I definitely know what you mean. While I only have a very small collection of games, most all of them are RPG's... half of which I haven't played through yet. After I started reading these forums it reminded me to not let some of the great RPG's of times past slip by (PSX and SNES mainly). I'll go over to my shelf and look at chrono trigger or FF2 and how much I remember playing them when I was in middle school, or how much fun the Lunar remake was for PSX.

I've done something that really needed to be done though. Since I have so many games I haven't even touched that I really want to play, I'll only be into one or 2 games at a time. Right now I'm near the end of Final Fantasy 5 and a little bit into Wind Waker. I won't start any other games until I finish those two... and probably wont touch Wind Waker until I finish FF5, regardless of how many kickass RPG's I buy before I beat FF5.

And Speaking of that, I need to make a post when I get back from the weekend so you all can remind me what I need to find. After looking around ebay I realized there are a ton of games I always wanted to play but never got a chance to.