Videopac/Odyssey2 Cartridge list
v0.74, Jan 28th, 2006
By Maurice Simon <>

Get the most up-to-date list from (URL change!)

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1 Foreword
1.1 Just my $0.02
1.2 Rarity information
1.3 I always need information!
1.4 Changes since last version
2 Cartridge List
2.1 List format
2.2 Rarity format
2.3 Legend to cartridge list
2.4 Hardware List
2.5 Cartridge List
3 Serial Numbers
3.1 Philips European-type serials
3.2 Philips France-type serials
3.3 Philips USA-type serials
3.4 Jopac catalog Numbers
4 Variations
4.1 Philips label Variations
4.2 Philips box variations
4.3 Philips G7000 hardware variations
4.4 Magnavox Odyssey^2 cartridge variations
4.5 Magnavox Odyssey^2 hardware variations
5 Special packaging
6 Rumours (Well, not rumours, but nice to know.)
7 Credits
7.1 Must Visit (tm) videopac websites
7.2 Thank You's

** Section 1.1 - Just my $0.02:

THIS LIST IS COPYRIGHT 2000-2005 BY MAURICE SIMON. It is ok to grab this list
and do funny things with it, put it up on a website, complete or only parts of
it, as long as no profit is made of it. If you publish or use this list in any
way, please give me some credit since creating and maintaining this list was,
and still is, a lot of work!

Good, now that we're done with that, here goes nothing!

This is my list of known videopac/Odyssey^2 cartridges. I am NOT an expert on
videopacs, on the contrary, I just collect them, and wanted to have a good list
with what there was to collect. There wasn't a good list, so I made my own.
Each item in the list has it's own marker, that can be ticked if you own that
particular item. I use this list myself, so some of the items are ticked.
To re-use this list for your own collection, do a "Find & Replace" and have it
change all occurcences of "[ x ]" into "[ ]".
Better yet, find the empty spots and help me get them filled :-)

** Section 1.2 - Rarity information:

Some rarity-ratings were taken from other people's rarity lists,

French Rarity by Moonbeam <>
Jopac Rarity by Moonbeam <>
USA Rarity by Andrew Krieg <>
Brasilian Rarity by Marcelo Ribeiro <>

Jopac rarity was taken from Moonbeam's great site, which hosts the rarity
listings for Jopac and Philips/Radiola (combined, treated as one) carts in
France. Check out his site on if you need
better rarity for those, since he uses a scale from 1-14 for rarity.

All others ratings are done by me, based on availability in Europe, or more
specifically, the Netherlands.

Radiola carts were sold in France only, no rarity yet, other than ER. However,
these are NOT rare, they are a little more difficult to find than Philips
I think that, as a rule of thumb, if you take the Philips rarity, and increase
it to next higher level, you come pretty close to the Radiola rarity. The
later Radiola titles might need an increase by two levels (up to rating UR),
since the higher the videopac number, the rarer the Radiola release will be.
Radiola's with low numbers are 'easy' to find, but the later releases are not!

As a general rule of thumb, videopacs in cardboard boxes are harder to find than
the ones in plastic boxes. The same applies to Radiola, since they also
released some videopacs in cardboard boxes.

A very special "Thank You" goes to Nicolas Sapin, who not only helped me with
lots of information, but also added most of the french console-section.
** Section 1.3 - I always need information!

Questions currently bugging me, help me if you can:

- What about the JAPANESE instructions on some US carts?
In the US, the odd carts turns up that has an extra black&white paper with
JAPANESE instructions on it, and also a sticker on the side of the box with
the title in Japanese. Is there anybody that knows anything about these?

And, since we're on the subject, is there anyone who can give me ANY
information on the (supposedly called) "Kotoon", Japanese Videopac machine ?
Better yet, a real life example of it, to show off in my gameroom, sounds
like a good idea :-)

- Did Radiola Release videopac 41, 42, 46, 48, 49 and Chess?

- What language variations are there? (See section 4.1) (pictures wanted)

- Are there any Brazilian label variations?

If you have ANYTHING to contribute, even if it's not on this "I need info"-list
PLEASE mail me at

** Section 1.4 - Changes since last version:
Changes in v.0.74
- Added Siera A, thanks Steph!
Changes in v0.73
- Added italian C7420
- Changed Videopac 41 "Hegemonie" from Dutch to Belgian. It seems Videopac 41
really was never sold in Holland, but is WAS sold in belgium.
- Added prototypes:
- Magnavox "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe"
- Parker Brothers "Tutankham" and "Spiderman"
- "Cursus Spaans" ("Spanish Course")
- Melrep
- Added Siera G7400.
- Added more Siera games.
- Added some more Videopac 9 and 31 language variations.
- Added/Rewrote some little things here and there. Nothing major.
- Added Flashpoint+ release by Dieter Koenig.


-I should change the rarity ratings to the now used 1...10 rating.
-I should be adding some more 'serial numbers' information that was given to
me by David Winter.
** Section 2.1 - List Format:

List entries are formatted as follows:

Magnavox AC9429 The Quest for the Rings! 42 U m[ ][ ][ ] US
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Producer catalog number Title Philips videopac Number | see Legend |
| |
Rarity |
released in US

The last part, "[ ][ ][ ]" is for the collectors to mark as have-list. The
boxes are for [C]art, [I]nstruction manual and [B]ox.
If one these boxes is marked [-] it means this is not necessary with this item.
For example, most prototypes don't have a box or manual.

In the case of some Philips and Radiola carts, there's an extra [C][I][B] part.
This is for cardboard games, but only if there were both a cardboard version
AND a plastic box version released. If only one version was released, I used
the normal list format (as is the case with the Master Strategy Series, the box
is always made of cardboard, there were no plastic boxes for these games.)
In the US section, the extra [C][I][B] part is for the AC numbers releases.

** Section 2.2 - Rarity format:

C Common These carts can be found anywhere!
U Uncommon A little harder to find, but still easy to come by.
R Rare Hard to find carts, need some searching.
ER Extremely Rare These are very hard to find, need luck to be found.
UR Ultra Rare Forget it :)
PR Prototype The Holy Grail!
NR Never Released No known copies of these exist

** Unconfirmed Unconfirmed whether these exist or not.
EM Emulator-ROM Only exist as binary, games written by retro-gamers
RP Released Prototype Newly burned prototypes

All ratings are relative to the country/area where the games were sold!
That means: USA ratings are for USA, European ratings for Europe.

Please also note that these rarity are for COMPLETE, GOOD LOOKING games!
For example, it's not hard to find a loose videopac #9, but it's pretty hard
to find a complete one that's in pristine shape!
** Section 2.3 - Legend to cartridge List:

m Master Strategy Series, includes game board and tokens.
v Works with the voice hardware add-on (only USA/Brazil carts)
+ Enhanced cart, shows extra graphics on a videopac+
+ Runs only on a videopac+ system (+ next to rarity)
- Should only run on the original videopac, not on a videopac+, allthough
some versions do seem to work.
* This cart is a 3-in-1 in Europe, but different carts in USA
! Will not run on a US Odyssey2
[C] Checklist for Cartridge ownership
[I] Checklist for Instruction book ownership
[B] Checklist for Box ownership

