Digital Press Goes to
Classic Gaming Expo 2k3

August 9th & 10th, 2003

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At this point in the show, someone lost a contact lens. It took nearly an hour to get things back in order. RW Bivins checking in just before the memorable CGE Auction. Note the matching hat and shirt. Very snappy. The auction crowd was prepared for some crazy bidding, but what they weren't prepared for was... FREE BEER!
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Free beer?! It's MAYHEM! No, really... it's IS Mayhem. Where's Waldo? EVERYTHING looks worth bidding on when our lovely spokesmodel Janice shows it off.
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Hey, that was one of mine! The complete box of Dragon's Lair cards went for $45. "Prototypes! Get yer red hot prototypes hyeah!" "You! Third row! Prototype?"
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A cunning ploy to stare at Janice's bellybutton was perpetrated by several of the auction bidders. Yep... it's an "innie". Shock and awe? Nah... it's just one of those Sharp TV's with Nintendo built in. Went for a cool $200 which was a great deal, one of many at this event.
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Janice dons an Atari artifact: a hat submitted for auction by Atari Trak-ball designer Dan Kramer! Went for a song. A happy, uplifting song. Here's my "artsy" picture. From my vantage point near the podium, this looked like a scene in a movie. Good Photoshop op for someone out there. Couples that PLAY together STAY together. Here, Kris "Queen of the Felines" Roper and Mat "Mayhem" Allen work through a game of Dragon's Lair. They look a bit like Daphne and Dirk, don't they?
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The CGE Museum. Nearly 1000 classic gaming items, from the original Odyssey system through Super NES and everything in-between. Lots of new stuff this year as the CGE Museum enters the 16-bit era. My favorite portion of the museum is the Intellivision display. There's still something that magnetizes me to this stuff. That's not just a Warlords poster standing there... it's the ORIGINAL Warlords artwork used for the game's label and box!
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A mile of stuff that I wish I owned =) Unreleased rarities abound. On the right, we're getting the first glimpse at the recently discovered Arcadia VI for Nintendo NES. It's essentially a series of six mini-games and was left in very early stages of development. Still a nice bit of history. As promised, there were tournaments galore at the show this year. JagFest held this NBA Jam tourney. Don't those characters with gigantic heads seem familiar? That's right... find any picture of me and you'll see a "real life" super-deformed character.
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The CGE Arcade isn't just stocked with games, it's stocked with really COOL games. How often do you find Super Dodgeball or Super Punch-Out!? Not very often, matey boy. The new Atari Jaguar game Painter is reminscent of the arcade game Amidar but with many more creatively designed levels. It was available in at the Songbird booth. Classic laserdisc arcade games adorned this section of the CGE Arcade. Where else are you going to find the ultra-rare Badlands standing next to the equally rare Cliff Hanger? Only the koala knows for sure.
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Meanwhile, over at the NorthWest Classic Gaming Enthusiasts booth, you could have found everything from the newly available Labyrinth 2600 game to works in progress like the much-anticipated Adventure II 5200 game that's due out later this year. Great stuff, there were always people playing here. Many a Warlords game was played on this day, my friends. Kevin "RetroYoungen" Schaller promised to be back next year with some mad skillz, as he ran into some veteran players at the Digital Press booth. I promise that I avoided the cameras as much as possible. No more Santulli leading you through the museum. No more Santulli blathering about arcade games. Just great gamers and guests having a great time.
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"Buy a book today and get FREE SEX from ME!" barks the ever-lustful Dave "Arcade Antics" Giarrusso. Dave's sales pitch is simply sickening, of course. Ian "ianoid" Baronofsky concurs. Tum te tum... oh, hello Mr. Bushnell... WHA?! MR. BUSHNELL!?


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Last updated: Saturday, April 23, 2005 07:48 AM