Fairchild Channel F manuals

Culled from various sources over the years, this is our reference area for various video game instruction manuals.

Note: some manuals are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, which makes them perfect for punching, printing,
and adding to a custom collecting binder. If you need the utility to view these, click the above button to get it.


text file

PDF file
Desert Fox /Shooting Gallery
Drag Strip
Galactic Space Wars
Magic Numbers -> Mind Reader / Nim
Math Quiz
Math Quiz II
Memory Match
Robot War / Torpedo Alley
Sonar Search
Space War
Super Chess
Hockey and Tennis (system)
Tic-Tac-Toe / Shooting Gallery / Doodle / Quadra-Doodle
Video Blackjack



text file

PDF file
Channel F system


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Last updated: Thursday, March 03, 2011 09:13 AM