** Section 2.4 - Hardware List:

| |
| Consoles released by Philips in Europe |
| |
Manufacturer Item Description ity[C][I][B] Found in
--------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- -- - - - -------------------
Philips G7000/00 Videopac C [x][ ][ ] NL,DK
Philips G7000/20 Videopac C [x][ ][ ] DK
Philips G7000/21 Videopac C [x][x][x] NL
Philips G7000/22 Videopac C [x][x][x] NL,DK
Philips G7000/30 Videopac U [x][ ][ ] NL
Philips G7000/35 Videopac C [ ][ ][ ] UK
Philips G7000/37Z Videopac U [x][ ][ ] NL
Philips G7000/53 Videopac C [x][ ][ ] DK
Philips G7000/54 Videopac C [x][ ][ ] DK
Philips G7000/75 Videopac C [ ][ ][ ] AU
Philips G7000/75Z Videopac C [ ][ ][ ] AU
Philips G7200/00 Videopac With built-in screen, white ER [x][x][x] EU except france
Philips G7200/05 Videopac with built-in screen, white ER [ ][ ][ ] EU except france
Philips G7200/19 Videopac with built-in screen, white ER [x][ ][ ] FR
Philips G7200/39 Videopac with built-in screen, white ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
Philips G7400/00 Videopac+ With optional Scart R [x][x][x] EU except france
Philips G7400/19 Videopac+ with scart plug and UHF plug R [x][ ][ ] FR
Philips G7400/33 Videopac+ R [ ][ ][ ] SE
Philips G7400/39 Videopac+ with scart plug ** [ ][ ][ ] FR
Philips G7401/19 Videppac+ with scart-plug and UHF plug UR [ ][ ][ ] FR
Philips G7401/49 Videopac+ with scart plug and UHF plug R [x][ ][ ] FR
Philips C52/01 Videopac C [x][x][ ] FR
Philips C52/02 Videopac C [ ][ ][ ] FR
Philips C52/03 Videopac C [x][x][x] FR
Philips C52/04 Videopac C [x][ ][ ] FR
Philips N60 Videopac with built-in screen, blue UR [x][ ][ ] FR
| |
| Consoles released by Philips in Germany |
| |
Philips G7000 Videopac CSV Edition UR [x][X][x] DE
| |
| Consoles released by Siera (Belgian Philips subsidiary) in Europe |
| |
Siera G7000/22 Videopac UR [x][ ][ ] BE
Siera G7400 Videopac+ UR [x][ ][ ] BE
| |
| Consoles released by Radiola in France |
| |
Radiola Jet 25/01 Videopac ER [x][x][x] FR
Radiola Jet 25/02 Videopac ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
Radiola Jet 25/03 Videopac ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
Radiola Jet 25/04 Videopac ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
Radiola Jet 27/00 Videopac with built-in screen, blue UR [x][ ][ ] FR
Radiola Jet 47 Videopac+ ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
Radiola Jet 471 Videopac+ with scart plug ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
| |
| Consoles released by Schneider in France |
| |
Schneider 7000 Videopac ER [x][ ][ ] FR
Schneider 7200 Videopac with built-in screen, blue UR [ ][ ][ ] FR
Schneider 74+ Videopac+ ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
Schneider 741+ Videopac+ with scart plug ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
| |
| Consoles released by Brandt Electronique in France |
| |
Brandt JO7400 Videopac+ Jopac ER [ ][ ][ ] FR 11SF 178 54900
Brandt JO7401 Videopac+ Jopac with scart plug ER [ ][ ][ ] FR
| |
| Consoles released by Continental Edison/SABA in France |
| |
C-E/SABA JO1450 Videopac+ Jopac Continental Edison/SABA UR [x][ ][ ] FR
| |
| Consoles released by Magnavox in the US |
| |
Magnavox BJ7600 Videopac Odyssey2 C [x][x][x] US
Magnavox BK7600 Videopac Odyssey2 C [x][x][x] US
Magnavox BA7600 Videopac Odyssey2 C [ ][ ][ ] US
Magnavox BB7600 Videopac Odyssey2 C [ ][ ][ ] US
Magnavox - Videopac Odyssey2 with o3 controllers ** [ ][ ][ ] US
Magnavox GE7605 The Voice of Odyssey2 R [x][x][x] US
Magnavox GE7710 Videopac+ Odyssey3 Command Centre PR [ ][-][-] US
Magnavox GE7610 Videopac+ Odyssey3 Voice Module PR [ ][-][-] US
Magnavox Videopac+ Odyssey3 Modem PR [ ][-][-] US
| |
| Consoles released by Philips in Brazil |
| |
Philips Brazil Odyssey Videopac C [ ][ ][ ] BR
Philips Brazil - The voice PR [ ][-][-] BR

