Redemption of a Fanboy
Hi, my name is William and I was a Nintendo fanboy.
See, once the NES came out, I has hopelessly entangled in
its seductive 8-bit embrace. And for that, I’m not ashamed – it was, and is, a
great machine. But it wasn’t the only one out there. Sega had the audacity to
challenge the NES with their Master System, and it bugged me. Where did they
get off, insulting my beloved gray box? I remember watching a Sega TV
commercial where a smarmy voiceover disdained Nintendo’s “toy robot” while an
equally smarmy kid looked askance at R.O.B., his expression dripping scorn.
Now, I didn’t own R.O.B. and I had never played any of his games, but right then
and there I decided that I hated Sega and their Nintendo-bashing ways. Hey, I
was only 13.
So I shunned the Master System. My attitude mellowed a bit
by the time the Genesis hit the market, but I still couldn’t work up much
interest in it. Once I started collecting games in earnest in the mid-‘90s,
however, my fanboy tendencies were fading. I gradually stopped caring what
system a game was for or who published it – as long as it was worth playing. I
even bought a Master System while out thrifting But I was still slow in
warming to the Genesis – I didn’t even buy one until 1999. Maybe it’s a vestige
of fanboy prejudice, maybe it’s the fact that I have no nostalgia for the
machine – either way, while I’ve found a few Genny games I quite enjoy (Thunderforce
III, Castlevania Bloodlines), most of my Genesis collection sits
unknown and unplayed.
Until now. This weekend I have some time to myself, and
I’ve decided to get to know Sega’s 16-bitter by playing every Genesis game in my
collection that I haven’t yet tried. I don’t have unlimited time here, so I’m
limiting my sample to the kinds of games you can get a reasonable impression of
in 15 minutes or less. So no RPGs or hefty strategy games, unfortunately. But
that still leaves me with 30-odd games to try.
Inside me, that 13-year-old fanboy is screaming. But it’s
for his own good.
30 Games in 2 Days
From favorite to least favorite, here’s how I rank all the
games I played this weekend, after about 15 minutes of play each:
Dynamite Headdy
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron
Earthworm Jim
Championship Pro-Am
Ms. Pac-Man
Ecco the Dolphin/Ecco 2
Shinobi III
Aero The Acro-Bat
Golden Axe II
Wiz ‘N’ Liz
Rock ‘n Roll Racing
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker
Belle’s Quest
Maximum Carnage
Spider-Man / X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge
ToeJam & Earl
Jungle Strike
Double Dragon 3
Side Pocket
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Fatal Fury 2
Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude
Championship Pool
Sword of Sodan
Roar of the Beast
Sword of Sodan – I begin my Genesis indoctrination
with this Electronic Arts offering that immediately impresses me with its
detailed graphics. This looks like it’ll be a rousing melee adventure! What’s
this? My swordfighter moves like he’s stuck in molasses? Oh, I see, it’s a
“realistic” swordfight. Trouble with reality is, it’s less fun than video
games. This game surely wouldn’t have won me over at age 13. Let’s move on.
Spider-Man / X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge – A platformer
that promises superheroic action and immediately disappoints by forcing Spidey
to go on a scavenger hunt. Once I take control of the other heroes things start
to improve. Bonus points to the Storm level for making me think of Jungle
Roar of the Beast – This game is pretty, but also
pretty annoying. It’s hard to be an effective fighter when your enemies have to
be a half-inch away from you before you can hit them. Nice visuals though.
Championship Pool –Billiards is a fun game you play
with your buddies in pool halls and bars, right? So why does playing this game
feel like doing homework? I guess if you’re looking for a realistic pool sim
this would be up your alley. Or you could play actual pool.
Belle’s Quest – Aha, a 16-bit version of Smurf:
Rescue in Gargamel’s Castle. Actually this is a pretty good use of a movie
license that would mostly appeal to younger girls. On a side note: what is it
with birds in platform-style games? Even in magical storybook land, they’re
right bastards.
Battletoads – I’ve played this game before, but I
didn’t really give it the time its reputation warranted – and now I’m doing it
again! Yet even in just a few minutes, I can feel the quality. I can also feel
the difficulty. I’ll be coming back to this one.
Fatal Fury 2 – With the exception of the first
Mortal Kombat, I really don’t like fighting games. This one simply reminds
me of that. Is FF2 a good fighting game? I guess I’ll never really
Double Dragon 3: In Search of a Subtitle – What
subtitle to use? The label says The Arcade Game, the title screen says
The Rosetta Stone. Either way, this game just doesn’t live up to the
first two Dragons, which are still my favorite beat’em-ups of all time.
For guys who are supposed to be concluding their martial arts training, the
brothers Lee seem to have forgotten a lot of their earlier moves. Punch. Kick.
Ecco the Dolphin and Ecco 2 –It’s a testament to my
Genesis aversion that I’d never played these games before. What watery, gentle
elegance. In today’s world of 1080p and HDTV, the beauty of these games is
somewhat diminished, but it’s not difficult to see why people were so captivated
by our bottle-nosed friend back in the 16-bit days.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers – Go Go Power Rangers…
right back onto the shelf, thank you. Actually my expectations for this 1-on-1
fighting game were so low that it exceeded them, but that still doesn’t mean I
like it.
Dynamite Headdy – Wow! Definitely the most
impressive game I’ve played so far. Those Treasure guys were Genesis masters.
They cram so much goodness into a platform game it makes me weep with joy. You
can bet I’ll be playing more of this.
