Arcade games |
· Free game - Complete the word SPECIAL.
· Unused graphics of a dinosaur and a bone are hidden in the code (picture #1). {Keith Erickson}
· The manual shows one of the dip switches as being unused, but it’s actually a rack advance option.
· The “part” counter only shows up to 99.
· BUG: At part (screen) 256, graphics glitches appear. The difficulty resets, along with the veggie counter (to a cucumber), but the value shown is 500 (it should be 1,000). Also, on the 'intermission' screen, the text still shows "horseradish" and the value is missing, along with the skulls (picture #2) When the game starts, the enemy is none other than... yourself (picture #3)! At screen 257 everything resets back to normal. {Scott Stilphen}
· BUG: If you keep spinning the same door, part of you will stick through it. You’ll then be able to go through the door without spinning it.