** Section 2.5 - Cartridge List:

| |
| Carts released by Philips in Europe matte shiny |
| plastic cardboard cardboard|
Philips G7199 A Newscaster ER [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Philips G7101 1 Race / Spinout / Cryptogram C [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips 27101 1+ Race / Spinout / Cryptogtam+ C [x][x][x]
Philips G7102 2 Pairs / Space Rendezvous / Logic U [x][x][x] [x][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Philips G7103 3 American Football U [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips G7104 4 Air-Sea War / Battle C [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7105 5 Blackjack U - [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7106 6 Ten Pin Bowling / Basketball U [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7107 7 Mathematician / Echo R [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Philips G7108 8 Baseball U [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer English ER [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer German ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer Dutch ER [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][ ][x]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer Italian ** [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [-][-][-]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer Danish ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer Swedish ** [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [-][-][-]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer Finnish ** [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [-][-][-]
Philips G7109 9 Computer Programmer Spanish ** [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [-][-][-]
Philips G7110 10 Golf U [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7111 11 Cosmic Conflict C [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips 27111 11+ Cosmic Conflict+ ER [x][x][x]
Philips G7112 12 Take the Money and Run U [x][x][x] [x][x][ ] [x][x][x]
Philips G7113 13 Playschool Math ER [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7114 14 Gunfighter C [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7115 15 Samurai R [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7116 16 Depth Charge / Marksman U [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7117 17 Chinese Logic R [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips G7118 18 Laser War C [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7119 19 Catch the Ball/Noughts & Crosses U - [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips G7120 20 Stone Sling C [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips 27120 20+ Stone Sling+ ER [x][x][x]
Philips G7121 21 Secret of the Pharaohs R [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7122 22 Space Monster C [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips 27122 22 Space Monster Videopac+ box ER [x][x][x]
Philips G7123 23 Las Vegas Gambling C [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7124 24 Flipper Game C [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7125 25 Skiing U [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7126 26 Basket Game U [x][x][x] [x][x][x]
Philips G7127 27 Electronic Table Football C [x][x][x]
Philips G7128 28 Electronic Volleyball U [x][x][x]
Philips G7129 29 Dam Buster C [x][x][x]
Philips G7130 30 Battlefield U [x][x][x]
Philips G7131 31 Musician English ER- [ ][ ][ ] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Musikant German ER- [x][x][x] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Musicus Dutch ER- [x][x][x] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Musicante Italian **- [-][-][-] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Musiker Danish **- [-][-][-] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Musik Swedish ER- [x][x][x] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Musico Finnish **- [-][-][-] Musician
Philips G7131 31 Músico Spanish **- [-][-][-] Musician
Philips G7132 32 A Labyrinth Game / Supermind U [x][x][x]
Philips G7133 33 Jumping Acrobats C [x][x][x]
Philips G7133 33 Jumping Acrobats Different label C [x][x][x] Probably french release
Philips G7134 34 Satellite Attack C [x][x][x]
Philips 27134 34+ Satellite Attack+ R [x][x][x]
Philips G7135 35 Electronic Billiards U [x][x][x]
Philips G7136 36 Electronic Hockey / Soccer C [x][x][x]
Philips G7137 37 Monkeyshines U [x][x][x]
Philips G7138 38 Munchkin C [x][x][x]
Philips 27138 38 Munchkin Videopac+ box ER [x][x][x]
Philips G7139 39 Freedom Fighters C [x][x][x]
Philips 27139 39+ Freedom Fighters+ R [x][x][x]
Philips G7140 40 4 in 1 Row R - [x][x][x]
Philips G7141 41 Conquest of the World English UR [ ][ ][ ] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 41 Eroberung der Welt German ERm [x][x][x] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 41 Hegemonie Belgium URm [x][x][x] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 41 Alla Conquista del Mondo Italian URm [x][x][x] Conquest of the world
Philips G7141 41 Verdens Erobring Danish URm [x][x][x] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 41 Spelet om Världsmakten Swedish URm [ ][ ][ ] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 41 Maailman Valloitus Finnish **m [ ][ ][ ] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 41 La Conquesta Del Mundo Spanish URm [x][x][x] Conquest of the World
Magnavox AC9431 41 Conquest of the World British ERm [x][x][x] Conquest of the World
Philips G7141 42 Quest for the Rings English URm [x][x][x] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 Suche nach den Ringen German R m [x][x][x] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 Speurtocht naar de Ringen Dutch R m [x][x][x] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 Caccia al Tesoro Italian ERm [x][x][x] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 Jagten på Ringene Danish ERm [ ][ ][ ] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 Jakten på de Magistra Ringama Swedish**m [ ][ ][ ] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 Sormusten Etsintä Finnish ERm [ ][ ][ ] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7142 42 La busqueda de los Anillos Spanish ERm [ ][ ][ ] Quest for the Rings
Magnavox AC9429 42 Quest for the Rings British ERm [x][x][x] Quest for the Rings
Philips G7143 43 Pick Axe Pete C [x][x][x]
Philips 27143 43+ Pick Axe Pete+ R [x][x][x]
Philips G7144 44 Crazy Chase C [x][x][x]
Philips G7145 45 Morse ER [x][x][x]
Magnavox AC9434 46 Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt ERm [x][x][x] Videopac 46 manual added
Magnavox AC9434 46 Great Wall Street Fortune ... German ERm [ ][ ][ ] German manual added
Philips G7147 47 The Mousing Cat R [x][x][x]
Philips G7148 48 Backgammon Videopac+ box UR [x][x][x]
Philips G7149 49 Turtles Videopac+ box R [x][x][x]
Philips G7150 50 Super Bee Videopac+ box ER [x][x][x]
Philips 27151 51+ Terrahawks+ Videopac+ box C [x][x][x]
Philips 27152 52+ Killer Bees+ Videopac+ box R [x][x][x]
Philips 27153 53+ Nightmare+ Videopac+ box ER [x][x][x]
Philips 27154 54+ Looney Balloon+ Videopac+ box R [x][x][x]
Philips 27155 55+ Neutron Star+ Videopac+ box ER [x][x][x]
Philips 27156 56+ Norseman+ Videopac+ box UR+ [x][x][x]
Philips G7157 57 Blobbers Videopac+ box UR [x][x][x]
Philips 27158 58+ Air Battle+ Videopac+ box UR [x][x][x]
Philips 27159 59+ Helicopter Rescue+ Videopac+ box UR+ [x][x][x]
Philips 27160 60+ Trans-American Rally+ Videopac+ box UR+ [x][x][x]
Philips C7010/00 Chess ER [x][x][x]
Philips C7010/05 Chess ER [x][x][x]
Philips C7420/05 Home Computer Module Dutch UR+ [ ][ ][ ]
Philips C7420/00 Home Computer Module German UR+ [x][x][ ]
Philips C7420/?? Home Computer Module Italian UR+ [ ][ ][ ]
| |
| Carts released by Philips in France only, in plastic and cardboard boxes matte shiny |
| plastic cardboard cardboard|
Philips France G7199 A Newscaster ER [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ] [-][-][-]
Philips France G7101 1 Course de Voitures/Autodrome/Cryp... C [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7101 1+ Course de Voitures/Autodrome/Cryp..+ C [x][x][ ]
Philips France G7102 2 Identification/Rendez-Vous-Spatial U [x][x][x] [ ][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7103 3 Football Americain U [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7104 4 Bataille Aero-navale/Combat de Chars C [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7105 5 Black Jack U - [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7106 6 Jeu de Quilles / Basket Ball U [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7107 7 Mathematicien / Echo R [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7108 8 Baseball U [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7109 9 Programmation ER [x][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7110 10 Golf U [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7111 11 Guerre de l'Espace C [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27111 11+ Guerre de l'Espace+ ER [x][x][x]
Philips France G7112 12 Prendre l'Argent et Fuir U [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7113 13 Maths Amusantes R [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7114 14 Duel C [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7115 15 Samurai R [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7116 16 Tir sur Cible/Bataille Sous-Marine U [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7117 17 Logique Chinoise R [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7118 18 Guerre Laser C [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7119 19 Atrappe la Balle / Morpion U - [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7120 20 Catapulte C [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27120 20+ Catapult+ ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7121 21 Secret des Pharaons R [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7122 22 Le Monstre de l'Espace C [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27122 22 Le Monstre de l'Esp... Videopac+ box ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7123 23 Las Vegas C [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7124 24 Billiard Electronique C [x][x][ ] [x][x][x]
Philips France G7125 25 Faire du Ski U [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7126 26 Jeu de Paniers R [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7127 27 Football de Table Electronique C [x][x][x]
Philips France G7128 28 Volleyball Electronique U [x][x][x]
Philips France G7129 29 Le Mur Magique C [x][x][x]
Philips France G7130 30 Champ de Bataille U [x][x][ ]
Philips France G7131 31 Musicien ER- [x][x][x]
Philips France G7132 32 Le Labyrinthe / Superhien U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7133 33 Les Acrobates C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7134 34 Les Satellites Attaquent C [x][x][x]
Philips France 27134 34+ Les Satellites Attaquent R [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7135 35 Billiard Americain U [x][x][ ]
Philips France G7136 36 Hockey / Football Electronique C [x][x][ ]
Philips France G7137 37 Singeries U [x][x][x]
Philips France G7138 38 Glouton et Voraces C [x][x][x]
Philips France 27138 38 Glouton et Voraces Videopac+ box ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7139 39 Combattants de la Liberté C [x][x][x]
Philips France 27139 39+ Combattants de la Liberté+ R [x][x][x]
Philips France G7140 40 4 en 1 Ligne R - [x][x][ ]
Philips France G7141 41 La Conquête Du Monde ERm [x][x][x]
Philips France G7142 42 La Quête Des Anneaux ERm [x][x][x]
Philips France G7143 43 Peter Tête de Pioche C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27143 43+ Peter Tête de Pioche+ ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7144 44 Super Glouton C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7145 45 Morse ER [x][x][x]
Magnavox AC9434 46 Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt ERm [-][-][-]
Philips France G7147 47 Chat et Souris R [x][x][ ]
Philips France G7148 48 Backgammon UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7149 49 Tortues R [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7150 50 Super Frelon ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27151 51+ Terrahawks+ U [x][x][x]
Philips France 27152 52+ La Ruche Infernale+ R [x][x][x]
Philips France 27153 53+ Cauchemar+ R [x][x][ ]
Philips France 27154 54+ Le Ballon Fou+ R [x][x][ ]
Philips France 27155 55+ L'Etoile à Neutrons+ ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27156 56+ Le Casque d'or+ ER+ [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France G7157 57 Blobbers UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27158 58+ Le Fou Vollant+ ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27159 59+ Hélicoptere+ UR+ [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France 27160 60+ U.S. Rally+ UR+ [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France C7010/16 Chess ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France C7010/18 Chess ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France C7010/19 Chess ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France C7420/19 Home Computer Module UR+ [ ][ ][ ]
Philips France C7420/20 Home Computer Module UR+ [ ][ ][ ]
| |
| Carts released by Philips in Germany only |
| |
Philips Germany TRAFIC2 V Kinder im Verkehr UR [x][x][x]
| |
| Packaging variations released by Philips in the UK (I think ?) only |
| These are the normal games, but in a 'normal' box, instead of the new look 'videopac+' box, |
| and have 1 language in the manual, being english. |
| |
Magnavox 41 Conquest of the World Magnavox ER [x][x][x]
Magnavox 42 Quest for the Rings Magnavox R [x][x][x]
Philips UK 27148 48 Backgammon normal box ** [ ][ ][ ]
Philips UK 27149 49 Turtles normal box R [ ][ ][ ]
Philips UK 27150 50 Super Bee normal box ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips UK 27151 51+ Terrahawks+ normal box U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips UK 27152 52+ Killer Bees+ normal box ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips UK 27153 53+ Nightmare+ normal box R [x][x][x]
| |
| Carts released by Radiola in France only, cartboard and plastic boxes |
| |
| RARITY ALERT: These are NOT rated ER, instead, as a *general rule of thumb*, |
| take the Philips rarity, and increase it to the next higher |
| level to get the correct rating. |
| If a cart is rare as Philips-release, the Radiola version is VERY rare !! |
| plastic cardboard |
Radiola G7199 A Newscaster A ER [-][-][-] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7101 1 Race / Spinout / Cryptogram 1 ER [x][x][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7102 2 Pairs / Space Rendez-vous / Logic 2 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7103 3 American Football 3 ER [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7104 4 Air-Sea War / Battle 4 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7105 5 Black Jack 5 ER- [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7106 6 Ten Pin Bowling / Basketball 6 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7107 7 Mathematician / Echo 7 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7108 8 Baseball 8 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7109 9 Computer Programmer 9 ER [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7110 10 Golf 10 ER [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7111 11 Cosmic Conflict 11 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7112 12 Take the Money and Run 12 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7113 13 Playschool Math 13 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7114 14 Gunfighter 14 ER [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7115 15 Samurai 15 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7116 16 Depth Charge / Marksman 16 ER [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7117 17 Chinese Logic 17 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7118 18 Laser War 18 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7119 19 Catch the Ball / Noughts & Crosses 19 ER- [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7120 20 Stone Sling 20 ER [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7121 21 Secret of the Pharaohs 21 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7122 22 Space Monster 22 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7123 23 Las Vegas Gambling 23 ER [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7124 24 Flipper Game 24 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7125 25 Skiing 25 ER [x][x][ ] [x][x][x]
Radiola G7126 26 Basket Game 26 ER [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7127 27 Electronic Table Football 27 ER [x][x][ ]
Radiola G7128 28 Electronic Volleyball 28 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7129 29 Dam Buster 29 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7130 30 Battlefield 30 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7131 31 Musician 31 ER- [x][x][x]
Radiola G7132 32 A Labyrinth Game / Supermind 32 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7133 33 Jumping Acrobats 33 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7134 34 Satellite Attack 34 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7135 35 Electronic Billiards 35 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7136 36 Electronic Hockey / Soccer 36 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7137 37 Monkeyshines 37 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7138 38 Munchkin 38 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7139 39 Freedom Fighters 39 ER [x][x][x]
Radiola G7140 40 4 in 1 Row 40 ER- [x][x][x]
Radiola G7141 41 Conquest of the World 41 ** [-][-][-]
Radiola G7142 42 Quest for the Rings 42 ** [-][-][-]
Radiola G7143 43 Pick Axe Pete 43 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7144 44 Crazy Chase 44 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7145 45 Morse 45 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7146 46 Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt 46 ** [-][-][-]