Championship Pro-Am – Why did I wait so long to try
this? I’m a huge fan of R.C. Pro-Am and its sequel on the NES. The
Genesis version is exactly the same as the first NES installment, only
with better graphics, slightly tighter controls and less grating sound effects.
I just found a new favorite racer!
Wiz ‘N’ Liz – Lordy, I can’t remember the last time
I played a game that felt this fast! This one has a great sense of style, and
that music has no business coming out of the Genny’s weak sound chip. I’m just
not sure I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to – where’s a manual when you need
Wardner – I’m familiar with this game from MAME, and
at first glance this looks like a faithful port. But was the arcade game this
bloody hard? I really wanted to like this one, but after dying TWENTY times on
the first level trying to negotiate the damn vines over the first long pit, I
gave up. You have bested me, Mentrix Software Inc.
Side Pocket – A more “arcadey” approach to billiards
than Championship Pool, which in my mind makes it more fun. You don’t
have to fill out a questionnaire to take a shot. Still, I can’t help but think
that if you want to play pool, you might have more fun playing pool, but
maybe that’s just me.
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master – Nothing
could be as good as Revenge of Shinobi, could it? Could it?!? This one
sure comes close, and even if Revenge is a shade better, part III earns
bonus points just for the horse riding level.
Aero The Acro-Bat – This takes me right back to the
cute platform mascot craze of the early ‘90s. Turns out this is more of a
“puzzleformer” than the straight-out platformer I was expecting, which brightens
my day. A cute game and pretty fun too!
Blockout – Aha! So this is the same
Blockout I used to play on Windows 3.11! An awesome 3-D Tetris that
practically causes my brain to explode from the stress of thinking in too many
dimensions at once. How could geometry be so darn fun? For that matter, how
could exploding brains?
Earthworm Jim – Here’s the real penalty for being a
fanboy – you miss out on great games like this. I remember the fuss over EWJ
when it first came out, but I never really understood it. It’s 12 years later
and I finally do.
Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude – Will remain that
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine – I didn’t even
need to play this game to know I’d like it… after all, it’s really Puyo Puyo
in disguise. Nice graphics.
Golden Axe II – A classic. I confess I’ve never
been a huge fan of this series, but this feels like a solid port. I found
myself playing this one much longer than I meant to. Bizarrians, ho!
Ms. Pac-Man – Hmm, now where have I seen this game
before? The classic is here all right, but brilliantly redone with new mazes
and game options! For me, Ms. Pac is largely about the audio, and I can’t
believe how authentic the Genesis sounds are – they’re better than some ports
I’ve played on later machines.
Rock ‘n Roll Racing – Here’s another I had high
hopes for, and even though the Genesis version is impressive, I have to wonder
if the Super NES would be better able to handle this game. That’s not the
fanboy rearing his ugly head – this game relies a lot on audio, and the SNES
simply has a more powerful sound system than the Genesis. Also, the framerate
seems kinda choppy. A noble effort though!
Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker – There’s something
amusing, yet tragic, about playing a game where Michael Jackson rescues
kidnapped kids while in real life he’s on trial for child molestation. But
leaving the irony aside, this isn’t a bad little platformer. Even without the
molestation charge, the idea of MJ as a videogame hero is fairly ridiculous, but
this game has enough style that you can almost accept that his dance moves are
really devastating magical attacks. In any event, the soundtrack leaves me
longing for the days when Michael was God’s gift to pop music rather than
tabloid headlines.
Jungle Strike – After playing this for five minutes,
I can tell that really learning it will take much more time. It looks a little
high on thinking, low on action for my taste. But at least I got to blow up the
Jefferson Memorial while playing it. (Who’s holding truths to be self-evident
now, beeyotch?)
Maximum Carnage – I was a comic book geek when the
Maximum Carnage mini-series was first published, so I was optimistic
about this game. And at first, my optimism seemed to be rewarded with a fairly
solid beat’em-up. Then I reached the “Climb” level, which was just irritating.
Bonus points for making me think of Crazy Climber though.
ToeJam & Earl – I’m in dangerous territory here.
TJ&E is sacred, and if I don’t like it I could be considered foolish, or
even worse, unfunky. Yet the DP online guide says you either “get” this game or
you don’t, and at first bite it seems I don’t. But I’m playing without a manual
and I’m obviously missing something. A quick hop online reveals my mistake:
this isn’t an action game; it’s a randomly-generated scavenger hunt! Now I’m
intrigued. My jury’s still out on this one… further “research” will be needed.
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron – Now this is
easier to pick up! It’s a platformer, which makes it less original overall, but
it’s so – dare I say it? – funky. I’m a sucker for an involved platform
game, and this one mixes in enough gameplay elements to give Dynamite Headdy
a run for its money.
So, my fingers bruised, my eyes bleeding, I turned off the
Genesis, my head spinning with afterimages of all these “new” games. Quite an
eye-opening experience.
Here’s the part where I’m supposed to say that I was a fool
for being a fanboy, that the Genesis rules and I should be ashamed of myself for
ever liking Nintendo better, right? But I won’t. Being a fanboy WAS a mistake
I’ll admit, but there’s nothing wrong with having preferences. Despite the
flood of great titles on Sega systems (which I now happily acknowledge), I think
I’ll always prefer Nintendo games over Sega games on the whole – they’re what I
grew up with, after all. But that doesn’t mean all Nintendo games are good or
that I can’t enjoy games on the Genesis or the Master System… or wherever. The
fanboy inside me may be dead, but the fan will live forever. And I’m OK
with that.
Now, I’m off to play some more Dynamite Headdy…