Atari Video Computer System / 2600 |
• EASTER EGG: After finishing the top of the building (when the helicopter lands), switch to B&W and press both FIRE buttons + SELECT. The building will become the letters “PAN” (for Paul Newell – picture #1). {Todd Rogers}
· Pause trick - Once you clear a floor of fire, you can stay on that floor indefinitely.
· The game uses the right joystick. This is not mentioned in the manual.
· BUG: On game 2 (with the continue feature) when you reach building 8 – if you fail to save a floor and use RESET to continue, you automatically go to building “0”, while still on the same floor. After finishing this building, you start over at building 1. Does anyone know how to get past this to building 9, and (if so) does anything happen when it’s finished? {Scott Stilphen}
· BUG: On game #2, there’s a graphics glitch with building #8. {Scott Stilphen}
· BUG: On game #3, there’s a graphics glitch with building #9. {Scott Stilphen}
Try to get a screen without a building, and the game number at “0”. When you
first start, the building will be invisible, except for the fire. As each floor
is put out, the fire will still be shown on the building screen. After
completing 9 floors, you start at building 1 as you normally would. {Scott