Atari 400/800/XL/XE/XEGS systems |
· EASTER EGG: According to programmer Landon Dyer, an Easter egg is known to exist in the latest version. To trigger it, reset the game after completing a stage (while the screen is flashing yellow) and the message "4 A GOOD TIME JSR 91BD" will scroll across the bottom of the screen (picture #2). "JSR" is a programming instruction that means Jump to SubRoutine, and is the computer assembly language equivalent of "CALL", and "91BD" refers to a memory location. According to Dyer, “91BD was supposed to do something more interesting (I dunno, maybe a shower of pacmen or ghosts or something), but I didn’t finish it up.” For more information about this, check out Don's site: {Don Hodges}
· 2 prototype versions are known to exist. The earlier one, dated 6-14-84 (picture #1), doesn’t have scrolling text on the title screen or the Easter egg – both of which are in the later version (picture #2). Also, the bonus star’s appearance is based on a timer in the earlier version; in the later version it’s based on how much of the playfield you clear, as it is with the arcade version.
· The program will automatically detect what system it’s running on (400/800 or 5200) and configure itself for that system.