Radiola G7147 47 The Mousing Cat 47 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Radiola G7148 48 Backgammon 48 ** [-][-][-]
Radiola G7149 49 Turtles 49 ** [-][-][-]
Radiola C7010 Chess Module C7010 ** [-][-][-]
| |
| Carts released by Siera in Europe |
| |
| Siera apparently was the Belgium counterpart of Philips, but most Siera-related finds appear to |
| happen in the Netherlands. We could see them as "The Radiolas from Holland" but keep in mind that |
| Siera games are harder to find in the Netherlands than Radiola games are in France. |
| |
| RARITY ALERT: These are NOT rated ER, instead, as a *general rule of thumb*, |
| start at rarity rating ER and go upward from there. |
| If a cart is rare as Philips-release, the Siera version is VERY rare ! |
| |
Siera G7199 A Newscaster A ER [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7101 1 Race / Spin-out / Cryptogram 1 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7102 2 Pairs / Space Rendezvous / Logic 2 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7103 3 American Football 3 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7104 4 Air-Sea War/Battle 4 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7105 5 Black Jack 5 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7106 6 Ten Pion Bowling / Basketball 6 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7107 7 Mathematician / Echo 7 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7108 8 Baseball 8 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7109 9 Computer Programmer 9 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7110 10 Golf 10 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7111 11 Cosmic Conflict 11 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7112 12 Take the Money and Run 12 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7113 13 Playschool Math 13 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7114 14 Gun Fighter 14 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7115 15 Samurai 15 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7116 16 Depth Charge / Marksman 16 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7117 17 Chinese Logic 17 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7118 18 Laser War 18 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7119 19 Catch the Ball / Nought & Crosses 19 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7120 20 Stone Sling 20 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7121 21 Secret of the Pharaohs 21 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7122 22 Space Monster 22 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7123 23 Las Vegas Gambling 23 ER [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7124 24 Flipper Game 24 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7125 25 Skiing 25 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7126 26 Baskget Game 26 ER [x][ ][x]
Siera G7127 27 Electronic Table Football 27 ER [x][ ][x]
Siera G7128 28 Electronic Volleyball 28 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7129 29 Dam Buster 29 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7130 30 Battlefield 30 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7131 31 Musician 31 ER- [x][x][x]
Siera G7132 32 A Labyrinth Game / Supermind 32 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7133 33 Jumping Acrobats 33 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7134 34 Satellite Attack 34 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7135 35 Electronic Billiards 35 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7136 36 Electronic Hockey / Soccer 36 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7137 37 Monkeyshines 37 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7138 38 Munchkin 38 ER [x][x][x]
Siera G7139 39 Freedom Fighters 39 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7140 40 4 in 1 Row 40 **- [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7141 41 Conquest of the World 41 ** [-][-][-]
Siera G7142 42 Quest for the Rings 42 ** [-][-][-]
Siera G7143 43 Pick Axe Pete 43 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7144 44 Crazy Chase 44 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7145 45 Morse 45 ** [ ][ ][ ]
Siera G7146 46 Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt 46 ** [-][-][-]
Siera G7147 47 The Mousing Cat 47 ** [ ][ ][ ]
| |
| Carts released by CSV in Germany only |
| |
| They came bundled with the G7000 for a while, and don't have a box of their own, |
| They fit in the box of the G7000 they come with. |
| |
CSV ? Verkehrsspiele 1 (Traffic Games 1) UR [x][x][-]
CSV ? Verkehrsspiele 2 (Traffic Games 2) UR [x][x][-]
| |
| Carts released by Imagic in Europe and the US, cardboard boxes |
| |
| These games were released in Brazil also, but by Philips. 71007x-2B |
| EU color EU grey US Release|
Imagic 710075-2A Demon Attack ER [x][ ][ ] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Imagic 710076-2A Atlantis ER [x][x][x] [x][ ][x] [x][x][x]
Imagic - Fathom NR [-][-][-]
Imagic - Moonsweeper NR [-][-][-]
| |
| Carts released by Parker Brothers in Europe only, cardboard boxes. |
| |
| These games were released in Brazil also, but by Philips. |
| |
Parker Brothers 981502 Frogger R ! [x][x][x]
Parker Brothers 981505 Super Cobra R [x][x][x]
Parker Brothers 981517 Q*Bert R [x][x][x]
Parker Brothers 981519 Popeye R [x][x][x]
Parker Brothers - Tutankham PR [x][-][-]
Parker Brothers - Spider Man PR [x][-][-]
Parker Brothers - Star Wars NR [-][-][-]
Parker Brothers - The Empire Strikes Back NR [-][-][-]
Parker Brothers - Revenge of the Jedi / Death Star Battle NR [-][-][-]
| |
| Jopac carts were released by To-Tek in France only, plastic boxes |
| |
To-Tek VXA A01 Legion 30 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JXA A02 Western+ 14+UR [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXA A03 Armada 4 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JXA A04 Catapult+ 20+ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VFA A05 Magibrick 29 ER [x][x][ ]
To-Tek VXA A06 Acrobats 33 UR [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXT A07 Syracuse R [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXT A08 Chez Maxime ER [x][x][x]
To-Tek VXT A08/2 Restaurant Chez Maxime UR [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JXT A09 Syracuse+ ** [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JFT A10 Le Trésor Englouti+ R [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXA B01 Mith & Math 13 UR [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JFA C01 Cosmos+ 11+ER [x][x][x]
To-Tek VFA C02 Laser 18 UR [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXA C03 Monster 22 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JXA C04 Satellit+ 34+ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JXT C05 Exojet+ R [ ][ ][ ]
- - - NR [-][-][-]
To-Tek JxT C07 Demon Attack+ (Imagic title, + ver) R [x][x][x]
To-Tek JFA D01 Flipper+ 24 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXA D02 Baby Foot 27 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JFA D03 Billard+ 35+ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek/VIFI JFT D03 Des Chiffres et des Lettres UR [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JFA E01 Grand Prix+ 1+ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VXA E02 Golf 10 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JFA E03 Basket/Bowling+ 6+ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek VFA E04 Stadium 36 ER [ ][ ][ ]
To-Tek JXT E05 Moto Crash+ R + [ ][ ][ ]
| |
| Carts released by Magnavox in the US (cartboard box) and Canada (plastic box and cardboard box) |
| A* Nr. AC Nr. Canadian |
Magnavox AJ9400 Speedway!/Spin-Out!/Crypto-Logic! 1 C [x][x][x] [x][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9401 Las Vegas Blackjack! 5 R [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9402 Football! 3 U [x][x][x] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9403 Armored Encounter! / Sub Chase! 4 C [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9404 Bowling! / Basketball! 6 U [x][x][x] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9405 Math-a-Magic! / Echo! 7 R [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9406 Computer Intro! 9 U [ ][ ][x] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9407 Matchmaker! / Logix! / Buzzword! 2 C * [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9408 Baseball! 8 C [x][x][x] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
- - - - [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AJ9410 Computer Golf! 10 U [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9411 Cosmic Conflict! 11 C [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AJ9412 Take the Money and Run! 12 U [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9413 I've Got Your Number! 13 R [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AK9414 Invaders From Hyperspace! 18 C [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9415 Thunderball! 24 U [x][x][x] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9416 Showdown in 2100 A.D. 14 C [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9417 War of Nerves! 30 U [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9418 Alpine Skiing! 25 U [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9419 Out of This World / Helicopter Rescue 2 R * [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9420 Hockey! / Soccer! 36 U [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AK9421 Dynasty! 15 U [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AA9422 Volleyball! 28 R [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AA9423 Electronic Table Soccer! 27 R [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AA9424 Pocket Billiards 35 R [ ][ ][x] [x][x][ ] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AA9425 Pachinko! 26 R [x][x][x] [-][-][-] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AA9426 Casino Slot Machine! 23 U [x][x][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AA9427 Blockout! / Breakdown! 29 C [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AA9428 Alien Invaders--Plus! 22 C [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AB9429 The Quest for the Rings! 42 U m [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AB9430 U.F.O.! 34 U [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AB9431 Conquest of the World! 41 R m [x][x][x] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AB9432 Monkeyshines! 37 R [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AC9433 Keyboard Creations A ER [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9434 The Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt 46 R m [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AJ9435 K.C. Munchkin! 38 C [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x] [ ][ ][ ]
Magnavox AC9436 Freedom Fighters! 39 C [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9437 Pick Axe Pete! 43 U [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9438 S.I.D. the Spellbinder ER [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9439 Nimble Numbers Ned! ERv [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9440 Type & Tell! R v [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9441 Smithereens 20 ERv [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9442 K.C.'s Krazy Chase! 44 U v [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9443 P.T. Barnum's Acrobats 33 ERv [-][-][-] [x][x][ ] [-][-][-]
- - - - [-][-][-] [-][-][-] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9445 Attack of the Timelord! 51 ERv [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9446 Turtles 49 ERv [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9447 Killer Bees! 52 ERv [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
Magnavox AC9448 Power Lords UR [-][-][-] [x][x][x] [-][-][-]
| |
| Carts released by Philips in Brazil, plastic boxes |
| |
Philips Brazil 06AV9400 Formula 1/Interlagos/Crypto-Logic! 1 C [x][x][x]
Philips Brazil 06AV9401 Bacara! 5 R [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9402 Futebol Americano! 3 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9403 Os Panzers Atacam/Batalha Aeronaval 4 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9404 Boliche! / Basquetebol! 6 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9405 Matemagica! / Jogo da Memoria! 7 U [ ][ ][ ]
- 06AV9406 - - [-][-][-]
- 06AV9407 - - [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9408 Basebol! 8 U [x][x][x]
- 06AV9409 - - [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9410 Golfe! 10 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9411 Conflito Cosmico! 11 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9412 Pegue o Dinheiro e Corra! 12 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9413 Acerte Seu Numero! 13 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9414 Invasores do Cosmos! 18 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9415 Fliperama! 24 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9416 Duelo no Velho Oeste! 14 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9417 Guerra de Nervos! 30 R [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9418 Esqui nos Alpes! 25 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9419 Acoplagem! / Resgate! 2 C * [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9420 Futebol de Salao! / Hockey! 36 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9421 Logica Chinesa! 15 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9422 Voleibol! 28 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9423 Futebol Eletronico! 27 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9424 Bilhar! 35 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9425 Pachinko! 26 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9426 Caca Niqueis! 23 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9427 Barricada! / Demolicao! 29 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9428 Alien! 22 C [x][x][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9429 Em Busca dos Aneis Perdidos 42 ERm [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9430 OVNI! 34 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9431 A Conquista do Mundo 41 R m [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9432 Macacos Me Mordam! 37 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9433 Criatividade! A ER [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9434 Wall Street 46 ERm [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9435 Come Come 2 38 C [x][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9436 Defensores da Liberdade! 39 C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9437 Didi na Mina Encantada 43 C [x][x][ ]
Dynacom - S.I.D. the Spellbinder NRv [-][-][-]
Dynacom - Nimble Numbers Ned! NRv [-][-][-]
Dynacom - Type and Tell! NRv [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9441 Batalha Medieval! 20 ERv [x][x][x]
Philips Brazil 06AV9442 Come-Come! 44 C v [x][x][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9443 Acrobatas! 33 C v [ ][ ][ ]
- - - - [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9445 Senhor das Trevas! 51 C v [x][x][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9446 Tartarugas! 49 C v [x][x][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9447 Abelhas Assassinas! 52 C v [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9448 Serpente do Poder R [ ][ ][ ]
- - - - [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9461 Bombardeio Submarino!/Tiro ao Alvo! 16 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9462 Desafio Chines! 17 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9463 O Malabarista! / Jogo da Velha! 19 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9464 O Segredo do Farao! 21 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil - - - [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9468 Telegrafista! 45 UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9469 O Gato e o Rato! 47 UR [ ][ ][ ]
- - - - [-][-][-]
Philips Brazil 06AV9472 Super Bee! 50 U [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9473 Buraco Negro! 55 UR [x][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9474 Clay Pigeon! UR [ ][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9475 Comando Noturno! UR [x][ ][ ]
Philips Brazil 06AV9476 Balao Travesso! 54 U [x][x][x]
Philips Brazil 06AV9477 Barao Vermelho! 58 R [ ][ ][ ]
- - - - [-][-][-]
Philips/Imagic 06AV9481 Demon Attack U [x][x][x]
Philips/Imagic 06AV9482 Atlantis U [x][x][x]
Philips/Parker 06AV9483 Frogger C [x][x][ ]
Philips/Parker 06AV9484 Popeye C [x][x][ ]
Philips/Parker 06AV9485 Q*Bert C [ ][ ][ ]
Philips/Parker 06AV9486 Super Cobra C [x][x][x]
Philips Brazil - Chess C7010 NR [-][-][-]
MSP/Gadgets - A Turma da Mônica NR [-][-][-]
| |
| Prototypes |
| |
Philips - Robot City (AKA Laser) PR [x][-][-]
Philips - Plantage (AKA Catch the Ball/Play Tag) PR [ ][-][-]
Philips - Clay Pigeon+ PR [ ][ ][-] Plus version
Philips/GST - Interpol (AKA Simulation Game) PR [ ][-][-]
Philips/GST - Jake (AKA Martian Threat) PR [x][-][-]
Philips/GST - Sharkhunter PR [x][-][-]
Philips - Troj ** [-][-][-] Does it even exist?
Philips - Melrep PR [ ][-][-] Unknown
Philips - Cursus Spaans PR [ ][-][-] "Spanish Course"
Magnavox - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe ** [ ][-][-] Rumored only
Magnavox - Sherlock Holmes PRm [ ][-][-] Master Strategy
Magnavox - Pinball (early prototype) PR [ ][-][-] Unlike released game
Magnavox - Flashpoint+ O3 PR [ ][-][-]
Magnavox - Attack of the Timelord+ O3 51+PR [ ][-][-] Released as videopac+
Magnavox - Baseball+ O3 8+PR [ ][-][-] Released as videopac
Magnavox - Freedom Fighters+ O3 39+PR [ ][-][-] Released as videopac+
Magnavox - Pick Axe Pete+ O3 43+PR [ ][-][-] Released as videopac+
Magnavox - Killer Bees+ O3 49+PR [ ][-][-] Released as videopac+
Magnavox Videopac+ Odyssey3 Modem Cartridge PR [ ][-][-]

