Arcade games |
· Free plane - On certain levels, a red “V” formation of planes will appear straight down from the top. If you kill all 5 of them and it turns into a black & red “POW”, pick it u for a free plane.
· At times, a slow plane will come out from either the right or left side. If shot, it will turn into a special object. If you fly over it, you’ll get 5,000 points.
· It’s possible to finish the game. A special screen will appear with the message “We give up!” with a special bonus of 10 million points!
· BUG: Getting a 100% shooting accuracy will net 10,000 points (or so it says on the screen), but you actually get 50,000! If you let the last plane go and get a 99% rating, you’ll get 20,000 points.