Atari 400/800/XL/XE/XEGS systems |
· BUG: When starting a new level, sometimes the game will start you right in front of a rock or hole.
· BUG: Several graphics glitches can appear on the hill sections. When going uphill, jumping UP+LEFT will cause your character’s head to briefly stretch (picture #1). At the top of the hill, jumping near the right side of the screen causes a single pixel to appear above your head (picture #2). When going downhill, a similar graphics glitch will appear when jumping UP+RIGHT. Also, if you jump UP+RIGHT just as you start to go downhill, part of your head will remain floating in the air (picture #3) and will actually stay onscreen up to and including the cave (picture #4)! Note that if this piece is hit by a falling boulder, you will be killed. {Scott Stilphen}