| |
| New Classics, recently released cartridges or binaries |
| |
John Dondzilla - 56 Game Multicart UR [ ][ ][ ]
John Dondzilla - 57 Game Multicart UR [ ][ ][ ]
John Dondzilla - 59 Game Multicart UR [ ][ ][ ]
John Dondzilla - 61 Game Multicart UR [ ][ ][ ]
John Dondzilla - 72 Game Multicart UR [x][x][x]
John Dondzilla - 128 Game multicart C [x][x][x] Available from
John Dondzilla - Amok! C [x][x][x] Available from John Dondzilla
John Dondzilla - Amok! Personalised Edition UR [x][x][x] At least 54 made
VPaC - Come-Come das Trevas! J.G. Munchkin! EM [ ][-][-]
Soeren - KTAA C [x][x][-] Available from
Ralph Baer - Pinball (unfinished demo) 29 made UR [ ][-][-]
Ted Szczypiorski- Planet lander C [x][x][x] Available from
Rene van den Ende- Pong C [x][x][x] Available from
Nicolas Sapin - 61 Interpol 40 made UR [x][x][x]
Nicolas Sapin - 62 Clay Pigeon+ 15 made UR [x][x][x]
Dieter Koenig - 63 Flash point+ Collector's ed. 16 made UR [x][x][x]
Dieter Koenig - 63 Flash Point+ 54 made UR [x][x][x] Available from

