubbles, then explode. Comets only appear above 10,000 points. Rainbow Bubbles only appear above 100,000 points. They constantly change color, and ricochet your shots in random directions. CAN BE DESTROYED ONLY IF YOU SHOOT THEM WHILE THEY ARE GREEN. AMOEBAS: Appear as pulsating gray blobs which chase the hunter. YOU CAN'T STOP AMOEBAS by shooting them! Move away or use HYPERSPACE. Little amoebas appear over 40,00 points; big ones, over 200,000 points. REMEMBER: YOU MUST HIT A SPACE HAWK THREE TIMES TO DESTROY IT AND GET SCORE POINTS! FOLLOW THE TARGET UNTIL YOU MAKE THE THIRD GOOD SHOT. BUT BEWARE... THE HAWK LEAVES A TRAIL OF DEADLY BUBBLES THAT MOVE YOUR WAY! TO GET AN UPDATE OF YOUR SCORE, NUMBER OF HUNTERS AND MULTIPLE, PRESS SCORE. THE GAME STOPS A FEW SECONDS, THEN RESUMES WHERE YOU LEFT OFF. WATCH OUT! If your hunter is hit by any bubble, comet (when score goes over 10,000), amoeba (when score goes over 40,000), or a Hawk (any time), you lose points and one of your hunters. When all your hunters are gone the game is over and your Peak Score is displayed. There are 3 ways to avoid being hit: Use THRUST button and Disc to move out of the way FIRE at the approaching object (except for amoebas. To escape them, you must enter HYPERSPACE or take evasive action until the danger moves off-screen) Press HYPERSPACE [9]. This moves you instantly to another place, far from all the targets and objects you see. Don't use HYPERSPACE too often, though: it costs you points! YOUR SCORE GOES DOWN WHEN... You are hit: 100 points You go into Hyperspace: 200 points Points lost are multiplied by current scoring multiple (1x, 2x, 3x, etc.). "BLACK HOLES" AND SHOOTING STARS Every once in a while, your space hunter will move near a "black hole," and the computer will automatically put him into HYPERSPACE. This will cost you the same number of points as if you had pressed the HYPERSPACE key yourself. On the other hand, it will save your hunter. The shooting stars which appear from the beginning of the game cannot hit your figure, nor can you shoot them. This is also true of the stationary background stars and small colored celestial bodies. GAME VARIATIONS SPACE HAWK is commonly played by one person against the computer. But you can enjoy the game with a friend: try these variations, using both Hand Controllers... 1 ALTERNATE CONTROL: Players take turns controlling the space hunter, switching off every time he gets hit. Try to build the highest possible Peak Score together. 2 TEAMWORK: One player controls aiming and thrust while the other player fires the blaster... or, one player shoots and uses thrust while the other aims and controls HYPERSPACE. Many combinations are possible as you both play to get a high Peak Score. 3 SABOTAGE: One player tries to get the best possible score, while his opponent uses the other Hand Controller to change shooting, drive and aiming modes -- everything except HYPERSPACE. When the game is over, switch roles and see who is able to overcome the sabotage to get the higher Peak Score. Better not try this one until you've mastered the game! TO PLAY AGAIN... When the game is over, press any button or key. You'll see the SPACE HAWK Title Screen and you can start again from the beginning. ---------- ©1981, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc.