Atari 400/800/XL/XE/XEGS systems |
· It’s possible to fall off the cliff (picture #1).
· If you push your opponent backwards through the main entrance, you’ll advance to the next level. {Scott Stilphen}
· Your opponent can’t trigger the spike gate to come down (only you can), but it’s possible to get him temporarily trapped behind it (picture #2).
· It’s possible to keep Akuma in the final room (picture #3) and defeat him there (picture #5), but you'll only be able to push him back so far.
· If Akuma beats you, he will look back towards the Princess (from whatever room he’s in - picture #3) just before the screen fades out.
· After defeating Akuma, run up to the Princess (picture #5) – don’t walk! If you do, she’ll kill you (picture #4). When you beat the game, a message will appear (picture #6).
· BUG: When you’re fighing Akuma in the last room, the last 4 health indicators for him will be distorted. This becomes more apparent when there’s 4 or less indicators left (picture #7). {Scott Stilphen}