| |
| The following is an item that was probably used by the tech-guys, it tests the hardware of the |
| machine it runs on, and tells where something went wrong. |
| |
| The cartridge has a 7-segment LED (8 including the dot). It goes through several steps onscreen, |
| and the steps are also shown on the LEDs, which is probably handy if there is no image. |
| It ends in a sprite-editor (which also tests the VDC Grid when used.) |
| |
Philips - Test cart UR [x][-][-]

** Section 3.1 - Philips European-type serials:

Some information for this part taken from Rouven Gehm's web page, which can be
found at

The serial number on the back of the carts shows when the cartridge was

On most Philips videopacs, the serial looks like this:

P*SF PHG 71xx
00 y zz

Or, from module #49 and up, and Videopac+ games

PDSF 271 xx 209
00 0y zz

Where * is either "N" or "D", this might be "N"ederland (Netherlands)
or "D"eutschland (Germany). Not sure about this though.

The xx in 71xx is the number of the videopac.

The y is the year of production, 198y, the zz is the week in that year.

Earliest production date found: 1 17 (week 17, 1981)
Latest production date found : 05 03 (week 3, 1985)
** Section 3.2 - Philips France serials:

(Some information for this part taken from Rouven Gehm's web page, which can be
found at

On the French cardboard boxes, it looks like

13 SF 3111 108 6ddd0
PHG 71xx

Where xxx can be one of two series. One series looks to be 410+<cart number>
whilst I haven't decrypted the other yet.

Example of series 1: 413 (Videopac # 3), 417(Videopac # 7) , 422 (Videopac # 12)
Example of series 2: 545 (Videoapc #24)

or the label looks like

13 SF 3111 108 6ddd0
PH xx

examples: 388 (#A), 387(#16)

Where xx is the videopac number and ddd might be 370+<cart number>. This is just
a wild guess though!

More information to be added ... Give me some time
** Section 3.3 - Philips USA (European carts produced in USA) Serials:

On the USA (cardboard) boxes the serial looks like

1 2 2 7 9 4

80918340 80937330 80942215 80906390 80902773 80904242
AJ9400CT03 AJ9409CT03 AJ9409CT03 AJ9405CT04 AJ9406CT04 AJ9403CT04

I don't know what these numbers mean.
** Section 3.4 - Jopac catalog Numbers

Information in this section was taken from Moonbeam's website, make sure to
visit his site, as it has the French Rarity listing, not only for the
cartridges and their variations, but also for the French consoles!

Jopac games were produced by To-Tek, one of them, "Des Chiffres et de Lettres"
was produced by To-Tek and VIFI International. The carts were sold only in
France, even though some of the manuals have up to ten languages in them, like
the Philips manuals. Maybe they wanted to market them outside France too, but
were too late, and the Videogame industry collapsed before they had a chance to
do that.

Jopac not only produced PLUS versions of Philips games, but also completely new
games, that in one case would only work on Videopac + computers, as do most of
the very late Philips games.

Also, it released an Imagic Game, "Demon Attack", with hires graphics, but it
is not sure if this is a re-release, or a Jopac only release, since the status
of Imagic Demon Attack+ is still uncertain.
Imagic is said to have released Demon Attack+ as a special offer to customers,
but as far as I know, the game is yet to be found.

Little detail: Moto Crash+ will only run on a Videopac+ computer, and all
games have a handwritten "+" added to the words "Compatible Videopac" in the
lower right corner of the manual. Probably, the fact that it didn't work on
non-Plus videopac computers was only discovered after it was made.

Jopac uses different colors for different types of games on the front of the
manual and on the label of the cartridge. The cartridges themselves are grey,
instead of the usual black, allthough some black carts were found.
Please note that I found some black carts marked with a "Demo" label that had
EPROMs with Jopac games on them. This can mean four things:

1. Philips employers illegally copied Jopac demos.
2. Philips wrote these games, but Jopac sold them.
3. Jopac made and sold these games, and Philips wanted to sell them too.
4. Philips had to agree with the games that Jopac wrote/sold, so they had
to see the demos.

Jopac games have their catalog number on front of their manuals. These
catalog numbers also tell what type of game it is. The catalog number looks
like this: L1L2L3 L4N.

L1= V or J

V This game does not have high resolution background ("V" = "Videopac"?)
J This game has high resolution background ("J" = "Jopac" ?)

L2= F or X

It is not known what these mean.

L3= A or T

A Philips produced this game too, with or without hires graphics.
T Philips never produced this game. It is a new, Jopac-only, game.

L4= A, B, C, D or E

A Action Game Red
B Educational Faint Green
C Shoot-em-up Yellow
D 'play' Sports Green
E Sports-sim Blue

N=01 or 02 or 03, etc...

The order in which the games were produced. Using that explanation, it looks
as if there is a game that Jopac had planned to release, but didn't.
catalog number "JXT C06" seems missing.
** Section 4.1 - Philips Cart variations:

Some information for this part taken from Rouven Gehm's web page, which can be
found at

I urge you to take a look at my website, (changes soon
to http://www.xs4all/~buckyb) and take a look at the label-variations section,
because it is much easier to explain all this when you can look at the pictures,
instead of just reading this.

#01 to #13: A. Big number, red arrow, plastic label. Made in USA?
#01 to #18 B. Big number, silver arrow, paper label. Made in France?
#01 to #38: C. Small number, paper label. Made in Netherlands/Germany/France?
C1. "Philips" "Made in France (C) xxxx"
C2a. "Philips" "(C) xxxx", right side of cart is empty
C2b. "Philips" "(C) xxxx", Right side of the shows keys
#39 to #44: C3 "Made in France (C) xxxx N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken, Holland"
#45 to #60: C4a "Made in France (C) xxxx Philips Export bv"
C4b "Made in France (C) xxxx Philips Export B.V."
Type C4a and C4b can both have a paper or plastic-ish label.
However, I'm beginning to think that the same carts always
had the same type of label.


