Arcade games 


· Each level consists of 10 screens with 8 enemies on each board; there are 2 potential dockings on each level.

· Levels 1-5, Boards 1 & 2, "Birds" - Enemies fly in a pattern, 4 sets of 2 joined birds (8 enemies total).  They stay above you until you shoot one, it's partner then falls towards you at the bottom of the screen (on Level 1 it stays above).  There are about 3 patterns that they can take.  After 4 total have been shot the remainder fall towards you.  They re-appear in the center of the screen and continue to fall towards you.  This repeats until all 8 have been shot.  (HINT: If 2 are falling and you shoot one of them, the other is likely to reverse its pattern instantly--be careful!)

· Levels 1-5, Boards 3 & 4, "Butterflies" - Again there are 8 enemies per board that follow one of a few possible patterns as they fall towards you.  Stay in the center to kill the last Butterfly on board 4 to be positioned properly for the first docking.

· Docking 1 - Don't use thrust, just fall straight down making minor left/right adjustments to land on center for a proper docking and the most points.

· Levels 1-5, Boards 5 & 6, "Eagles" - Again there are 8 enemies per board that follow one of a few possible patterns as they fall towards you.  Stay in the center to kill the last one so that you are positioned properly for the next board.

· Levels 1-5, Boards 7 & 8, "Meteors" - Two meteors come down at a time crossing each others paths.  Do NOT just hide to the right and try to shoot just one!  Stay in the center and shift a little right and left to shoot BOTH meteors as they come down.  This is necessary to gain big points and more importantly it leaves you in the center after the last one so you can Dock for the second time during the Level.

· Docking 2 - Don't use thrust, just fall straight down making minor left/right adjustments to land on center for a proper docking and the most points.

· Levels 1-5, Boards 9 & 10, "Missiles" - Eight missiles are above you.  On Level 1, one missile falls from the far left.  Level 2, two missiles fall from the far left.  Each Level and additional missile falls from the left.  By Level 5, five missiles fall from the left (all at the same time.)  It is a good strategy to stay to the right during the first 7 Levels of missile boards.  After the initial drop they tend to clump together.

· Levels 6 & 7 - All is the same as Levels one through five, except the LAST ENEMY on the "Bird", "Butterfly", "Eagle" and "Meteor" boards move REALLY FAST.  The Meteors are actually 2 boards of 8 enemies each.  The last meteor for each board moves VERY fast, so watch out.  The Level 7 missile boards are the last missile boards that you can hide all the way to the right to avoid the wall of missiles that come down to mess up your day.  (HINT: Don't shoot right away, if you hit a missile that was about to fall, then another missile will fall with the group instead.  Especially on level 7, just move all the way to the right, wait for the big drop, then move to the left and dodge as you kill the enemies.  Make sure at the end of Level 7 Board 9 that you are positioned to the right to avoid the big drop on board 10.)

· Levels 8-12 - The good news is: if you've made it to the missiles on Level 8 without dying, then you already have about 110,000-119,000 points!  The bad news is: there is nowhere to hide from the wall of Missiles that come down at the end of Level 8 and afterwards.  Do your best to punch a hole in the wall of missiles.  Everything else is pretty much the same as Levels 6 & 7, but from Level 9 forward, not only are you faced with a wall of missiles for their initial drop, but they also continue to drop VERY fast. 

· Levels 13 to 17 or 18, Boards 1, 2, 3 & 4 - At this point something finally changes.  The last enemy on the Bird and Butterfly boards not only move very fast, but they finally break from the previous patterns.  It appears as though they are combining patterns and by doing so creating an actual new pattern.  Playing at this level is extremely hectic; I think the game itself is having a tough time keeping it together.  The enemies don't only move down, they also spend a little time moving back up.  This might be the equivalent to the upside-down boards of Ms. Pac-man.

· Levels 13 to 17 or 18, Boards 5 to 10 - "Eagles":  The last Eagle on each board disappears then re-appears (usually on top of you). The game has pretty much gone insane at this point.

"Meteors":  The Meteors also disappear and sometimes re-appear, but at least they seem to follow their usual patterns.  Sometimes they are just completely invisible until they kill you.

"Missiles":  Each board starts with a wall of Missiles dropping on you VERY fast.  They continue to fall fast, but tend to group together. Sometimes they split up just to throw you a curve (which could happen on any level.)

· Levels 19 and after - If you have made it past this point then I am bumming because odds are that you are the new champion at this game. 

{All info from Ellis J. Rowland}

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