Arcade games |
· HIDDEN MESSAGE: On levels where a city is on the horizon (and even on the title screen), you can find initials on some of the buildings. {Kristine Roper}. Some of them are: 1st level – MSP, LOP (?), and KM (picture #1); 7th level – BJS, RW (for Robert Weatherby?), and bf (picture #2).
· The initials for some/all of the programming team are on the high score table (at power up – picture #3):
RWW – Robert Weatherby (lead programmer?)
BAF – ?
EAR – Ed Rotberg
LLB - ?
REM - ?
LVR - ?
· If you finished all 50 levels, you were given a secret code which could be used to get a free Roadblasters T-shirt (picture #4).