1. Philips videopac #21 has NO copyright notice on the cartridge-label!
2. There is a label variation for Videopac 18, showing "RESET + Any Key"
instead of the usual "RESET + 1".
3. Philips videopac #33 was released in 2 different versions, one with, and
one without extra keys printed on the right side of the cartridge-label.
These are not just label-variations, the games' binairy dumps are really
different, even though the gameplay is exactly the same.
4. A label variation of videopac #18 also exists. Most cartridges have
"RESET + 0...9" but there are carts floating around that say:
"RESET + ANY KEY". I haven't had the chance to dump this cart yet, but
will do so ASAP andlet you guys know.
5. On the Chess C7010 carts the copyright notice says
"(C) 1982 N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken,
Eindhoven, Holland
(C) 1982 Wim Rens, Microtrend International BV.
Amsterdam, Holland"
6. The C7420 BASIC Module uses a subset of Microsoft BASIC, hence the copyright
"Philips Export B.V. 1983
Microsoft Corporation 1983"
7. Videopac "V", Kinder Im Verkehr, has a special picture label.
8. both CSV carts have label that is completely different from all others.
9. Videopac "A", Newscaster, was only released as cartridge type B.

** Section 4.2 - Philips Box variations:

Cart Rar-
Type Box Manual Front Type ity Carts Comments
---- ----------------- ---------------- ---- ---- ------ ---------------------
1a Paper black shiny Black A R 1 - 13
1b Paper black matte Black/Picture B/C R 1 - 26 Picture from #17/18
1c Paper white ? B UR 1 Philips N60 pack-in
2a Plastic Picture, with nr C C 1 - 47
2b Plastic Picture, no nr C C 1 - 47
3 Plus Picture C R 22,38 PLUS box

Looks a bit of a mess, but let me try to describe it.

Philips started producing their games in black shiny carton boxes. When they
got to cart #14, they started using matte carton boxes, and also different
labels for the carts. Production of the earlier numbers continued with the
new boxes.
Then, when they reached cartridge 17 (or 18 ?), they started showing the
pictures on the front of the manual, the front of the box now says
"Philips videopac" instead of only "videopac", and they changed the label
of the cart to the better known 'small numbers' with the name of the game
on it, in different languages. The earlier releases kept their black manual.
Also, the label used on the carts changed to the better known ones, with
a smaller number on it, and the name of the game, in different languages.
When they got to cartridge #27, they decided to start using plastic boxes,
like in Brazil. Production from the earlier carts continued with plastic
boxes and pictures on ALL manuals. The people at home, who had bought the
'cheaper' paper boxes could upgrade to plastic boxes, so you can find plastic
boxes with 'black' manuals and cart type A or B too.
Production of these plastic boxes has been in France probably, since the
little endlabel reads 'Made in France' from #27 up.
Now, these plastic boxes are the ones best known. There are some variations
here, sometimes they printed a little number in the lower left corner of the
manual, sometimes they didn't. They haven't been printing that number on the
cardboard released manuals.
Some games were re-released in a videopac+ type box, only videopac 22 and 38
are known to be released like that. The games were the normal ones, not
special videopac+ editions. From videopac 48 up, Philips started using the
videopac+ manuals, even for 'normal' videopacs. My guess is that videopac 38
and 22 were sold so good the Philips ran out of stock and had to produce some
more, but by that time they had already switched to the new videopac+ type

Radiola started producing cardboard boxes, but, like Philips, switched to
using plastic ones. The earlier carts were re-released in plastic boxes.
Radiola carts are harder to find than Philips carts, so Radiola cardboard
boxes are very hard to find. Outside of France, you won't find any radiola's.

With box-variation 2a and 2b, the back of the manuals were up to videopac #36
black with only some copyrights on it. From 37 upwards, all released videopacs
were listed, although some videopacs are not or not always listed.
Sometimes videopacs were listed with a HIGHER number than the one that has the
list. For example, videopac 37, the first one with the list on the back, also
lists videopac #38.

Philips PLUS boxes variations:

1 Plastic case with Yellow colored paper inside
2 Plastic case with White colored paper inside
3 Plastic case without Philips logo on cover (French releases)
4 Plus-manuals for NON-plus videopacs (same as variation 3 in section 4.2)
5 NON-plus manuals for PLUS videopacs (UK releases)

Number of languages in the manual:

French releases - 1 language
#01 - #26 (cardboard) - 9 languages
#01 - #26 (plastic) - 9 or 10 languages
#27 - #42 - 10 languages
#43 - #58 and videopac+ - 11 languages
#59 - 10 languages
#60 - 9 languages

special ones:

Videopac 9 - 1 langauge, there are probably 11 different ones.
Videopac 31 - 1 language, there are probably 11 different ones.
Videopac 41 - 1 language, there are probably 11 different ones.
Videopac 42 - 1 language, there are probably 11 different ones.
Videopac 48 - 2 languages, there are at least 4 different ones.
C7010 - 4 languages, there are at least 2 different ones.
C7420 - 1 language, there are at least 3 different ones.
(Dutch, German and French)

Videopac 9, Computer Programmer:

The german manual can have "Philips Videopac" or "Philips Videospiel" on it.
Please note that many German pictures show "Philips Videospiel" instead of
"Philips Videopac", but in reality, it was (almost?) never used on labels.

Videopac 31, Musician:

Released in many (11?) different languages.

Videopac 46, The Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt:

This one was NOT released in any other language than English. Also, the cart
itself was a Magnavox cart. catalogues show a Philips-type Label though.
The European version has an extra, 11 page booklet that says "videopac 46" on
the front, with translations of words used in the game, but no translations of
the instructions. The German version has a German instruction manual added
instead of the 'European' booklet.

Videopac 41, Quest for the Rings and 42, Conquest of the World:

These were released in matte and shiny boxes.
On french releases, the Philips logo was not always written on it.
The boxes can have a white and a black bottom part.
Released in many different languages.

Videopac 48, Backgammon:

The rules for this game are pretty extensive, so only two languages fitted into
the manual. Philips released at least four different ones:

Dutch / Italian
? / ?
? / ?
? / ?

C7010 Chess Module:

Two (2) different ones exist, each having 4 different languages in it.
The french Chess modules might have a french-only manual?

C7420 BASIC Module:

So far, 3 different manuals are known, French, Dutch and German.
** Section 4.3 - Philips G7000 hardware variations:

There are lots of different Philips G7000 types, they differ in the

Controller Color, Gray, Silver, Black or Black & White
Controller connection, either fixed to the main unit, or loose, in which case
it can have a DIN or Atari-like connector
Adapter, either Fixed to the main unit or loose. The fixed ones can have an
internal or an external adaptor.
Serial number, 5 number, "SF" followed by 5 or 6 numbers
One thing that also differs is the cartridge Connector color, I've seen white,
grey, greenish or green. I didn't include these in the table, because I think
they used whatever color they had in stock.

Here's a list I pulled from the net, but it doesn't list controller colors.

G7000 fixed controllers, internal power-supply (1st generation)
G7000 fixed controllers, external power-supply (2nd generation)
G7000 loose controllers (DIN-type) (3rd generation)
G7000 loose controllers (Atari-type) (4th generation)
G7000 CSV Verkehrsspiele

Or, a bit more specific, listing revisions:

Unit type Controller Connector PSU Serial Country found
----------------- ----------- --------- -------- --------- -------------
Philips G7000/00 Black Atari Loose xxxxx NL
Philips G7000/00 Grey Atari External xxxxx NL,DK
Philips G7000/20 Black Atari External SF xxxxx DK
Philips G7000/21 Black Fixed Fixed SF xxxxx NL
Philips G7000/22 Black Fixed Internal SF xxxxx NL,DK
Philips G7000/30 Grey Atari External xxxxx NL
Philips G7000/30 Black Atari External xxxxx NL
Philips G7000/35 ? ? ? ? UK
Philips G7000/37Z Black Fixed Internal SF xxxxxx NL
Philips G7000/53 Black Atari External SF xxxxx DK
Philips G7000/54 Black Fixed External SF xxxxx DK
Philips G7000/?? Black/White Atari ? ? ?
Philips G7000/?? Silver Atari ? ? DE (CSV)
Philips G7000/75 ? ? ? ? AU
Philips G7000/75Z ? ? ? ? AU

Philips G7200/00 Black DIN Internal SF xxxxx DK (/NL?)
Philips G7200/05 Black DIN Internal SF xxxxx DK (/NL?)
Philips G7200/19 Grey DIN Internal SF xxxxx FR
Philips G7200/39 ? ? ? ? FR

Philips G7400/00 Black Atari Internal SF xxxxx Anywhere but France
Philips G7400/19 Black Atari Internal SF xxxxx FR
Philips G7400/33 ? ? ? ? SW
Philips G7400/39 ? ? ? ? FR

All videopac machines were produced in France, even the ones that were not sold
over there, like the G7000.

