Here’s how to reveal 2 different messages
(pictures #1 and #2):
- Set to pricing mode 3 (won’t work on free play)
- One ship per game (not required but easier for trick)
- Make sure there are no credits already on game. Coin up
1 credit and press 1-player button
- Bump into asteroid once
- Press FIRE button 7 times (doesn’t matter how
many shots are actually fired)
- Get shot. Don’t bump into another asteroid or shoot
anything – if you do, go back to #4
- Press 2-player button 3 times
- Coin up 1 credit and press 1-player button
- Press SINIBOMBS button once
- Coin up 3 credits
- Press SINIBOMBS button once
- Get shot. Don’t bump into another asteroid or shoot
- Press 1-player button
At this point you have two choices. To reveal the
programmer names, coin up 3 credits and press the SINIBOMBS button. To
reveal the company name, get shot (again, don’t bump another asteroid or shoot
anything) and press the 1-player button. Note: don't let the attract
mode cycle between games, because the attract mode ship hitting an asteroid will
also count against you.
· The game
was originally going to be called "DarkStar" (only a few prototype marquees
exist). John Newcomer's original idea for this game was titled “Juggernaut”.
· A
prototype version exists which has the following difference:
- The Sinistar logo on the title screen uses a "dripping
blood" font (picture #3), instead of the somewhat-bland title screen of the
released version (picture #4).
- The Sinistar death sequence sometimes occurs off-screen
- There seem to be more crystals per planetoid than in the
release version
- The "set attract mode message" option in the operator
adjustments screen is missing
- High score entry uses fire to advance to the next
character, rather than the joystick
- Warping to the next level can occur in any direction,
not just upper-right
- Sinistar's "roar" occurs multiple times in rapid
succession, cutting off each time
always enters the visible playfield with his mouth closed, regardless of
whether he is speaking or not. (He should enter the playfield with an open
mouth if he is speaking or roaring at the time.)
- When a player's ship is destroyed by the Sinistar, it
explodes rather than spinning out first
BUG: During
the tests for Sound, two sounds are not present. The common version of
Sinistar has only four sounds (The SOUND LINE X jumps over two digits).
This set has six sounds, but two of them are silence.
- BUG: You are
able to set the extra ship and extra ship bonus factors at zero, effectively
putting the program in a loop to give you infinite lives (the games locks
up, and you get an extended *extra ship* sound. Hitting ADVANCE will bring
you to the book keeping totals, and you can see all the free ships awarded.)
· 2
versions exist! The game play was not supposed to be quite so difficult,
but just before production started, the upper-management decided to make the
game harder. In May of 1998, an alternate ROM set (believed to have been burned
for the 1983 AMOA Trade Show in Las Vegas) was discovered. This set offers
slightly different game play and has ROM chip serial numbers ranging from
16-3004-12 through 16-3004-22. The programmers of Sinistar believe this set may
have the coveted easier difficulty settings.
BUG: Extra ships – With the original version
of the ROMs, getting killed twice is possible (before being “crushed” by the
Sinistar – while still spinning in its mouth, get shot by a Warrior). If
you have more than 1 ship left, you will lose 2 ships; if you have 1 ship left,
the program’s ship reserve counter resets to 255 ships (reverse byte roll-over

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