Atari Video Computer System / 2600 |
· BUG: On game 6 or 7, if the game is left on long enough the computer will start moving pieces around! {Salim Bhaloo}
According to the manual, sometimes the computer will not let you use “en
passant” to move out of check. If
this happens, you have to go into the set-up mode to correct it.
Also, if after setting up a chess problem, you initial move is to
“castle”, the computer may not accept it as a legal move.
· BUG: If you checkmate the computer, the game doesn’t actually “end”. Instead, you’ll hear a buzzing sound, and you’ll be able to take the king and keep playing! {John Soper} If you manage to promote a pawn afterwards, it may become the computer's (Queen) piece! {Scott Stilphen}