One more thing, Philips made a mess of the European G7000 revisions!
Sometimes, I find a G7000 with a revision-number that I already have, but it is
different from the one I have! This difference can be the anything, like the
type of PSU connector, loose/fixed controllers, etc.

** Section 4.4 - Magnavox Odyssey^2 cartridge variations:

There are 3 major label types to US games (Philips/Magnavox):

Type Ia: White and Orange text on black background, with artwork.
AAxxxx / ABxxxx / AJxxxx / AKxxx numbers
BY MAGNAVOX (C) 19xx Magnavox Consumer Electronics Company
Type Ib: White and orange text on black background, with artwork.
ACxxxx numbers
(C) 19xx N.A.P. Consumer electronics Corp.
(North American Philips)
No mention of Magnavox on the box
All late releases were type Ib, but some of the earlier carts were
also available as an AC number, so these were probably re-releases.
Type IIa: Black text and artwork on gold background
Only Quest for the Rings, Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt and Conquest
of the World
Type IIb: Black text and artwork on blue background
Only Quest for the Rings, Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt and Conquest
of the World
type III: (Mostly) Orange and White text with simple artwork on black
background. Simplified playing instructions on the label.
Type IV : Canadian releases
White text on black background, smaller font than used on US carts.
Game titles printed in both English and French.
No copyright info.
Artwork is always the same; an Odyssey2 logo with the Odyssey2

** Section 4.5 - Magnavox Odyssey^2 hardware variations:

Odyssey^2 hardware variations:

Type 1: Loose, grey controllers.
Type 2: Attached, black controllers, O^2 Logo painted on main unit.
Type 3: Attached, black controllers, O^2 Logo on a 'raised' rectangle.
Type 4: Attached controllers, but controllers are unlike the other ones, these
are like the ones on the O^3 prototypes, there's no "Action" button,
but a long red "Fire bar" on the top.
These were only found near the Philips US HQ in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Type 5: Voice built in ? !! UNCONFIRMED !!

** Section 5 - Special Packaging:

Some videopacs were released in a special box, the ones best known are the
games from the Master Strategy series, but there are some more.

NOTE: Most of these are rated ER. Most of them are not really that rare, but
it's very hard to find a complete set, since most of the time, some items are
missing (like playing pieces or magnets).

Videopac 41, Conquest of the World

1 Cartridge
1 Manual
1 Playing board
100 Power base Unit chips. (Actually 108)
6 Magnet sets, each consisting of 1 big magnet, and 43 small ones.
1 cover, to protect the playing pieces

the chips are stamped in a piece of paper, you have to punch them out when you
first play the game. The magnets come as a 'set', where you have to break them
loose before playing.

Videopac 42, Quest for the Rings

1 Cartridge
1 Manual
1 Playing board
8 Possessions
1 Hourglass
1 Quest
10 Rings
3 Nightmares
3 Dragons
23 Castles
1 G7000/Odyssey2 keyboard overlay
1 G7200 keyboard overlay (European version only)
1 cover, to protect the playing pieces

The possessions and the hourglass are stamped in a piece of paper, you have to
separate them when you first play the game.

Videopac 46, Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt

1 Cartridge
1 Manual
1 Playing board
2 Sets of Margin/Share tokens
2 Prime Rate tokens
1 Time Frame token
2 Investment Record pads
2 Price Calculators
2 'booklets' to hold the investment record pads and price calculators
1 Cover, to protect the playing pieces
1 Piece of cardboard, to protect the corners of the box.
1 Addendum 'videopac 46' (European version only)
1 German manual (German version only)

Videopac 9, Computer Programmer

This is accompanied by a big manual. This manual comes in various size. It can
be the same size as a normal videopac manual, a little bigger, or even full A4
sized! The A4 sized one comes in a big brown envelope.
With the bigger manuals, and plastic cases, Where normally the manual is placed
in the plastic box, is now only a cover.

Videopac 31, Musician

This comes in a big cardboard box, just like the one from the Master Strategy
Series. The box holds:
1 'normal' plastic videopac-box with the cart. Where normally the manual is,
is now only a cover that shows a picture of the right side of the front
of the box.
1 Cardboard holder for the plastic box
1 Keyboard overlay
1 Manual
1 Simple piece of white cardboard to protect the overlay.

C7010, Chess

A really big box that holds:

1 Cartridge (with the extension)
1 Manual
2 Styrophome parts

C7420, BASIC Module

A really big box that holds:

1 Cartridge (with the extension)
1 Manual
1 keyboard overlay
2 Styrophome parts
1 Errata Sheet, fixing some things that were wrong in the manual.

** Section 6 - Rumours (or not rumours but nice to know)

Philips wanted to release "Clay Pigeon" in Europe too. catalogues list it, and a
prototype Clay Pigeon+ with hires background graphics was found.

Philips never produced a #46 (Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt). All #46's sold
had magnavox carts, and english instructions only.
catalogues show videopac 46 with a Philips type label on the cart, but no-one
has seen it in real life.

Radiola catalogues show that they wanted to release Philips videopacs up to #49,
including the Chess module.

Imagic "Demon Attack+" is rumoured to only be available for Imagic costumers.
However, It has yet to be found! More Likely, what people thought to be Imagic
Demon Attack+ is really Jopac Demon Attack+, LICENSED by Imagic.

Jopac Syracuse+ has yet to be found. Until then, it is seen as vaporware.

Philips "V" Cart was only available for members of the German "Commander ROM"
videopac club. It was a 1981 Christmas gift.

Philips Videopac 59 and 60 are the only two carts of which I'm SURE they could
be ordered from the dutch G7000 magazine. At this time, it's unsure if they were
sold in regular stores. Different stories are told.
Expect more information on this soon...

CSV "V1" and "V2" only came bundled with a Philips G7000 in Germany for a
while, the so called "CSV Set". It can be recognised by the big CSV sticker
in the middle of the top/front of the box.
** Section 7.1 - Must Visit (tm) videopac websites:

Websites worth checking out: My site, definatly worth a visit :-) William Cassidy's Odyssey2 homepage sap1's Vectrex/videopac/itnv/Pong page. Marcelo Ribeiro's Brazilian Odyssey site.
Home of the brazilian rarity list. Moonbeam's site, French rarity list for
carts and hardware! Dan Boris's o2em, the Odyssey2 emulator. Dieter König's site, with reviews! Mark Guttenbrunner's site in progress.
Looks promising. Will be having all titles
for download, to play on Daniel Boris'
emulator. Hasn't been touched in a while. Sören Gust's site with MASSIVE G7000 info.
The G7000 BIOS dissasembly, RAM cart,
and more info about his Videopac-game,
called "KTAA" (Kill The Attacking Aliens)
** Section 7.2 - Thank You's:

Thanks to:

My Girlfriend, for being there when I need her the most.

- Nicolas Sapin <> for invaluable help all around.
- Robert D. Kaiser <> for the Ultimate O^2/3 FAQ.
- Rouven Gehm <???> I learned a lot about labelvariations from his website.
- Andrew Krieg <> for his original Odyssey2 cartlist, which
got me started.
- Willian Cassidy <> for his Odyssey2 Home page
- Marcelo Ribeiro <> for the Brazilian list.
- Mark Guttenbrunner <> for *LOTS* of help with
titles, scans, and many, many more.
- Moonbeam <> for help with *LOTS* of titles and French rarity.
- Ronald Slaminko <>, for help on US/Canadian
labels and their variations.
- Dieter König <> For help with some titles, and all around in
- David Winter <> for help with some titles.
- Brian Dehli <> for help with some titles and Danish machines.
- Christian Eriksson <> for help with Swedish machines.

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