Atari Video Computer System / 2600 |
· Pressing SELECT at certain points causes strange effects. If done before the opening tune ends, the game will pause on the last note. RESET un-pauses the game. When a girder is on-screen, game play freezes for a few seconds. Eggs can be cracked. The evil doctor and electrical signs (on the right side) will disappear (if a sign is on the left, it will lock the game up), as sprite data is cycled through the dropped item. When you’re falling, it will produce a momentary pause. It also offers some control over the helicopter! {Andy Floyd}
· Pictures #7-#10 are the complete layouts for each of the 4 buildings.
· Electrical signs: If you go up the right side of the building (where it splits) the sign will be covering both columns of windows. Sometimes if you move fast enough up the left column you can get past the wire before it jolts you. To avoid this trap, stay to the left side.
· BUG: Falling girders will sometimes wrap-around (picture #1).
· BUG: When climbing past a row with a window, your whole body will briefly be the same color as your top (picture #2).
· BUG: Any large moving objects (bird, girder, sign) touching the building tend to slightly alter the building graphics to the left of it (picture #3).
· BUG: The graphics for the electrical signs are usually distorted. Every time you move up a floor, they will change. The one on the left will have a smaller sign overlapping it as you pass by (picture #4)!
· BUG: The loose wire can’t harm you if it touches your lower body (picture #5).
· BUG: Move up under the electrical sign wire and quickly go UP and then RIGHT, or try moving to the open window next to it, then move LEFT and quickly RIGHT. Your shirt will start flashing the same colors as the sign (picture #6). This will only last until you go higher and the sign is no longer visible. {Scott Stilphen}